By rfiorille - Sunday, October 22, 2006
I would like to have the report generator generate genomaps with the same name that I use in GenoPro. Now the report generator names the genomap.htm pages with #suffix (i.e. genomap1.htm, genomap2.htm etc...) If the genomap in GenoPro is named rfiorille, then I would like to modify the report generator to generate a genomap file called rfiorille.htm.
Where, and how, in the skin I can change the code to make this happen?
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, October 22, 2006
You could modify Config.xml to have the following: <Report Template="genomap.htm" OutputFile="{Name:70}.htm" For="GenoMaps" LoopItemName="g" /> However this won't be all because the GenoMaps are hyperlinked together and are also compressed (.svgz). There is much more work to do than just changing the naming of those files.
By rfiorille - Sunday, October 22, 2006
I'm generating the genomap.htms as genomap.asp files. When I try the code you provided I get this error.
Generating report to 'C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CarmineandAntonietta\' Cloning document familytrees... The privacy filter has removed 1771 living individuals which represents 74% of the total document. To turn off the privacy filter, visit the "Privacy" tab and uncheck the option "Remove All Living Individuals". Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\GenoProTesting\* (English Narrative Report)'... Validating picture cache... 21 pictures removed Loading dictionary.xml... [0.00] Processing template 'genomap.svg'... [2.23] Processing template 'genomap.asp'... Error at line 6 (genomap.asp) generating 'Fiorilli.asp': Illegal assignment: 'g' Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A01F5
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, October 22, 2006
This is because the variable g is already used. Try LoopItemName="gg" or some other name.
By rfiorille - Sunday, October 22, 2006
GenoProSupport (10/22/2006) This is because the variable g is already used. Try LoopItemName="gg" or some other name. I tried LoopItemName="gg" with no errors, but the genomaps still generate as genomap0.asp, genomap1.asp, etc... Do I need to modify any other files where I should be putting "gg"?
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, October 22, 2006
At the bottom of template file GenoMap.htm you will see the following:<%[ Report.BufferWriteToFile g.Session("PathGenoMap") ' Write the content of the buffer to a file Report.BufferLength = 0 ' Flush the buffer for the next HTML page End If Next ' Generate the next HTML pageReport.AbortPage ' Prevent the template file "genomap.htm" to be written to the output report ]%> |
The method Report.BufferWriteToFile does produce those GenoMap1.asp, GenoMap2.asp and so on. There are two ways to generate files: 1. Use the For attribute in the Config.xml. The report generator will loop to each object in the collection and output a file. 2. Use the Report.BufferWriteToFile to manually write the files to the report.