By Alfi - Tuesday, May 2, 2006
BTW, under Beta16 will come also a Hebrew<->International(English)<->Hebrew conversion of the date ?
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, May 3, 2006
BTW, under Beta16 will come also a Hebrew<->International(English)<->Hebrew conversion of the date ?  The conversion is done automatically when switching calendar/language. I am including a screenshot of what I have on my machine. Can you please translate for me the term "Hebrew (Lunar Calendar)" and verify if the digits for the date are correct. I picked the digits ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩ as the Hebrew digits.
By Alfi - Wednesday, May 3, 2006
GenoProSupport (5/3/2006) I picked the digits ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩ as the Hebrew digits.These are the Arabic figures (not the Hebrew ones) Once upon a time, I've already sent you by EMAIL the entire "philosophy" of a "Hebrew Calendar" management. Please try and find it (if possible). The year (written in Arabic) is 5765, while we are today in 5766. Anyway, I prefer a non-public way of dialogue on this subject. Waiting for your reply, Alfi
By Alfi - Wednesday, May 3, 2006
GenoProSupport (5/3/2006)

The notion of "Hebrew-English (Lunar Calendar)" seems to me as incorrect, because the Hebrew Calendar is really lunar, while the English Calendar is a solar one. Under the "Hebrew-English" choice, the two fields should appear in parallel (one under the other). This process is supposed to be convertive, and not only a translative one. Today (at noon), is Thu.04 May 2006 = 06 Iyar 5766 ! The Hebrew current date started yesterday at sunset; since sunset there was Wed.03 May 2006 = Thu.06 Iyar 5766 ! The English current date started at midnight; since then there was Thu.04 May 2006 = Thu.06 Iyar 5766 ! The Hebrew current date will end today at sunset; after sunset there will be Thu.04 May 2006 = Fri.07 Iyar 5766 ! The cause is the fact that the Gregorian date changes at midnight, while the Hebrew one changes at sunset. THEREFORE, the 1st step of this process should be the conversion at noon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are algorithms for calendar conversion from Hebrew to English and vice-versa, on the Internet.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, May 4, 2006
Thank you for your help and the Excel file you sent me. Is there a way I can format a number using only hebrew digits? For instance, can the number 1234 be formatted in hebrew digits using something like אבגד? Hebrew Letter | Letter Name | Latin Correspondent | Numerical value | א | aleph | a | 1 | ב | beyth | b | 2 | ג | gimel | g | 3 | ד | daleth | d | 4 | ה | hey | h | 5 | ו | waw | w | 6 | ז | zayn | z | 7 | ח | cheth | ch | 8 | ט | tet | t | 9 | י | yod | y | 10 | כ | kaf | k | 20 | ל | lamed | l | 30 | מ | mem | m | 40 | נ | nun | n | 50 | ס | samech | s | 60 | ע | ayn | (marked - in texts - by apostroph) | 70 | פ | pey | p | 80 | צ | tzadi | tz | 90 | ק | cuf | c,q | 100 | ר | reysh | r | 200 | ש | shin | sh | 300 | ת | tav | th | 400 | Elementary Combinations | י"א | | | 11 | י"ב | | | 12 | י"ג | | | 13 | י"ד | | | 14 | ט"ו | tet-waw | | 15 | ט"ז | tet-zayn | | 16 | י"ז | | | 17 | י"ח | | | 18 | י"ט | | | 19 | ת"ק | | | 500 | ת"ר | | | 600 | ת"ש | | | 700 | ת"ת | | | 800 | תת"ק | | | 900 | Special Examples | א'א | | | 1001 | ב'א | | | 2001 | ג'ט | | | 2009 | ה'תשס"ו | | | 5766 | ד'תשס"ו | | | 4766 | ה'ק | | | 5100 | שנת אלף | | | 1000 | שנת אלפיים | | | 2000 | שנת ג' אלפים | | | 3000 | שנת ד' אלפים | | | 4000 | שנת ה' אלפים | | | 5000 | שנת ו' אלפים | | | 6000 |
Any Hebrew number should be written from right to left.
The 1st "figure" (the rightest one) should be the highest.
If the numberis greater than 999, then the rightest letter should be followed by apostroph, as following:
[none] - א' = 1000 ב' = 2000 ג' = 3000 ד' = 4000 ה' = 5000 ו' = 6000
In order to represent the EXACT thousands it's recommended the usage of the literaly text as shown in the attached XL file.
The lefter continuation should be any Hebrew number between 1 and 999
If the string (representing) the 1-999 part has only one Hebrew letter, then it should end with an additional apostroph If the string (representing) the 1-999 part has more than one Hebrew letter, then they should be concatenated and a " sign shall appear between the last (leftest) letter and the one preceeding it
By Alfi - Thursday, May 4, 2006
1234 = 1000+200+30+4 = א'רל"ד (from right to left - as shown here) BTW, all the concatenation process has been described in my EMAIL. OBSERVATION: Because of religious interdictions, the numbers 15 and 16 ONLY are written - in any context - as 9+6 and 9+7, instead of the "theoretical" 10+5 and 10+6 (which are forbidden).
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, May 4, 2006
How I am supposed to write the code for this? I don't mind substituting the digits 0123456789 by an equivalent in another language, however supporting a different numeric base is another story.
By Alfi - Thursday, May 4, 2006
That's same decimal numeric base, only the logic differs. E.G.: 5766 = 6 + 60 + 700 + 5000 = 6 + 60 + 300 + 400 + 5000 = waw || " || samech || shin || thav || ' || hey = ה'תשס"ו
By Alfi - Thursday, May 4, 2006
ALGORITHMIC SUGGESTION: --------------------------- SELECT(thousands) WHEN(6) hebnum = ' || waw WHEN(5) hebnum = ' || hey WHEN(4) hebnum = ' || daleth WHEN(3) hebnum = ' || gimel WHEN(2) hebnum = ' || beyth WHEN(1) hebnum = ' || alef OTHER hebnum = NULLSTRING END IF hundreds = 9 or 8 or 7 or 6 or 5 or 4 THEN hebnum = tav || hebnum END-IF IF hundreds = 9 or 8 THEN hebnum = tav || hebnum END-IF IF hundreds = 7 or 3 THEN hebnum = shin || hebnum END-IF IF hundreds = 6 or 2 THEN hebnum = reysh || hebnum END-IF IF hundreds = 9 or 5 or 1 THEN hebnum = cuf || hebnum END-IF IF tens = 1 and units = 6 THEN hebnum = zayn || tet || hebnum ELSE IF tens = 1 and units = 5 THEN hebnum = waw || tet || hebnum ELSE SELECT(tens) WHEN(9) hebnum = tzadi || hebnum WHEN(8) hebnum = pey || hebnum WHEN(7) hebnum = ayn || hebnum WHEN(6) hebnum = samech || hebnum WHEN(5) hebnum = nun || hebnum WHEN(4) hebnum = mem || hebnum WHEN(3) hebnum = lamed || hebnum WHEN(2) hebnum = kaf || hebnum WHEN(1) hebnum = yod || hebnum OTHER END SELECT(units) WHEN(9) hebnum = tet || hebnum ... WHEN(1) ... OTHER END END-IF END-IF IF there are at least two letters before the thousands, THEN introduce a " (quotation mark) between the first letter (from left) and the second (the following) one END-IF
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, May 4, 2006
Why is the number 11 not expressed as אא or (10+1) אי instead of י"א? Why are two quotes to the number 11? Also, how would you express 2011? (2000 + 11 or 2000 + 10 + 1)?
By Alfi - Thursday, May 4, 2006
1) If the string of units+tens+hundreds has more than one letter, then the leftest should always be followed by an " mark 2) The figure of 10 DIFFERS from the figure of 1 3) 2011 = 1 + 10 + 2000 = ב'י"א GENERAL OBS (LOGICAL/LINGUISTIC CAUSE): In Hebrew, each number can also be read as a word. EG: 5766 = 6 + 60 + 300 + 400 + 5000 = ה'תשס"ו = waw||"||samech||shin||thav||'||hey =equivalent= w||"||s||sh||th||h = [hathashsaw] =syllabical= [ha-thash-saw] The single quotation mark functions (in Hebrew) also as abbreviation mark; therefore any word meaning a number, MUST appear (in writing) as an abbreviation.
By Alfi - Thursday, May 4, 2006
NEW IDEA based on:Alfi (5/4/2006) Then (at noon), was Thu.04 May 2006 = 06 Iyar 5766In the meanwhile, you may leave the Hebrew editing for a later time, and use same Latin format for both - Gregorian and Hebrew - calendars: ENG: Wed.(noon) 10 May 2006 HEB: Thu.(noon) 12 Iyar 5766
Here are the Latin transcriptions of the Hebrew months for regular and bisect years: REGULAR:Thishrey Cheshwan Kislew Teveth Shvat Adar Nisan Iyar Siwan Thamuz Av Elul
BISECT: Thishrey Cheshwan Kislew Teveth Shvat Adar(A) Adar(B) Nisan Iyar Siwan Thamuz Av Elul 
Giving an addditional thinking to it, I'm sure that the Hebrew representation of the Hebrew date is - in fact - an editorial problem, therefore it is to be postponed for the time you'll translate the whole program in Hebrew. For now on, the Hebrew date is to be shown in Latin - only. (Please answer)
By Alfi - Tuesday, May 9, 2006
What about it ?