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Medical History Genogram - Help
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By sjc - Saturday, June 3, 2006
I downloaded Genopro 1.70 earlier this evening. I have been a nurse for 14 years and I am working on my graduate degree to become a Family nurse practitioner. At this time I am working on creating a genogram for my Physical Examination class. After trying for hrs to create a genogram in Word, I decided to "google it" and found your program.  YAY... progress! So far I am loving it but I am not having much luck getting the medical history to show on the diagram. I searched the help files which led me to your home page - I did find the area where you describe the medical history genogram. However, the end of the page just left me hanging with "to be continued..." Is this feature included in the new 2.0 beta? If not, do you have any advice on how I can get the medical history to show up on the genogram.  
I am a new user and have scanned the medical genogram threads, it is possible that I could have missed something. Anyway, if this has been covered previously feel free to refer me to the thread. I don't want to waste your time and would appreciate your help.
By appleshaw - Saturday, June 3, 2006
You need GenoPro 2 to get medical symbols etc. This is now available as a Beta version as it is under development. You can download it from You will have to register (free) to obtain a code which will allow it to run.

NB v.1,7 was available as shareware but later versions were paid for. You will be able to use the Beta version for several months, as an evaluation version. It has been under development for a long time and you should have no problems with it due to it being under development. If you have problems using it, come back to this forum.
By sjc - Sunday, June 4, 2006
Thanks. I downloaded Genopro 2.0 Beta this morning and will try to figure it all out later. I'm thinking I will probably be back.