By beraha - Friday, September 15, 2006
Adobe has decided to discontinue support for Adobe SVG Viewer !!!!!
By jcmorin - Monday, September 18, 2006
I think adobe is feeling that Microsoft will include it so they do not plan to continue working on it. Adobe has decided to discontinue support for Adobe SVG Viewer. There are a number of other third-party SVG viewer implementations in the marketplace, including native support for SVG in many Web browsers. The SVG language and its adoption in the marketplace have both matured to the point where it is no longer necessary for Adobe to provide an SVG viewer. Firefox and Opera already have native support for SVG, IE is running behind and SVG is still not on the IE road map.
By 530326 - Sunday, January 4, 2009
I have just downloaded GenoPro to try out. Unfortunately, Adobe's SFG viewer is not available to download any longer. I normally use Opera for my Browser but the inbuilt SGV functionality appears not to be compatible with the format of the GenoPro report. The text file includes a warning below. Any suggestions as I feel that the family tree display is a major part of thefunctionality that GenoPro offers.
PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. This problem only effects Mozilla browsers using the built-in SVG engine. You will need to switch to using Microsoft Internet Explorer with Adobe's SVG Viewer.
By genome - Sunday, January 4, 2009
Adobe may have withdrawn support as of 1/1/2009 but it is still available for download at This is their statement:When will Adobe remove ASV from the download area?Adobe does not currently have plans to remove Adobe SVG Viewer from the download area. Adobe recognizes that customers have built Web applications that depend on ASV being available for download, and although Adobe does not plan to develop ASV further, we plan for the existing versions to be available for download as long as our customers rely on them.
The Narrative Report is only tested with IE+ASV and Firefox browsers. However if you use the latest skin and are prepared to install Inkscape on your system then PDF only genomaps can be generated by selecting the appropriate option in the Configuration Parameters dialog when generating report. p.s. Have just tried Opera with and seems to work reasonably well except that direction arrows do not stay in the right positions. In fact seems more responsive than Firefox and has context menu zoom in/out! Perhaps as the message suggests your web server is not configured for SVG correctly. Try publishing to instead.