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Prefix for places in japanese reports
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By maru-san - Sunday, October 1, 2006
For my japanese report need to switch the prefix (in, at, etc.) for places to suffix position.
Tried to switch from {0} {1} to {1} {0} in dictionary.xml, but nothing happens.

Please explain.
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, October 1, 2006
I presume you are talking about the dictionary entry _FmtPlaceNarrative.

<!-- 0=place prefix, 1=place name -->
<_FmtPlaceNarrative T="&#32;{1}{0}"/>

You are right however it does not nothing.  I ran the code and was was unable to get to a single breakpoint using this variable.  Maybe the English Narrative Report skin does not use this built-in prefix feature.  I am investigating the issue...

By GenoProSupport - Sunday, October 1, 2006
If you try the following code

For Each p In Places
 Report.WriteT3Br "Place Narrative: ", p.NameNarrative


<_FmtPlaceNarrative T="&#32;{1}({0})"/>    <!-- 0=place prefix, 1=place name -->

you will get the following output using Harry Potter's sample family tree:

Place Narrative:  Beauxbatons(in)
Place Narrative:  Diagon Alley(in)
Place Narrative:  Egypt(in)
Place Narrative:  France(in)
Place Narrative:  Hogwarts(in)
Place Narrative:  Romania(in)
Place Narrative:  Smeltings(in)

As a result, I can conclude the dictionary entry _FmtPlaceNarrative is working fine, however the tag NameNarrative is never used in the English Narrative Report.  Since Ron wrote this code, I will consult him to grasp a better understanding.
By genome - Friday, November 3, 2006
I have a fix for this. I needed to use the Dictionary phrase _FmtPlaceNarrative in the routine StrHtmlHyperlink in Util.vbs. I will forward it to Dan today.
By GenoProSupport - Friday, November 3, 2006
I made a silent update of GenoPro Beta 19f to include Ron's updates.  If you download & install Beta 19f again, you will get the fix.
By maru-san - Sunday, November 5, 2006
Thanks for this update, works ok now.