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How to change order?
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By Yuri Ilyin - Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I need to change order of educations, occupations, etc. Please advise how I could do this in the tool.


By Yehudad - Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Yuri Ilyin (11/16/2006)

I need to change order of educations, occupations, etc. Please advise how I could do this in the tool.


Do you mean you want to change the order of the list or you want to change their order in one person in your family tree?

If you want to change the order of educations you enter to one person - you have to select education and the the arrow buttons near the "New..." buttons becomes enabled. You then select up or down.

By GenoProSupport - Thursday, November 16, 2006
See post to change picture order.