<%[@ IncludeFile "Code/Util.vbs" ]%> <%[@ IncludeFile "Code/Lang.vbs" ]%> <%[ If Not Session("Svg") And Not Session("Pdf") Then Report.AbortPage ReportGenerator.NegateAxisY = True ' Create an HTML file for each GenoMap Dim strShowSvgTip, strShowPdfTip, strAltShowGenoMapFrame, strAltHideGenoMapFrame, strMapInfo, strMapInfo1 strShowSvgTip = StrDicExt("ShowSvgTip", "", "Display as SVG", "", "") strShowPdfTip = StrDicExt("ShowPdfTip", "", "Display as PDF", "", "") strAltHideGenoMapFrame = StrDicExt("AltHideGenoMapFrame", "AltHideSvgFrame", "", "", "") strAltToggleGenoMapFrame = StrDicExt("AltToggleGenoMapFrame", "AltToggleSvgFrame", "", "", "") strMapInfo1 = Util.FormatString("SvgTip:""{}"",PdfTip:""{}"",SVG:{},PDF:{},ZoomExtent:{},ExpandFrame:{},PdfToolbar:{}", _ Util.JavaScriptEncode(StrDicExt("ShowSvgTip", "", "Display as SVG", "", "")), _ Util.JavaScriptEncode(StrDicExt("ShowPdfTip", "", "Display as PDF", "", "")), _ Util.IfElse(Session("Svg"), "true", "false"), _ Util.IfElse(Session("Pdf"), "true", "false"), _ Util.IfElse(Session("fSvgZoomExtent"), "true", "false"), _ Util.IfElse(Session("fSvgExpandFrame"), "true", "false"), _ Util.IfElse(Session("PdfToolbar"), "true", "false")) For Each g In GenoMaps strFile = Util.JavaScriptEncode(g.Session("FileSvg")) If (strFile <> "") Then strMapInfo = "{File:""" & strFile & """, Bounds:[" & g.BoundaryRect & "]," &strMapInfo1 & "}" ]%> @[GoogleAnalytics]@
  @[Report.WriteText strAltToggleGenoMapFrame]@ @[Report.WriteText strAltHideGenoMapFrame]@

@[Report.WriteText Util.IfElse(GenoMaps.Count > 1, StrDicExt("HeaderGenoMap", "HeaderSvg", "", "", ""), StrDicExt("HeaderGenoMap", "HeaderSvg", "1", "PC", "")) & g.Name]@

A 'genogram' depicting a family tree should appear here

If no diagram is shown then either of the following could be the cause:

The diagram has been produced as a PDF and either no PDF viewer has been installed or the diagram has been opened in another window.
The diagram has been produced in SVG format (Scaleable Vector Graphic) and either you are using Internet Explorer version 8 or below, in this case you should install the 'Adobe SVG Viewer', or you are using another browser that does not support SVG
You are using Google Chrome browser but arre viewing the report locally on a PC directly from the generated files (i.e. via the 'File' protocol) rather than via a web/HTTP server

<%[ Report.BufferWriteToFile g.Session("PathGenoMap") ' Write the content of the buffer to a file Report.BufferLength = 0 ' Flush the buffer for the next HTML page End If Next ' Generate the next HTML page Report.AbortPage ' Prevent the template file "genomap.htm" to be written to the output report ]%>