<%[@ IncludeFile "Code/Util.vbs" ]%> <%[@ IncludeFile "Code/Lang.vbs" ]%> <%[@ IncludeFile "Code/IEForm.vbs" ]%> Initialize Report Generator

This file initializes various data structures for this report.  You are welcome to remove this file from the configuration file if feel you don't need it, or write extra code to include new features to your report.  This file is never copied to the destination report, so here is a good place to include your comments and personal notes while you are designing your report.

To view the code, please use a normal text editor such as Notepad or switch to the "HTML Code" view.


<%[ ' The idea of the file Init.htm is to show how to use of the Session object. ' The presence of the Init.htm file is a good example of structured programming ' by having initialization code in a common place. ' Check for appropriate version of MS Scripting If (ScriptEngineMajorVersion + (ScriptEngineMinorVersion / 10)) < 5.5 Then Report.LogError ConfigMessage("ErrorScriptingVersion") End If Dim strXmlDom, strVersion, oError, strXml, strGlobal, strBaseLanguage, ich, jch, oMatches, oMatch, oSubMatches, oSubMatch, oRegExp_XML, oFso Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strXmlDom = Array("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0","msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0","msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0","msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0","msxml2.DOMDocument", "Microsoft.XMLDOM") On Error Resume Next For Each strVersion in strXmlDom Err.Clear Set oXmlDoc = CreateObject(strVersion) If Err.Number=0 Then Exit For Next If Err.Number <> 0 Then Report.LogError Util.FormatString(ConfigMessage("ErrorXMLParser"), Err.Number, Err.Description) On Error Goto 0 Dim oXmlCfg, strXmlCfg Set oXmlCfg = CreateObject(strVersion) strXml = ReportGenerator.Document.GetTextXml jch = Instr(strXml,"") If jch > 0 Then ich = InstrRev(Mid(strXml,1,jch),">") + 1 strBaseLanguage = Mid(strXml, ich, jch - ich) End If On Error Resume Next If oFso.FileExists("Config" & strBaseLanguage & ".xml") Then strXmlCfg = ReportGenerator.FileGetText("Config" & strBaseLanguage & ".xml") Else Err.Raise(1) End If If Err.Number > 0 Then strXmlCfg = ReportGenerator.FileGetText("Config.xml") On Error Goto 0 oXmlCfg.LoadXml strXmlCfg Set oError = oXmlCfg.parseError If oError.errorCode <> 0 Then Report.LogError Util.FormatString(ConfigMessage("ErrorXMLLoad"), oError.reason, oError.line ,oError.srcText, "Config XML") Report.AbortReport End If oXmlCfg.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath" Set oNode = oXmlCfg.selectSingleNode("/Skin/ReportGenerator/GenerationMessages") Session("ConfigMessages") = oNode strTitle = StrParseText(ReportGenerator.document.Title) If (strTitle = "") Then Report.LogWarning ConfigMessage("WarningTitleMissing") ' Use the default title from the language dictionary strTitle = Dic("Title") End If Session("Title") = strTitle ' Store the report title in the session variable, so it can be accessed from anywhere. ' Use MS XML Parser to get Custom Tags from GenoPro Xml On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Set oRegExp_XML = New RegExp If Err.Number > 0 Then Report.LogError Util.FormatString(ConfigMessage("ErrorRegExpBroken"), Err.Number, Err.Description) Report.AbortReport End If On Error Goto 0 oRegExp_XML.Global = True oRegExp_XML.IgnoreCase = True oRegExp_XML.Pattern="&#([0-8]|1[124-9]|2[0-9]|3[01]);" Set oMatches = oRegExp_XML.Execute(strXml) If oMatches.Count > 0 Then Report.LogError ConfigMessage("ErrorXMLEntities") strPrevTag = "" For Each oMatch in oMatches ich = InstrRev(strXml,"<",oMatch.FirstIndex) strTag = Mid(strXml, ich, Instr(oMatch.FirstIndex, strXml, "<") - ich) strPrevTag = strTag Next End If ich = Instr(strXml, "") - ich) oRegExp_XML.Pattern="" Set oMatches = oRegExp_Xml.Execute(strGlobal) oRegExp_XML.Pattern = "\.[^_a-z]" For Each oMatch in oMatches Set oSubMatches = oRegExp_XML.Execute("." & oMatch.SubMatches(0)) If oSubMatches.Count > 0 Then strTag = "." & oMatch.SubMatches(0) For Each oSubMatch In oSubMatches strTag = Replace(strTag, oSubMatch.Value, "._" & Mid(oSubMatch.Value, 2)) Next Report.LogError ConfigMessage("ErrorCustomTag") & Util.FormatString(ConfigMessage("ErrorCustomTagRename"), oMatch.SubMatches(0), Mid(strTag, 2)) End If Next oRegExp_XML.Pattern = "^((Start|End)?Date)|^((Birth|Birth.Baptism|Death|Death.Funerals|Death.Disposition|Divorce|Marriage|Publication)?\.Date)\." For Each oMatch in oMatches Set oSubMatches = oRegExp_XML.Execute(oMatch.SubMatches(0)) If oSubMatches.Count > 0 Then strTag = oSubMatches.Item(0).Value strTag = Replace(oMatch.SubMatches(0), strTag, Left(strTag, Len(strTag)-1) & "_") Report.LogError ConfigMessage("ErrorCustomDateTag") & Util.FormatString(ConfigMessage("ErrorCustomTagRename"), oMatch.SubMatches(0), strTag) End If Next oXmlDoc.loadXml strXml Set oError = oXmlDoc.parseError If oError.errorCode <> 0 Then Report.LogError Util.FormatString(ConfigMessage("ErrorXMLLoad"), oError.reason, oError.line, oError.srcText, "GenoPro XML") End If oXmlDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath" ' Now load Dictionary into MS XML parser to get acces to non-standard attributes e.g. G1, G2 etc. Dim oXmlDic, fOk, strXmlDic Set oXmlDic = CreateObject(strVersion) On Error Resume Next strXmlDic = ReportGenerator.FileGetText("Dictionary.xml") If Err.Number = 0 Then oXmlDic.LoadXml strXmlDic Else ' pre version Report.LogWarning "Using pre Dictionary handler" fOk = oXmlDic.Load(ReportGenerator.PathSkin & "Dictionary.xml") End If On Error Goto 0 Set oError = oXmlDic.parseError If oError.errorCode <> 0 Then Report.LogError Util.FormatString(ConfigMessage("ErrorXMLLoad"), oError.reason, oError.line ,oError.srcText, "Dictionary XML") Else Set g_oDicRepGen = oXmlDic.selectSingleNode("/Dictionary/ReportGenerator") oXmlDic.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath" End If ' store some date format strings from the Dictionary in a String Dictionary Object (see also Lang.vbs GetDateFormat) Set oDicCache = Util.NewStringDictionary() Session("DicCache")=oDicCache Session("SKAltDefault") = "" If Not oXmlDic Is Nothing Then Set oNode = oXmlDic.selectSingleNode("/Dictionary/DateFormatting/FmtDateRange") If Not oNode Is Nothing Then For Each strType in Array("Since", "Until", "From", "To") Set oChild = oNode.selectSingleNode("Fmt" & strType & "YMD") If Not oChild Is Nothing Then oDicCache.Add "DR_" & strType & "YMD", oChild.firstChild.text Set oChild = oNode.selectSingleNode("Fmt" & strType & "YM") If Not oChild Is Nothing Then oDicCache.Add "DR_" & strType & "YM", oChild.firstChild.text Set oChild = oNode.selectSingleNode("Fmt" & strType & "Y") If Not oChild Is Nothing Then oDicCache.Add "DR_" & strType & "Y", oChild.firstChild.text Set oChild = oNode.selectSingleNode("Fmt" & strType & "MD") If Not oChild Is Nothing Then oDicCache.Add "DR_" & strType & "MD", oChild.firstChild.text Next Set oChild = oNode.selectSingleNode("FmtFromAndTo") If Not oChild Is Nothing Then oDicCache.Add "DR_FromAndTo", oChild.firstChild.text End If Set oNode = oXmlDic.selectSingleNode("/Dictionary/SearchKeywords/AltDefault") If Not oNode Is Nothing Then Session("SKAltDefault") = oNode.getAttribute("T") Dim strMonths, strWeekday, strWeekdays Set oNodes = oXmlDic.selectNodes("/Dictionary/DateFormatting/Months/*/text()") If Not oNodes Is Nothing Then strMonths = "" For Each oNode In oNodes strMonths = strMonths & ",'" & oNode.nodeValue & "'" Next oDicCache.Add "Months", Mid(strMonths,2) End If strWeekdays = "" For Each strWeekday in Array("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat") Set oNode = oXmlDic.selectSingleNode("/Dictionary/DateFormatting/Weekdays/" & strWeekday & "/text()") strWeekday = oNode.parentNode.getAttribute("S") If IsNull(strWeekday) Then strWeekday = Left(oNode.nodeValue, 3) strWeekdays = strWeekdays & ",'" & strWeekday & "'" Next oDicCache.Add "Weekdays", Mid(strWeekdays,2) oDicCache.Add "FirstDay", oXmlDic.selectSingleNode("/Dictionary/DateFormatting/Weekdays").getAttribute("FirstDay") End If ' now create a dialog(ue) to allow user to amend Report Parameters. Dim oDialog, oForm, oGroup, oShell, oTable, oRow, OCell, oData, oSelect, oDiv, i, j, k, strParam, strValue, strType, strTextDirection, strCellAlign, strText Dim strTip, strDrive, arrOption, nResponse, oParameters, arrSelect(100), arrText(100), sCnt, tCnt, nSize, nMax, btnOk, btnCancel, fFormChanged Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set oParameters = Util.NewStringDictionary() sCnt = 0 ' Select/Option params tCnt = 0 ' Text params If Not oXmlDic Is Nothing Then Set oNode = oXmlCfg.selectSingleNode("/Skin/ReportGenerator/ParameterDescriptions") Set g_oGlobal = oXmlDoc.selectSingleNode("/GenoPro/Global") Dim fChange, strMarker fChange = False If UCase(CustomTag(Null, "ChangeParameters")="Y") Then fChange = True Report.LogComment ConfigMessage("ParametersOverride"), "#000080" ElseIf UCase(CustomTag(Null, "ChangeParameters")="N") Then Report.LogComment ConfigMessage("ParametersOverride"), "#000080" Else If Report.ParametersShowDlg Then fChange = True Report.LogComment ConfigMessage("ParametersSetOption"), "#000080" Else Report.LogComment ConfigMessage("ParametersClearOption"), "#000080" End If End If strDrive = Left(oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WINDIR%"),1) If Not oNode Is Nothing And fChange Then Report.LogComment ConfigMessage("ParametersFormLoad"), "#000080" Set oDialog = New IEForm strTextDirection=oNode.getAttribute("TextDirection") strCellAlign = Util.IfElse(strTextDirection = "rtl", "right", "left") oDialog.Initialize(strTextDirection) Set oForm = oDialog.Form oDialog.Title = ReportGenerator.SkinName Set oDiv = oDialog.Division(oForm,"left") strMarker = ConfigMessage("Marker") strDrive = Left(oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WINDIR%"),1) oDialog.SetLines oDiv, Util.FormatString(ConfigMessage("HeaderConfigParameters"), strMarker), "center" oDialog.LineBreak oDiv For i = 0 to oNode.childNodes.length - 1 ' skip comment node Set oChild = oNode.childNodes(i) If oChild.nodeType = 1 Then ' element node (i.e. ignore any comment nodes) Set oGroup = oDialog.Group(oForm, oChild.getAttribute("T") & " >>", True) Set oTable = oDialog.Table(oGroup, "0", "center", false) For j = 0 to oChild.childNodes.length - 1 Set oParam = oChild.childNodes(j) If oParam.nodeType = 1 Then strType = oParam.getAttribute("Type") strParam = oParam.nodeName strValue = GetParameter(strParam) strText = oParam.getAttribute("T") If strType = "file" Then strText = Util.FormatString(strText, Replace(strValue, "?", strDrive)) strTip = oParam.getAttribute("Desc") If IsNull(strTip) Then strTip="" Set oRow = oDialog.Row(oTable) Set oCell = oDialog.Cell(oRow, "55%", "right", strTip) Set oData = oDialog.SetLines(oCell, strText & Util.IfElse(strTip <> "", " " & strMarker, ""),"") k = 1 strOption = oParam.getAttribute("O" & k) Set oCell = oDialog.Cell(oRow, "45%", strCellAlign,"") If Not IsNull(strOption) Then Set arrSelect(sCnt) = oDialog.Selection(oCell) arrSelect(sCnt+1) = strParam Do While strOption <> "" arrOption = split(strOption, ":") Set oData = oDialog.SetOption(arrSelect(sCnt), arrOption(0), arrOption(1), arrOption(0) = strValue) k = k + 1 strOption = oParam.getAttribute("O" & k) Loop sCnt = sCnt + 2 Else arrText(tCnt+1) = strParam nSize = oParam.getAttribute("Size") + 0 If IsNull(strType) Then Set arrText(tCnt) = oDialog.SetField(oCell, "text", strValue, Util.IfElse(nSize = 0, 40, nSize), Util.IfElse(nSize = 0, 1024, nSize)) Else Set arrText(tCnt) = oDialog.SetField(oCell, strType, strValue, Util.IfElse(nSize = 0, 30, nSize), Util.IfElse(nSize = 0, 1024, nSize)) End If tCnt = tCnt + 2 End If End If Next oDialog.LineBreak oGroup End If Next Set oDiv = oDialog.Division(oForm,"right") oDialog.LineBreak oDiv Set btnOk = oDialog.SetField(oDiv, "button", ConfigMessage("Ok"), Len(ConfigMessage("Ok")), Len(ConfigMessage("Ok"))) oDialog.SetText oDiv, " " Set btnCancel = oDialog.SetField(oDiv, "button", ConfigMessage("Cancel"), Len(ConfigMessage("Cancel")), Len(ConfigMessage("Cancel"))) oDialog.Show = True On Error Resume Next ReportGenerator.Sleep 100 ' see if we are running or above If Err.Number = 0 Then ' yes we are Do Until oDialog.IsClicked(btnOk) Or oDialog.IsClicked(btnCancel) If Err.Number <> 0 Then Report.LogWarning ConfigMessage("ParametersAbandoned") Exit Do End If ReportGenerator.Sleep 1000 Loop Else ' pre version Report.LogWarning "Using pre form wait" Err.Clear nResponse = oShell.Popup(ConfigMessage("ParametersAmend"), 0, ReportGenerator.SkinName, 64 + &H40000) End If fFormChanged = (Err.Number = 0) And Not oDialog.IsClicked(btnCancel) oDialog.Show = False on Error Goto 0 If fFormChanged Then 'save defaults for any 'file' parameters as these are not available from the form. Dim strNameDic strNameDic = GetParameter("LangNameDictionary") ' Place amended and unchanged parameters into StringDictionary For i = 0 To sCnt - 1 Step 2 oParameters.Add arrSelect(i + 1), oDialog.GetOption(arrSelect(i)) ' Report.LogWarning arrSelect(i + 1) & "=" & oDialog.GetOption(arrSelect(i)) Next For i = 0 To tCnt - 1 Step 2 oParameters.Add arrText(i + 1), oDialog.GetField(arrText(i)) ' Report.LogWarning arrText(i + 1) & "=" & oDialog.GetField(arrText(i)) Next ' reinstate saved 'file' default if no value entered on form If oParameters("LangNameDictionary") = "" Then oParameters.KeyValue("LangNameDictionary") = strNameDic End If Set oDialog = Nothing ' remove the form End If End If Dim arrGeneralSettings(23) Dim today, locale locale = GetLocale() SetLocale("en-gb") today = Date arrGeneralSettings(0) = Day(today) & " " & MonthName(Month(today), True) & " " & Year(today) SetLocale(locale) ' The following are used by StrPossessiveProperNoun, StrLocativeProperNoun & StrDateSpan respectively, which in turn all call StrSubstititute ' Create array of regular expressions for possessive proper noun conversion (see StrPossessiveProperNoun function in Lang.vbs) arrGeneralSettings(1) = split(Replace(Dic("PossessiveProperNoun"),"=",":"),":") ' Create array of regular expressions for Place preposition exceptions e.g. French au Le Mans => au Mans arrGeneralSettings(2) = split(Replace(Dic("LocativeProperNoun") & "(.*)=$1:","=",":"),":") ' Create array of regular expressions for Date Span phrase conversion e.g. French jusqu'en 12 mai 1968 => jusqu'au 12 mai 1968 arrGeneralSettings(16) = split(Replace(Dic("ConvertDateSpan") & "(.*)=$1:","=",":"),":") arrGeneralSettings(20) = split(Replace(Dic("RootNameAffixes") & "(.*)=$1:","=",":"),":") ' Create a general use RegExp object Set oRegEx = New RegExp oRegEx.IgnoreCase = True Set eSpace = New RegExp eSpace.Global = True eSpace.Pattern = "\s+" Set arrGeneralSettings(3) = oRegEx Set arrGeneralSettings(4) = eSpace Set arrGeneralSettings(14) = oXmlDoc.selectSingleNode("/GenoPro/Global") Set arrGeneralSettings(17) = g_oDicRepGen arrGeneralSettings(15) = Util.FormatPhrase("{0}[-{1}]",LCase(ReportGenerator.SkinLanguage), LCase(GetParameter("LangHtmlCulture"))) arrGeneralSettings(5) = True arrGeneralSettings(6) = (GetParameter("fHideFamilyDetails") = "Y") arrGeneralSettings(7) = (GetParameter("fHideNameTreeIndex") = "Y") arrGeneralSettings(8) = (GetParameter("fJoinPlaceNames") = "Y") arrGeneralSettings(9) = (GetParameter("fJoinSourceCitationNames") = "Y") arrGeneralSettings(10) = (GetParameter("fCollapseNotes") = "Y") arrGeneralSettings(11) = (GetParameter("fCollapseReferences") = "Y") arrGeneralSettings(12) = GetParameter("cTocExpand") + 0 arrGeneralSettings(13) = GetParameter("StyleSheet") arrGeneralSettings(18) = (GetParameter("LangShowOthers") = "Y") arrGeneralSettings(19) = (GetParameter("Calendar") = "Y") arrGeneralSettings(21) = (GetParameter("PedigreeCharts") = "Y") arrGeneralSettings(22) = GetParameter("LangShowDefault") arrGeneralSettings(23) = GetParameter("TextDirection") If ReportGenerator.Document.IsTextDirectionRTL And arrGeneralSettings(23) = "" then arrGeneralSettings(23) = "rtl" Session("GeneralSettings") = arrGeneralSettings Dim arrPictureSettings(9) strImgSize = GetParameter("PictureSizeLarge") arrPictureSettings(0) = Util.GetWidth(strImgSize) arrPictureSettings(1) = Util.GetHeight(strImgSize) strImgSize = GetParameter("PictureSizeSmall") arrPictureSettings(2) = Util.GetWidth(strImgSize) arrPictureSettings(3) = Util.GetHeight(strImgSize) arrPictureSettings(4) = 0 strPicturePadding = GetParameter("PicturePadding") If (strPicturePadding <> "") Then arrPictureSettings(4) = strPicturePadding + 0 ' Convert the string to integer End If arrPictureSettings(5) = (GetParameter("fHidePictureName") = "Y") arrPictureSettings(6) = (GetParameter("fShowPictureDetails") = "Y") Dim nPictureInterval nPictureInterval = GetParameter("PictureInterval") + 0 If nPictureInterval < 1000 Or nPictureInterval > 10000 Then Report.LogError ConfigMessage("ErrorSliderRange") If nPictureInterval < 1000 Then nPictureInterval = 1000 If nPictureInterval > 10000 Then nPictureInterval = 10000 arrPictureSettings(7) = (-30+(30-9)*((10000 - nPictureInterval)/(10000-1000))) & "" arrPictureSettings(8) = (GetParameter("fUsePictureThumbnails") = "Y") arrPictureSettings(9) = (GetParameter("fUsePictureId") = "Y") Session("PictureSettings") = arrPictureSettings Dim arrThumbnailSettings(3) arrThumbnailSettings(0) = (GetParameter("ThumbnailCreate") = "Y") arrThumbnailSettings(1) = GetParameter("ThumbnailDpi") + 0 arrThumbnailSettings(2) = GetParameter("ThumbnailQuality") + 0 arrThumbnailSettings(3) = Replace(GetParameter("IrfanViewPath"),"?",strDrive) If arrThumbnailSettings(3) = "" Then arrThumbnailSettings(3) = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WINDIR%") & "\..\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" Session("ThumbnailSettings") = arrThumbnailSettings Dim arrMapSettings(9) arrMapSettings(0) = (GetParameter("GoogleMapsApiKey")) arrMapSettings(1) = (GetParameter("GoogleMaps") = "Y") arrMapSettings(2) = (GetParameter("fGoogleMapsLink") = "Y") arrMapSettings(3) = (GetParameter("fGoogleMapsOverview") = "Y") arrMapSettings(4) = (GetParameter("GoogleMapsZoom")) + 0 arrMapSettings(5) = (GetParameter("GoogleMapsType")) + 0 arrMapSettings(6) = Util.GetWidth( GetParameter("GoogleMapsSmall")) arrMapSettings(7) = Util.GetHeight(GetParameter("GoogleMapsSmall")) arrMapSettings(8) = Util.GetWidth( GetParameter("GoogleMapsLarge")) arrMapSettings(9) = Util.GetHeight(GetParameter("GoogleMapsLarge")) Session("MapSettings") = arrMapSettings Dim arrSvgSettings(8) arrSvgSettings(0) = (GetParameter("fSvgExpandFrame") = "Y") arrSvgSettings(1) = (GetParameter("fSvgZoomExtent") = "Y") arrSvgSettings(2) = (Instr(GetParameter("SvgPdf"),"SVG") > 0) arrSvgSettings(3) = (GetParameter("fSvgCompress") = "Y") arrSvgSettings(4) = (Instr(GetParameter("SvgPdf"),"PDF") > 0) arrSvgSettings(5) = Replace(GetParameter("InkscapePath"), "?", strDrive) If arrSvgSettings(5) = "" Then arrSvgSettings(5) = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WINDIR%") & "\..\Program Files\Inkscape\inkscape.exe" arrSvgSettings(6) = (GetParameter("PdfToolbar") = "Y") arrSvgSettings(7) = (Instr(GetParameter("SvgPdf"),"SVG") = 1) arrSvgSettings(8) = (GetParameter("ShowAllAges") = "Y") If arrSvgSettings(4) Then ' PDF files requested If Not oFso.FileExists(arrSvgSettings(5)) Then Report.LogComment ConfigMessage("ErrorInkscapeNotFound") & " (" & arrSvgSettings(5) & ")", "#000080" arrSvgSettings(4) = False arrSvgSettings(7) = True End If End If Session("SvgSettings") = arrSvgSettings If (Pictures.Count > 0) And (arrSvgSettings(2) Or arrSvgSettings(4) Or arrThumbnailSettings(0)) Then If Not oFso.FileExists(arrThumbnailSettings(3)) Then Report.LogComment ConfigMessage("ErrorIrfanviewNotFound") & " (" & arrThumbnailSettings(3) & ")", "#000080" arrThumbnailSettings(3) = "" If arrThumbnailSettings(0) Then arrPictureSettings(8) = False Session("PictureSettings") = arrPictureSettings End If arrThumbnailSettings(0) = False Session("ThumbnailSettings") = arrThumbnailSettings End If End If Dim arrTimelineSettings(5) arrTimelineSettings(0) = (GetParameter("Timelines") = "Y") arrTimelineSettings(1) = GetParameter("TimelineMinEventsIndividual") + 0 arrTimelineSettings(2) = GetParameter("TimelineMinEventsFamily") + 0 arrTimelineSettings(3) = (GetParameter("TimelineShowDuration") = "Y") arrTimelineSettings(4) = (GetParameter("TimelineContemporary") = "Y") arrTimelineSettings(5) = (GetParameter("TimelineWrapEvents") = "Y") Session("TimelineSettings") = arrTimelineSettings Dim arrLanguageSettings(3) arrLanguageSettings(0)=GetParameter("TagNameFull") arrLanguageSettings(1)=IsTrue(GetParameter("OriginalNamesCharts")) arrLanguageSettings(2)=IsTrue(GetParameter("OriginalNamesTimelines")) arrLanguageSettings(3)=IsTrue(GetParameter("OriginalNamesGoogleMaps")) Session("LanguageSettings") = arrLanguageSettings Dim cnt, strLast, oDate, strName, strShort, strTagFull, srTagFormal, strTagKnownAs, strTagShort, strTagAlternative ' Initialise Tags for Name formats strTagFull = GetParameter("TagNameFull") srTagFormal = GetParameter("TagNameFormal") strTagKnownAs = GetParameter("TagNameKnownAs") strTagShort = GetParameter("TagNameShort") strTagAlternative = GetParameter("TagNameAlternative") strPhraseNameAlternative = GetParameter("PhraseNameAlternative") Session("NameTags") = Array(strTagFull, strTagFormal, strTagKnownAs, strTagShort, strTagAlternative, strPhraseNameAlternative) ' fIndexAlternativeNames = GetParameter("IndexAlternativeNames") = "Y" fShowBaseNameOnly = GetParameter("ShowBaseNameOnly") = "Y" InitGlobalVariables ' Initialise Name Dictionary lookups if required. Dim oNameDicPlace, oNameDicAlternative, oNameDicRoot, oNameDicPossessive, oNameDicLocative, oNameDicJob, strPlace, strJob strNameDic=GetParameter("LangNameDictionary") strTarget = ReportGenerator.SkinLanguage If (GetParameter("LangNames") <> "" Or GetParameter("LangPlace") <> "" Or GetParameter("LangOccupation") <> "" Or GetParameter("LangAlternative") <> "" Or GetParameter("LangBaseNameLookup")=True Or GetParameter("LangLocativeLookup")=True Or GetParameter("LangPossessiveLookup")=True) Then If (strNameDic = "") Then ReportLogError ConfigMessage("ErrorNoNameDictionary") Report.AbortReport() End If Set oXmlNam = CreateObject(strVersion) If Instr(strNameDic, "\") > 0 Then oXmlNam.load(strNameDic) Else oXmlNam.loadXML(ReportGenerator.FileGetText(strNameDic)) End If If oXmlNam.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then Report.LogError ConfigMessage("ErrorCantLoadNameDictionary") Report.AbortReport() End If oXmlNam.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath" Dim oNodes Set oNodes = oXmlNam.selectSingleNode("/NameDictionary/Names/N[1]") If (oNodes Is Nothing) Then Report.LogWarning ConfigMessage("WarningEmptyNameDictionary") End If strNames = GetParameter("LangNames") If strNames <> "" And strNames <> strTarget Then Set oNameDicNames = Util.NewNameDictionary oNameDicNames.BuildLookupTable strNameDic, strNames, strTarget Else Set oNameDicNames = Nothing End If Session("oNameDicNames") = oNameDicNames strPlace = GetParameter("LangPlace") If strPlace <> "" And strPlace <> strTarget Then Set oNameDicPlace = Util.NewNameDictionary oNameDicPlace.BuildLookupTable strNameDic, "P." & strPlace, "P." & strTarget Else Set oNameDicPlace = Nothing End If Session("oNameDicPlace") = oNameDicPlace strJob = GetParameter("LangOccupation") If strJob <> "" And strJob <> strTarget Then Set oNameDicJob = Util.NewNameDictionary oNameDicJob.BuildLookupTable strNameDic, "O." & strJob, "O." & strTarget Else Set oNameDicJob = Nothing End If strAlt = GetParameter("LangAlternative") If strAlt <> "" And strAlt <> strTarget Then Set oNameDicAlternative = Util.NewNameDictionary oNameDicAlternative.BuildLookupTable strNameDic, strTarget, strAlt Else Set oNameDicAlternative = Nothing End If If GetParameter("LangBaseNameLookup") = "Y" Then Set oNameDicRoot = Util.NewNameDictionary oNameDicRoot.BuildLookupTable strNameDic, strTarget, strTarget & "_B" Else Set oNameDicRoot = Nothing End If If GetParameter("LangPossessiveLookup") = "Y" Then Set oNameDicPossessive = Util.NewNameDictionary oNameDicPossessive.BuildLookupTable strNameDic, strTarget, strTarget & "_P" Else Set oNameDicPossessive = Nothing End If If GetParameter("LangLocativeLookup") = "Y" Then Set oNameDicLocative = Util.NewNameDictionary oNameDicLocative.BuildLookupTable strNameDic, "P." & strTarget, "P." & strTarget & "_L" Else Set oNameDicLocative = Nothing End If ' The following code generates a complete list of all the individuals ' found in the report. If an individual has an empty name, then ' its href value is set to an empty string so the report generator ' can skip those individuals. ' The list of all individuals is stored in an "ObjectRepertory". ' The first level is the letter of the alphabet, the second level ' is the last name, and finally the individuals. ' This repertory is stored in the Session object so it can be ' accessed by other pages. Set oRepertoryIndividuals = Util.NewObjectRepertory ' Global repertory ' Store the repertory into the Session object Session("oRepertoryIndividuals") = oRepertoryIndividuals Set oRepertoryNoLastName = Util.NewObjectRepertory ' Repertory for the individuals without a last name Session("oRepertoryNoLastName") = oRepertoryNoLastName ' Use a string dictionary to count the number of individuals starting with a given letter of the alphabet ' A string dictionary is much faster and takes less memory than the object repertory Set oStringDictionaryFirstChar = Util.NewStringDictionary() Session("oStringDictionaryFirstChar") = oStringDictionaryFirstChar ' Use a string dictionary to count the frequency of each last name. ' A string dictionary is much faster than the object repertory for counting strings Set oStringDictionaryNames = Util.NewStringDictionary() Session("oStringDictionaryNames") = oStringDictionaryNames Set collectionIndividuals = Util.NewDataSorter() Dim strPart, arrParts, strTrans, strName1, strName2, pCnt, strTempFldr, strPath, strExt, strTempThumb, strThumbDate, strPictureDate, oTempThumb, oHttp, oBinaryStream ' Create an index of picture paths by picture id. and also an index of any image maps and create thumbnails if required. Set oPicIndex = Util.NewObjectRepertory() Session("oPicIndex")=oPicIndex Set oPicMaps = Util.NewStringDictionary() Session("oPicMaps")=oPicMaps If g_CreateThumbnails Then strTempFldr = oFso.GetSpecialFolder(2).Path & "\" strTempThumb = oFso.GetTempName strTempThumb = strTempFldr & Mid(strTempThumb, 1, InstrRev(strTempThumb, ".")-1) 'Set oTempThumb = oFso.CreateTextFile(strTempFldr & strTempThumb, True, True) 'oTempThumb.Close Set oHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") Set oBinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") oBinaryStream.Type = 1 ' binary oBinaryStream.Mode = 3 ' read/write oBinaryStream.Open End If For Each p in Pictures oPicIndex.Add p.ID, p If Instr(p.Path.Report,":") > 0 Then ' absolute path oPicIndex.Add p.ID, "" Else ' relative path oPicIndex.Add p.ID, "../" End If If Left(UCase(CustomTag(p, "_Exclude")), 1) <> "Y" Then If p.PictureDimension = "" Then p.Session("IsExcluded") = True Else p.Session("IsExcluded") = False If CustomTag(p, "_AreaMap") <> "" Then oPicMaps.Add p.ID, CustomTag(p, "_AreaMap") If g_CreateThumbnails Then strPath = p.Path strFile="thumbnails/" & p.Path.FileUnique strThumbDate = ReportGenerator.FileUploadedGetTimestamp(strFile) strPictureDate = GetFileTimestamp(strPath) If strPictureDate <> "" Then If strPictureDate > strThumbDate Then strThumbDate = "" If strThumbDate = "" Then j = InstrRev(strPath, ".") If j > 0 Then strExt = Mid(strPath, j) Else strExt = ".jpg" End If Report.LogComment Util.FormatString(ConfigMessage("FmtThumbnailCreate"), strPath) strThumbSize = PicResize(p, strTempThumb & strExt, g_cxPictureSizeLarge, g_cyPictureSizeLarge, True, False) strThumbSize = ReportGenerator.FileUpload(strTempThumb & strExt, strFile, strPictureDate) oFso.DeleteFile(strTempThumb & strExt) Else Report.LogComment Util.FormatString(ConfigMessage("FmtThumbnailUpToDate"), strPath) End If Else Report.LogError ConfigMessage("ErrorThumbnailCheck") & " " & strPath End If End If End If Else p.Session("IsExcluded") = True End If Next If g_CreateThumbnails And oFso.FileExists(strTempFldr & strTempThumb) Then oFso.DeleteFile(strTempFldr & strTempThumb) cnt = 0 For Each i in AllIndividuals ' Create some extra 'Properties' for each individual i.Session("NameFull") = StrNameTranslate(i.TagValue(strTagFull), oNameDicNames, False) i.Session("NameFullPossessive") = StrPossessiveProperNoun(i.Session("NameFull") , oNameDicPossessive) i.Session("NameLast") = StrNameTranslate(i.Name.Last, oNameDicNames, False) i.Session("NameLAstPossessive") = StrPossessiveProperNoun(i.Session("NameLast") , oNameDicPossessive) i.Session("NameOriginal") = i.TagValue(strTagFull) strName = StrNameTranslate(i.TagValue(srTagFormal), oNameDicNames, False) nStart = Instr(strName, Dic("MarkerFirstName")) If nStart > 0 Then i.Session("NameFormal") = MId(strName, nStart + 1, Instr(nStart, strName & " ", " ") - nStart -1) Else i.Session("NameFormal") = strName End If i.Session("NameKnownAs") = StrNameTranslate(i.TagValue(strTagKnownAs), oNameDicNames, False) i.Session("NameDisplay") = StrNameTranslate(i.Name.Display, oNameDicNames, False) strName = StrNameTranslate(i.TagValue(strTagShort), oNameDicNames, False) i.Session("NameShort") = Util.FirstNonEmpty(strName, StrDicMFU("_NoName", i.Gender.ID)) i.Session("NamePossessive") = StrPossessiveProperNoun(strName, oNameDicPossessive) strName = "" If strTagAlternative <> "" Then strName = StrNameTranslate(i.TagValue(strTagAlternative), oNameDicAlternative, False) i.Session("NameAlternative") = Util.FormatPhrase(strPhraseNameAlternative, i.Session("NameFull"), strName, (Instr(i.Session("NameFull"), strName) > 0)) strName = StrNameTranslate(Util.FirstNonEmpty(i.Name.Last, i.Name.Last2), oNameDicNames, False) i.Session("NameLast") = strName strName1 = StrSubstitute(strName, g_RegEx_RNA) i.Session("Affix") = False If Not strName1 = i.Session("NameLast") Then i.Session("Affix") = True strName2= "" If Not oNameDicRoot Is Nothing Then strName2 = oNameDicRoot(strName1) If Not strName2 = strName1 Then i.Session("Affix") = False End If i.Session("NameRoot") = Util.FirstNonEmpty(strName2, strName1) i.Session("Hlink") = StrHtmlHyperlink(i) i.Session("HlinkNN") = StrHtmlHyperlinkNN(i) Next For Each i in Individuals Set oDate = i.Birth.Date If oDate.ToStringNarrative = "" Then Set oDate = i.Birth.Baptism.Date strFirstAndMiddle = StrNameTranslate(i.Name.First, oNameDicNames, False) & StrNameTranslate(i.Name.Middle, oNameDicNames, False) collectionIndividuals.Add i, Util.StrStripAccentsUCase(Util.StrStripPunctuation(Trim(i.Session("NameRoot")))), strFirstAndMiddle, oDate.Year, oDate.Month, oDate.Day, Util.StrStripAccentsUCase(Util.StrStripPunctuation(Trim(i.Session("NameLast")))) pCnt=0 For Each pic in i.Pictures If Not pic.Session("IsExcluded") Then pCnt = pCnt + 1 Next i.Session("PicturesIncluded") = pCnt Next collectionIndividuals.SortByKey For Each i In collectionIndividuals ' Keep only the individuals having a name and some data (ie, DataLevel > 1) strName = i.Session("NameFull") 'If (strName <> "" AND i.DataLevel > 1) Then If (strName <> "") Then iCount = iCount + 1 strNameLast = i.Session("NameLast") strNameRoot = i.Session("NameRoot") If (strNameRoot <> "") Then oStringDictionaryNames.Add strNameRoot If Not i.Session("Affix") And Not fShowBaseNameOnly And strNameLast <> strNameRoot Then strName = oStringDictionaryNames.KeyValue(strNameRoot) If Not Instr("/" & strName & "/", "/" & strNameLast & "/") > 0 Then oStringDictionaryNames.KeyValue(strNameRoot) = strName & "/" & strNameLast End If End If ' Get the first letter of the individual strFirstChar = Util.StrGetFirstChar(Util.StrStripAccentsUCase(Util.StrStripPunctuation(Trim(strNameRoot)))) oStringDictionaryFirstChar.Add strFirstChar If (strFirstChar <> "") Then Set oRepertoryFirstChar = oRepertoryIndividuals.AddObjectRepertory(strFirstChar) oRepertoryFirstChar.Add strNameRoot, i Else ' Add the individual to this special repertory oRepertoryNoLastName.Add strName, i End If Else ' Prevent any hyperlink to this individual because it has no name or not enough data i.Href = "" End If Next Session("IndividualsCount") = iCount ' Now, loop through each letter of the alphabet to determine how many individuals are present ' under each letter of the alphabet ' Store the formatted string in the second key (o.Object(1)) For Each o In oRepertoryIndividuals strFirstChar = o.Key Set oRepertoryFamilies = o.Object(0) o.Add Util.FormatString("({}, {})", Dic.PlurialCount("Family", oRepertoryFamilies.Count), Dic.PlurialCount("Individual", oStringDictionaryFirstChar.KeyCounter(strFirstChar))) Next ' Sort the dictionary from the largest to the smallest number. This dictionary is used to generate ' the meta description and display the most popular family names oStringDictionaryNames.SortByCounter oStringDictionaryNames.Reverse For Each f in Families f.Session("Name") = StrFamilyName(f, True, strTagFull) f.Session("NameOriginal") = StrFamilyName(f, False, strTagFull) f.Session("Hlink") = StrHtmlHyperlink(f) pCnt=0 For Each pic in f.Pictures If Not pic.Session("IsExcluded") Then pCnt = pCnt + 1 Next f.Session("PicturesIncluded") = pCnt Next ' The following code stores addiitonal Properties for Places ' in the Place Session object. Since places are used everywhere in ' the report, a good place to initialize those variables is ' in the file Init.htm. ' Dim rCnt For Each p in Places p.Session("NameShort") = StrPlaceTranslate(p.Name) p.Session("NameFull") = JoinPlaceNames(p, p.Session("NameShort"), true) p.Session("LocativeRaw") = JoinPlaceNames(p, StrLocativeProperNoun(p, oNameDicLocative), True) ' used by StrHtmlHyperlink() p.Session("Locative") = Replace(Replace(p.Session("LocativeRaw"), "[", ""), "]", "") p.Session("Hlink") = StrHtmlHyperlinkPlace(p) p.Session("HlinkLocative") = StrHtmlHyperlink(p) If p.City <> "" Then p.Session("City") = StrFormatText(p,StrParseText(StrPlaceTranslate(p.City))) If p.State <> "" Then p.Session("State") = StrFormatText(p,StrParseText(StrPlaceTranslate(p.State))) If p.County <> "" Then p.Session("County") = StrFormatText(p,StrParseText(StrPlaceTranslate(p.County))) If p.Country <> "" Then p.Session("Country") = StrFormatText(p,StrParseText(StrPlaceTranslate(p.Country))) rCnt = 0 For Each obj in p.References If obj.Class <> "SourceCitation" Then rCnt = rCnt + 1 ' ignore references from sources with no references of their own or just a reference to parent source ElseIf obj.References.Count > 0 Then rCnt = rCnt + 1 End If Next p.Session("References") = rCnt pCnt=0 For Each pic in p.Pictures If Not pic.Session("IsExcluded") Then pCnt = pCnt + 1 Next p.Session("PicturesIncluded") = pCnt Next Dim arrLines For Each s in SocialEntities arrLines=Split(s.Text & vbLf, vbLf) s.Session("Name") = Util.FirstNonEmpty(CustomTag(s, "Title"), arrLines(0), "(" & s.ID & ")") s.Session("Hlink") = StrHtmlHyperlink(s) pCnt=0 For Each pic in s.Pictures If Not pic.Session("IsExcluded") Then pCnt = pCnt + 1 Next s.Session("PicturesIncluded") = pCnt Next For Each s in Labels arrLines=Split(s.Text & vbLf, vbLf) s.Session("Name") = Util.FirstNonEmpty(CustomTag(s, "Title"), arrLines(0), "(" & s.ID & ")") pCnt=0 For Each pic in s.Pictures If Not pic.Session("IsExcluded") Then pCnt = pCnt + 1 Next s.Session("PicturesIncluded") = pCnt Next For Each s in SourcesAndCitations s.Session("Hlink") = StrHtmlHyperlink(s) rCnt = 0 For Each obj in s.References If obj.Class <> "Place" Then rCnt = rCnt + 1 ' ignore references from places with no references of their own ElseIf obj.References.Count > 0 Then rCnt = rCnt + 1 End If Next s.Session("References") = rCnt pCnt=0 For Each pic in s.Pictures If Not pic.Session("IsExcluded") Then pCnt = pCnt + 1 Next s.Session("PicturesIncluded") = pCnt Next For Each e in Educations pCnt=0 For Each pic in E.Pictures If Not pic.Session("IsExcluded") Then pCnt = pCnt + 1 Next E.Session("PicturesIncluded") = pCnt Next For Each o in Occupations If Not oNameDicJob Is Nothing Then o.Session("Title") = oNameDicJob(o.Title) Else o.Session("Title") = o.Title End If pCnt=0 For Each pic in o.Pictures If Not pic.Session("IsExcluded") Then pCnt = pCnt + 1 Next o.Session("PicturesIncluded") = pCnt Next ' Create ObjectRepertory for rings/chains of Hyperlinks Set oHyperlinkRings = Util.NewObjectRepertory Session("oHyperlinkRings") = oHyperlinkRings ' Create index for entries in the above Repertory Set oHyperlinkRingIndex = Util.NewStringDictionary() Session("oHyperlinkRingIndex")=oHyperlinkRingIndex ' now build the Repertory and Index For Each o In AllIndividuals ' include hyperlinks If o.hyperlink.internal ="Y" Then If o.IndividualInternalHyperlink.ID <> "" Then ' its the link only oHyperlinkRings.Add o.IndividualInternalHyperlink.ID, o oHyperlinkRingIndex.Add o.ID, oHyperlinkRings.KeyCounter(o.IndividualInternalHyperlink.ID)-1 Else ' it's the source oHyperlinkRings.Add o.ID, o oHyperlinkRingIndex.Add o.ID, oHyperlinkRings.KeyCounter(o.ID)-1 End If End If Next ' Create object repertories to hold Social Relationships indexed by Individual. Set oRepertoryEntity1 = Util.NewObjectRepertory ' key is source entity Session("oRepertoryEntity1") = oRepertoryEntity1 Set oRepertoryEntity2 = Util.NewObjectRepertory ' key is target entity Session("oRepertoryEntity2") = oRepertoryEntity2 For Each r in SocialRelationships strLang = CustomTag(r, "Language") If strLang="" Or strLang=ReportGenerator.SkinLanguage Then If r.entity1.Class = "Individual" Then AddRelationship r.entity1, r, oRepertoryEntity1 Else oRepertoryEntity1.Add r.entity1.ID, r End If If r.entity2.Class = "Individual" Then AddRelationship r.entity2, r, oRepertoryEntity2 Else oRepertoryEntity2.Add r.entity2.ID, r End If End If pCnt=0 For Each pic in r.Pictures If Not pic.Session("IsExcluded") Then pCnt = pCnt + 1 Next r.Session("PicturesIncluded") = pCnt Next For Each r in EmotionalRelationships if r.Entity1.Class = "Individual" Then AddRelationship r.Entity1, r, oRepertoryEntity1 if r.Entity2.Class = "Individual" Then AddRelationship r.Entity2, r, oRepertoryEntity2 pCnt=0 For Each pic in r.Pictures If Not pic.Session("IsExcluded") Then pCnt = pCnt + 1 Next r.Session("PicturesIncluded") = pCnt Next ' now create an ObjectRepertory with Dictionaries of each set of Custom Tags present together ' with the 'DialogLayout' groupings of each by accessing the GenoPro XML data via MS XMLDOM Dim Layout, strDesc, strTag, strPrevTag, strTags, strPrivate, strSubTag, strSubTags Set oCustomTagRepertory = Util.NewObjectRepertory strPrivate = Dic("Private") ' allows some tags to be excluded from the report. ' build the Custom Tag Repertory. ' ------------------------------- ' The key of each entry is the object class, e.g. Individual, Family, Place etc. ' the 1st object, object(0), is a string dictionary that provides a lookup of tag description from the custom tag name, i.e. the TagData elements ' the 2nd & subsequent objects are string arrays that hold Custom Tag 'Dialog Layout' information as follows: ' element 0 of each array is the name of the 'Dialog Layout' i.e. 'name' attribute ' element 1 of each array is the description of the 'Dialog Layout' i.e. 'description' element ' element 2 onwards are the Custom Tag names in that 'Dialog Layout' i.e. 'tags' element Set oTags = oXmlDoc.selectnodes("/GenoPro/Global/Tags") For Each oTag In oTags oId = oTag.GetAttribute("ID") Set oTagData = oTag.selectnodes("TagData") Set oCustomTagDictionary = Util.NewStringDictionary() For Each oTagDatum In oTagData strTag = oTagDatum.GetAttribute("Name") oCustomTagDictionary.Add strTag, StrParseText(oTagDatum.selectsinglenode("DisplayName").firstChild.text) Next ' add the tag dictionary to the repertory entry for this class of GenoPro objects oCustomTagRepertory.Add oId, oCustomTagDictionary ' now add the DiaglogLayouts Set oLayouts = oTag.selectnodes("DialogLayout") For Each oLayout In oLayouts Set oTemp = oLayout.selectsinglenode("Description") If Not oTemp Is Nothing Then strDesc = oTemp.firstChild.text Set oTemp = oLayout.selectsinglenode("Tags") If Not oTemp Is Nothing Then strTags = oTemp.firstChild.text If Left(strDesc,1) <> "_" And (strPrivate = "" Or Instr(strDesc, strPrivate) <> 1) Then strTag = Replace(oLayout.GetAttribute("Name"), " ", "") Layout = split(strTag & ",,," & strTags,",") Layout(1) = StrParseText(strDesc) If Instr(Layout(1) , Dic("CustomTagLayoutDefault")) = 1 Then Layout(1) = Dic("CustomTagLayoutSubstitute") g_LangShowOthers = False Layout(2) = CustomTag(Null, "PhCT_" & strTag) If Instr(Layout(2), "{�") > 0 Then Layout(2) = StrParseText(Layout(2)) g_LangShowOthers = (GetParameter("LangShowOthers") = "Y") For i = 3 to Ubound(Layout) strCustomTagDesc = oCustomTagDictionary.KeyValue(Layout(i)) If Left(strCustomTagDesc,1) ="_" Or (strPrivate <> "" And Instr(strCustomTagDesc, strPrivate) = 1) Then Layout(i) = "" ' blank if private ' Report.LogWarning Util.FormatString(ConfigMessage("WarningCustomTagExcluded"), strCustomTagDesc, strDesc) End If Next oCustomTagRepertory.Add oId, Layout Erase Layout Else ' Report.LogWarning Util.FormatString(ConfigMessage("WarningCustomLayoutExcluded"), strDesc) End If strDesc = "" strTags = "" Next Next Set oXmlDoc = nothing Session("oCustomTagRepertory") = oCustomTagRepertory ' Create a Twin 'lookup' repertory Dim t, s, f, oRepertoryTwins Set oRepertoryTwins = Util.NewObjectRepertory Session("oRepertoryTwins") = oRepertoryTwins For Each t in Twins oRepertoryTwins.Add "T" & t.ID, t ' add twin object For Each s in t.Siblings Set s = HyperlinkDataSource(s) oRepertoryTwins.Add "I" & s.ID, "T" & t.ID ' add lookup from each sibling Next If Not Util.IsNothing(t.Family) Then ' t.Family.ID is broken at present (GenoPro 2.0 beta 18c), it returns twin link id instead of family id ' oRepertoryTwins.Add "F" & t.Family.ID, "T" & t.ID ' add lookup from family ' so use this instead oRepertoryTwins.Add "F" & t.Siblings(0).Family.ID, "T" & t.ID ' add lookup from each sibling End If Next ' Create an 'adopted/fostered child' lookup repertory Dim l, oRepertoryNonBio Set oRepertoryNonBio = Util.NewObjectRepertory Session("oRepertoryNonBio") = oRepertoryNonBio For Each l in PedigreeLinks strLink = l.PedigreeLink.ID Set i = l.child If Not Util.IsNothing(l.child.IndividualInternalHyperlink) Then Set i = l.child.IndividualInternalHyperlink If strLink = "Adopted" Or strLink = "Foster" And Not i.IsLabel = True Then oRepertoryNonBio.Add UCase(Left(strLink,1)) & l.Family.ID, l oRepertoryNonBio.Add UCase(Left(strLink,1)) & l.Family.ID, i oRepertoryNonBio.Add "I" & i.ID, l oRepertoryNonBio.Add "I" & i.ID & "F" & l.Family.ID, l If Not Util.IsNothing(i.Family) Then oRepertoryNonBio.Add "B" & l.child.Family.ID, l End If Next ' Create mapping array for Pedigree Ancestor Charts Dim ChartMap Set ChartMap = Util.NewObjectrepertory ' 0=index position of anscestor marker, 1-(0)=format tags ChartMap.Add 0, Array(6,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"T" ,"fffff") ChartMap.Add 1, Array(5,"" ,"" ,"" ,"T" ,"ffff","" ) ChartMap.Add 2, Array(6,"" ,"" ,"" ,"I" ,"L" ,"ffffm") ChartMap.Add 3, Array(4,"" ,"" ,"T" ,"fff","" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 4, Array(6,"" ,"" ,"I" ,"I" ,"T" ,"fffmf") ChartMap.Add 5, Array(5,"" ,"" ,"I" ,"L" ,"fffm","" ) ChartMap.Add 6, Array(6,"" ,"" ,"I" ,"" ,"L" ,"fffmm") ChartMap.Add 7, Array(3,"" ,"T","ff","" ,"" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 8, Array(6,"" ,"I","I" ,"" ,"T" ,"ffmff") ChartMap.Add 9, Array(5,"" ,"I","I" ,"T" ,"ffmf","" ) ChartMap.Add 10, Array(6,"" ,"I","I" ,"I" ,"L" ,"ffmfm") ChartMap.Add 11, Array(4,"" ,"I","L" ,"ffm","" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 12, Array(6,"" ,"I","" ,"I" ,"T" ,"ffmmf") ChartMap.Add 13, Array(5,"" ,"I","" ,"L" ,"ffmm","" ) ChartMap.Add 14, Array(6,"" ,"I","" ,"" ,"L" ,"ffmmm") ChartMap.Add 15, Array(2,"T","f","" ,"" ,"" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 16, Array(6,"I","I","" ,"" ,"T" ,"fmfff") ChartMap.Add 17, Array(5,"I","I","" ,"T" , "fmff","" ) ChartMap.Add 18, Array(6,"I","I","" ,"I" ,"L" ,"fmffm") ChartMap.Add 19, Array(4,"I","I","T" ,"fmf","" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 20, Array(6,"I","I","I" ,"I" ,"T" ,"fmfmf") ChartMap.Add 21, Array(5,"I","I","I" ,"L" ,"fmfm","" ) ChartMap.Add 22, Array(6,"I","I","I" ,"" ,"L" ,"fmfmm") ChartMap.Add 23, Array(3,"I","L","fm","" ,"" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 24, Array(6,"I","" ,"I" , "" ,"T" ,"fmmff") ChartMap.Add 25, Array(5,"I","" ,"I" ,"T" ,"fmmf","" ) ChartMap.Add 26, Array(6,"I","" ,"I" ,"I" ,"L" ,"fmmfm") ChartMap.Add 27, Array(4,"I","" ,"L" ,"fmm","" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 28, Array(6,"I","" ,"" ,"I" ,"T" ,"fmmmf") ChartMap.Add 29, Array(5,"I","" ,"" ,"L" ,"fmmm","" ) ChartMap.Add 30, Array(6,"I","" ,"" ,"" ,"L" ,"fmmmm") ChartMap.Add 31, Array(1,"i","" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 32, Array(6,"I","" ,"" ,"" ,"T" ,"mffff") ChartMap.Add 33, Array(5,"I","" ,"" ,"T" ,"mfff","" ) ChartMap.Add 34, Array(6,"I","" ,"" ,"I" ,"L" ,"mfffm") ChartMap.Add 35, Array(4,"I","" ,"T" ,"mff","" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 36, Array(6,"I","" ,"I" ,"I" ,"T" ,"mffmf") ChartMap.Add 37, Array(5,"I","" ,"I" ,"L" ,"mffm","" ) ChartMap.Add 38, Array(6,"I","" ,"I" ,"" ,"L" ,"mffmm") ChartMap.Add 39, Array(3,"I","T","mf","" ,"" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 40, Array(6,"I","I","I" ,"" ,"T" ,"mfmff") ChartMap.Add 41, Array(5,"I","I","I" ,"T" ,"mfmf","" ) ChartMap.Add 42, Array(6,"I","I","I" ,"I" ,"L" ,"mfmfm") ChartMap.Add 43, Array(4,"I","I","L" ,"mfm","" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 44, Array(6,"I","I","" ,"I" ,"T" ,"mfmmf") ChartMap.Add 45, Array(5,"I","I","" ,"L" ,"mfmm","" ) ChartMap.Add 46, Array(6,"I","I","" ,"" ,"L" ,"mfmmm") ChartMap.Add 47, Array(2,"L","m","" ,"" ,"" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 48, Array(6,"" ,"I","" ,"" ,"T" ,"mmfff") ChartMap.Add 49, Array(5,"" ,"I","" ,"T" ,"mmff","" ) ChartMap.Add 50, Array(6,"" ,"I","" ,"I" ,"L" ,"mmffm") ChartMap.Add 51, Array(4,"" ,"I","T" ,"mmf","" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 52, Array(6,"" ,"I","I" ,"I" ,"T" ,"mmfmf") ChartMap.Add 53, Array(5,"" ,"I","I" ,"L" ,"mmfm","" ) ChartMap.Add 54, Array(6,"" ,"I","I" ,"" ,"L" ,"mmfmm") ChartMap.Add 55, Array(3,"" ,"L","mm","" ,"" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 56, Array(6,"" ,"" ,"I" ,"" ,"T" ,"mmmff") ChartMap.Add 57, Array(5,"" ,"" ,"I" ,"T" ,"mmmf","" ) ChartMap.Add 58, Array(6,"" ,"" ,"I" ,"I" ,"L" ,"mmmfm") ChartMap.Add 59, Array(4,"" ,"" ,"L" ,"mmm","" ,"" ) ChartMap.Add 60, Array(6,"" ,"" ,"" ,"I" ,"T" ,"mmmmf") ChartMap.Add 61, Array(5,"" ,"" ,"" ,"L" ,"mmmm","" ) ChartMap.Add 62, Array(6,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"L" ,"mmmmm") Session("ChartMap")=ChartMap ' Finally, the method AbortPage does prevent the file Init.htm to be written ' to the destination report. The AbortPage method does not display ' any error to the user. Report.AbortPage Function GetParameter(strParam) ' get configuration parameter. ' 1st see if value set from Narrative Report dialog (stored in String Dictionary 'oParameters') ' if not, check Document Custom Tag ' otherwise use default from Config.xml Dim oNode, strValue If oParameters.KeyCounter(strParam) > 0 Then ' GetParameter = oParameters(strParam) Else strValue = CustomTag(Null, strParam) If strValue <> "" Then GetParameter = strValue Else Set oNode = oXmlCfg.selectSingleNode("/Skin/ReportGenerator/ParameterDescriptions/*/" & strParam) GetParameter = oNode.getAttribute("Default") ' GetParameter = Report.Parameters(strParam) End If End If End Function Function StrFamilyName(f, fTranslate, strNameTag) ' Fix family name problems in GenoPro ' If one unmarried partner is unknown then the word 'Partner' is used with no Dictionary lookup according to gender or language. ' If one married partner is unknown then the Dictionary entry for _Husband or _Wife is used. This is not always valid if a 'same sex' marriage/civil partnership is involved. ' if one partner is missing then partner/huband/wife is still added ' this code sorts this out. Dim strSufix, strPrefix, strType, strNewType, strG0, strG1, oP0, oP1, strN0, strN1 Set oP0 = f.Parents(0) Set oP1 = f.Parents(1) If f.GotMarried Then strPrefix = "_Spouse" Else strPrefix = "_Partner" strType="Partner" End If If Not Util.IsNothing(oP0) And Not Util.IsNothing(oP1) Then If oP0.Name = "" Then strG0 = oP0.Gender.ID strG1 = oP1.Gender.ID strType = Util.IfElse(strG0="M", Dic("_Husband"), Dic("_Wife")) strN0 = Util.StrFirstCharUCase(Dic.Lookup2(strPrefix & "_" & strG1 & "_" & strG0, strPrefix)) strN1 = Util.IfElse(fTranslate, oP1.Session("NameFull"), oP1.TagValue(strNameTag)) ElseIf oP1.Name = "" Then strG0 = oP0.Gender.ID strG1 = oP1.Gender.ID strType = Util.IfElse(strG1="M", Dic("_Husband"), Dic("_Wife")) strN1 = Dic.Lookup2(strPrefix & "_" & strG0 & "_" & strG1, strPrefix) strN0 = Util.IfElse(fTranslate, oP0.Session("NameFull"), oP0.TagValue(strNameTag)) Else strN0 = Util.IfElse(fTranslate, oP0.Session("NameFull"), oP0.TagValue(strNameTag)) strN1 = Util.IfElse(fTranslate, oP1.Session("NameFull"), oP1.TagValue(strNameTag)) End If strFamilyName = Dic.FormatString("_FmtHusbandAndWife", strN0, strN1) f.Session("Single") = False Else If Util.IsNothing(oP0) Then strFamilyName = Util.IfElse(fTranslate, oP1.Session("NameFull"), oP1.TagValue(strNameTag)) Else strFamilyName = Util.IfElse(fTranslate, oP0.Session("NameFull"), oP0.TagValue(strNameTag)) End If f.Session("Single") = True End If End Function Function StrLocativeProperNoun(p, oNameDic) ' return 'locative' case of noun as: preposition[name]postposition where 'preposition/postposition may be empty but must include spaces where required ' e.g. 'in [Hogwarts]' Dim strName, strName1, strPrefix, strGender, fPlural, strAttribute, strPrefixID strName = StrPlaceTranslate(p.Name) If Not oNameDic Is Nothing Then 'first use NameDictionary Lookup for exceptions strName1 = oNameDic.Lookup(strName) If strName1 <> strName Then 'exception found StrLocativeProperNoun = Util.IfElse(Instr(strName1,"[") > 0, strName1, "[" & strName1 & "]") Exit Function End If End If ' otherwise get standard prefix and then try replacement via regular expression in Dictionary 'LocativeProperNoun' entry On Error Resume Next strGender = p.Name.Gender.ID On Error Goto 0 If strGender = "" Then strGender = CustomTag(p,"Name.Gender") fPlural = LCase(CustomTag(p, "Name.Plural")) = "y" If fPlural Then strAttribute = "P" Else strAttribute = "T" End If strPrefixID = p.Prefix.ID If strPrefixID = "_" Then ' i.e. setting strPrefix = "" ElseIf strPrefixID <> "" Then strPrefix = Util.FirstNonEmpty(StrDicPeekAttribute("PlacePrefix_" & strPrefixID & "_" & strGender, strAttribute), StrDicPeekAttribute("PlacePrefix_" & strPrefixID, strAttribute), p.Prefix) Else ' i.e. 'automatic' setting strPrefix = Util.FirstNonEmpty(StrDicPeekAttribute("PlacePrefix_" & p.Category.ID & "_" & strGender, strAttribute), StrDicPeekAttribute("PlacePrefix_" & p.Category.ID, strAttribute), StrDicLookup2Attribute("PlacePrefixDefault_" & strGender, "PlacePrefixDefault", strAttribute)) End If strName1 = CustomTag(p, "Name.Locative") If strName1 <> "" Then If Instr(strName1,"[") > 0 Then StrLocativeProperNoun = strName1 Else StrLocativeProperNoun = Dic.FormatString("_FmtPlaceNarrative", strPrefix, "[" & strName1 & "]") End If Report.LogComment StrLocativeProperNoun Else strName=Dic.FormatString("_FmtPlaceNarrative", strPrefix, "[" & p.Session("NameShort") & "]") StrLocativeProperNoun = StrSubstitute(strName, g_RegEx_LPN) End If End Function Function StrPossessiveProperNoun(strName, oNameDic) Dim strName1 If Not oNameDic Is Nothing Then 'first use NameDictionary Lookup for exceptions strName1 = oNameDic.Lookup(strName) If strName1 <> strName Then 'exception found StrPossessiveProperNoun = strName1 Exit Function End If End If ' otherwise try replacement via regular expression in Dictionary 'PossessiveProperNoun' entry StrPossessiveProperNoun = StrSubstitute(strName, g_RegEx_PPN) End Function Sub AddRelationship(obj, r, o) If Not Util.IsNothing(obj.IndividualInternalHyperlink) Then o.Add obj.IndividualInternalHyperlink.ID, r Else o.Add obj.ID, r End If End Sub ]%> <%[ ]%>