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How to display genogram's legend ?
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By Serge - Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Hi all,

I read on bottom of the page there is a function to display genogram legend.

What does it mean exactly ?

Where is it ?

I'm looking for a way to display selectively legends for the emotional relationship used in a particuliar genogram (This is needed for professionnal purpose: I do psychiatric genograms, and each patient has a different emotional relationship pattern; I need to explain it in supervisions)

Thanks for your help


By jcmorin - Tuesday, September 26, 2006
See How to create key/legend
By 1701737 - Tuesday, May 24, 2016
A very elementary question: After I have created my family tree, what do I do with it? Specifically how to transfer it into a word document so I can print it? Thank you for your help!
W00t chonglengsiakQuestionMark
By genome - Wednesday, May 25, 2016
You can print your genogram directly from GenoPro, but to copy it to Word, in GenoPro Select All (Ctrl/A) Copy (Ctrl/C) and then in Word, Paste (Ctrl/V).