By Serge - Sunday, November 19, 2006
What about being able to see in a table all important events in a family, by date; for example- 11.04.1955: Charle's birth
- 08.09.1960: Elisabeth's marriage
- 01.01.1961: Sandy and Raoul's separation
- etc...
and being able to insert in this table any other important event, even if not defined by genographic elements or other tables or fields, such as: - 3.11.1979: Marcs graduation - 5.12.1980: Thomas' first's steps etc...
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, November 19, 2006
Having a timeline is a feature on our "todo" list. We have not scheduled this task yet.
By rdn - Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I bet this can be handled in a report. Anyone want to take a stab at it?
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Our solution is having a dialog/tab the occupations listing all the events. GenoPro would use a 'GenoMap' (or perhaps TimeMap) to draw a timeline of selected events. Of course, you are welcome to create a timeline with the report generator. I am in awe what people have done using the report generator (Interactive Table of Contents, HTML Ancestor Tree, SVG Rendering, Google Geomapping, and more).
By maru-san - Thursday, March 8, 2007
Have also looked into the creation and use of timeline reports and tried some of those available in the market, some as trial software, just to see whether it fits into the set up of the Genopro report. Even though some look very fancy and impressive, I realized that there is no need for such individual fancy report, because most of the pictures are already visible in the report and also the dates of most of the events (education, occupation, and others in the future). I think a straight forward timeline with DoB, DoD and other events (selectable via config.xml or custom tags like google map), sorted by genomap and listed as such, like the SVG graphic, would be sufficient. May be with historical events attached (visible Yes/No). A xml driven software like shown in may inspire some to try their hands on this.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, March 8, 2007
The AJAX callback is really cool.
By genome - Thursday, March 8, 2007
Ok, I'm inspired and its looks quite straight-forward to use. So give me a day or so and I'll see what I can come up with.....
By maru-san - Friday, March 9, 2007
Thanks Ron, have included on my page already a sample (#3), although with limited data from another xml file. Have used the modified google map page you once gave me for the media files.
By genome - Sunday, March 11, 2007
As always, scripting web pages turns out to be a bit harder than first appearances. The documentation on the site is a little sparse for my old grey cells. Anyway I now have a result. One problem was how to set the scale of the timeline. I have simply used a crude estimate of the average density of events per year but occasionally this gives problems as by nature most family tree events are bunched. The timeline widget does allow for 'hot zones' where the scale can be expanded but I've left trying to handle that for another day. For the time being you may need to maximise the timeline 'popup' frame to see all events as the widget does not have a vertical scroll capability. The attached zip file contains amendments for the English Narrative Report version to add the timeline feature. Births, Deaths and Marriages/Divorce are the only events handled at present. So generate a custom skin are overwrite files with those from the zip file. I have produced a sample from the ubiquitous Harry Potter data (hint: click the timeline button icon in the header frame) here Update: new timeline icons added to zip file. Update: removed attachment - see later post
By maru-san - Sunday, March 11, 2007
Thanks a lot for your quick work, ron. Have tried (after having downloaded also the icons from the Harry Potter page) and have no complains. Will look into it more closely later, but what I can see is that it is not suitable for genomaps with too many people. The timeline gets too crowded. A good reason more to split big trees into smaller ones.
By genome - Sunday, March 11, 2007
Yes I forgot the timeline images. I have now added them to the zip file attached to my earlier post. Here is a link I agree about the problem with large Genomap. The scale could be extended (e.g. days instead of months or years) to spread events along the timeline. This is where 'hot zones' would be useful. Another approach is to remove end dates so that the events are all point events with no duration, thus allowing more events to be fitted in the same space.
By IainTait - Sunday, March 11, 2007
Ron (3/11/2007)
Yes I forgot the timeline images. I have now added them to the zip file attached to my earlier post. Here is a link I hadn't noticed this latest innovation before, so tried it with my test tree but got this error. [5.37] Processing template 'popup.htm'... [5.39] Processing template 'sources.htm'... [5.40] Processing template 'gmap_place.htm'... Error in Config.xml at line 139: Unable to open template file 'gmap_place.htm'
By genome - Sunday, March 11, 2007
IainTait (3/11/2007) [5.40] Processing template 'gmap_place.htm'... Error in Config.xml at line 139: Unable to open template file 'gmap_place.htm'
Then your customized skin is somehow corrupted. The gmap_place.htm template is part of the standard skin by default and therefore should not be missing. I suggest you create a new Customized skin for the English Narrative Report from GenoPro. Then unzip the timeline zip file into it. Some files in the skin will be replaced and some new files will be added but NO files will be deleted!
By gv - Sunday, March 11, 2007
Fantastic work Ron! In my first review it looks superb. Is there a way to reduce the font of the captions, for the longer names to fit? Specially the marriages get the names truncated... ...Otherwise, simply fantastic.
By maru-san - Sunday, March 11, 2007
Ron, if it gets crowded on the timeline, how about trying to use the vertical style. However I am not quite sure how the label text will be displayed, but we have more space for more tracks.
By IainTait - Monday, March 12, 2007
Ron (3/11/2007) Then your customized skin is somehow corrupted. The gmap_place.htm I did what you said and of course it worked, except that I found a lot of the people in my test tree were missing from the timeline such as most of my grandfather's syblings and uncles and aunts, also my parents though my grand neice 2004 is shown but none of my uncles or aunts either ?
By genome - Monday, March 12, 2007
IainTait (3/12/2007) I did what you said and of course it worked, except that I found a lot of the people in my test tree were missing from the timelineDo all of the missing individuals have at least one of date of birth, baptism, death or disposition? If not then they will not appear on the timeline as they cannot be allocated a position on it. If they do have any of these dates then perhaps you could send a sample .gno file via a private message.
By IainTait - Monday, March 12, 2007
Ron (3/12/2007) Do all of the missing individuals have at least one of date of birth, baptism, death or disposition? .Yes, all these people have birth years and many have complete birth dates and some have death dates as well. I was especially surprised my parents weren't shown as I have full details for them. One chap born in 1900 was shown but my father born the same year was not.
By maru-san - Monday, March 12, 2007
Iain, try to create a timeline with a smaller number of people, lets say may 20 to 50 and you will see them. In case of larger trees people will not show up because of space available. Please note that this was a first try by Ron and he will find a solution.
In order to make space for important dates, marriage dates should be limited to either civil or religious dates, whatever comes first.
By genome - Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I'll try and answer the queries. Firstly vertical style is not properly available at present. I've tried it and the events flash up on the timeline and then immediately disappear. It looks problematic anyway as the event titles are horizontal and get truncated at the right hand edge where the condensed band starts. It does not seem possible at present to extend the length of the event titles. An issue has recently been raised on this point on the web site ( but no response as yet. As regards Iain's problem of events not appearing, they should be visible when the frame is maximised by clicking the blue icon if there are not too many events at one point in time. How many individuals are there on the genomap in your test file Iain? I will look to produce a version separating birth & death, marriage and divorce into discrete events with no duration. This will permit a greater density. But if anyone can come up with an algolrithm to automatically generate hot zone information from the event data to spread crowded areas of the timeline then I'd be happy to implement it. But at present I am also revisiting some work I did months ago using WinGraphviz and the 'dot' language first mentioned by crash893 back June 2005 I have a working skin to generate SVG timeline graphs that can be manipulated (pan/zoom) using the existing SVG Genomap code. These can be generated as PNG images as well. Here is the Weaseley genomap from Harry Potter (SVG dumped to PNG so not to clear!). The main issue at present is that WinGraphviz doesn't use the latest version of Graphviz and sometimes the connecting lines do not appear.
By fbukolyi - Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Hi, Ron, this is a nice feature. The only small thing I have found is, that somehow on my machine it hates accents for marriages, marriage popups and the header of the timeline window.
By IainTait - Tuesday, March 13, 2007
maru-san (3/12/2007) Iain, try to create a timeline with a smaller number of people, lets say may 20 to 50 and you will see them. In case of larger trees people will not show up because of space available. Please note that this was a first try by Ron and he will find a solution.My test tree is not huge containing only 273 people including the living members and there are large spaces in the time line where there should be people but no one is shown. My parents were born 11 years appart and there are only a few people born between them but none show up. No later generations at all except for one grand neice. My tree is already separated into many genomaps, although some of the more distant ones are quite large. This idea of Ron's is very interesting but not very usefull if it only works on 20 or 30 people as most trees are bigger than this. To be honest I am already over the moon about Ron's efforts with the report generator and XML tool, so this time line is not urgent for me, but would be nice when it is sorted out. Obviously this is only the first try and I can wait untill the genious sorts it out. (How does he find the time?)
By IainTait - Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Ron (3/13/2007)
I'll try and answer the queries. As regards Iain's problem of events not appearing, they should be visible when the frame is maximised by clicking the blue icon if there are not too many events at one point in time. How many individuals are there on the genomap in your test file Iain? My test tree has 273 people in it. I opened the page as you suggested and noticed that there were two light blue bands, one near the top with enough space above it for one line of text and the other is at the bottom with one line of text and there is nothing between these two sections even though there is plenty of empty space.
By haep - Tuesday, March 13, 2007
fbukolyi (3/13/2007) Hi, Ron, this is a nice feature. The only small thing I have found is, that somehow on my machine it hates accents for marriages, marriage popups and the header of the timeline window.I had the same problem, but I didn't want to interrupt Ron's work, so I found a temporal solution that works for me (I know this is not the best way, but it work's): Line 107 in Timeline.xml From Report.WritePhraseDic "PhTL_Family", """", Util.FormatString("{&X}",f.Name), Trim(u.Date.ToString("d MMM yyyy")), Trim(u.Divorce.Date.ToString("d MMM yyyy")), f.Href, f.Parents(0).Gender.ID & f.Parents(1).Gender.ID To Report.WritePhraseDic "PhTL_Family", """", f.Name, Trim(u.Date.ToString("d MMM yyyy")), Trim(u.Divorce.Date.ToString("d MMM yyyy")), f.Href, f.Parents(0).Gender.ID & f.Parents(1).Gender.ID But with the subtitle I couldn't find a solution so I just simply change the subtitle to a standard Time Line Line 1100 Script.js From document.getElementById("subtitle").innerHTML = decodeURIComponent(\+/g,' '); to document.getElementById("subtitle").innerHTML = decodeURIComponent("Time Line").replace(/\+/g,' '); Ron did a great work with time line skin, and I know he is very busy, so I hope this could be useful. Regards Hugo
By genome - Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Thanks for the info Hugo it was useful. I think I used the '&X' encoding to get an & to appear correctly in the title. I have noticed there are other problem characters such as 'curly quote' marks (XML entities “ and ” that GenoPro can use in name formats. I think the is a flaw in the Timeline XML data structure in that the title is set as an element attribute rather than a XML text node and it appears to use its own XML entity decoding routine with some preset character codings but with gaps. The subtitle issue is because I use a single HTML page, timeline.htm, and pump all the data for each genomap into it. Most of the data is in the timelinen.xml file but the title is passed via the URL querystring. I used Dan's UrllEncode for this but couldn't find an exact matching decode. To overcome the above I'll try passing all the data in JSON format rather than XML and the querysting.
By Poolzone - Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Great feature Ron. It works very well for me as I have separate maps for each family unit. Of course this means that sometimes I would like to view a combination of two or more maps at one time. I do not know the complexity of allowing the joining of two data sources. I would like to suggest that the timeline for a living individual be extended to date=now. It would be a better and true graphical representation, and stop the confusion between 'events' and life lines. I think it should be by default at full screen. Again, an excellent feature.
By Poolzone - Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Ron, Being able to call the Timeline from the Individual page by inserting an icon beside the SVG icon might be a good idea.
By maru-san - Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Ron, after I had introduced this timeline of course we were not aware of the problems coming up now. In order to overcome the crowded upper band, how about showing only the DoB, DoD and marriages without the blue band between these dates, whereas the lower band shows those lines. The bands then can be split into 60/40, since the line is narrower on the lower band(can even be reduced to 0.3~0.35).
Update: If a person has a hyperlink within the same genomap, he/she will appear twice in the timeline.
By genome - Thursday, March 22, 2007
I know its been a while but I have been trying several alternative configurations for the timeline. I finally have a version I am happy with. This gets over the requirement for preset 'hotzones' by adding a zoom in/ zoom out feature á la SVG. I've just used a single band as I think the zoom feature dispenses with the need for an overview band. I am interested in any feedback from beta/gamma/delta testers out there before submitting for incorporation into the standard report. Attached is a zip file of the modified files you will need to unzip into a customised skin from, replacing some files and adding some new ones. As before a sample can be seen at Harry Potter but here is a screenshot I'm going to look at Timelines for Individuals, showing births, education, occupations, occupancies, unions and death. Also something similar for families. I'll also add the idea from poolzone for an icon on the individual page linking to the timeline. I'll need to centre it on their Dob. Update: Attachment removed - see later posting.
By IainTait - Thursday, March 22, 2007
Fabulous job Ron, though I found a wide empty part in the middle making it necessary to zoom out to max in order to see the people at the bottom. I can't figure out how to make an image of this to show you.
By Poolzone - Thursday, March 22, 2007
Hi Ron, You forgot to include a copy of Util.vbs (for those that didn't upload the last test version). Excellent result. I think there should be a time line (blue line) for everybody , including those living by extending their timeline to date=Today.
By Poolzone - Thursday, March 22, 2007
Hi Ron, Just a note on original zoom setting. When the first born individual on a genomap has a year only as d.o.b. then all is well, however if the month is known, then the zoom alters to include months and the timeline does not centre on d.o.b. I include two screen shots. The first is on initial opening, the second after 4 (four) clicks on the zoom setting.
By genome - Thursday, March 22, 2007
Thanks for the feedback poolzone. I was aware of your earlier suggestion to extend the timeline of living individuals but could not think how to implement it because of the possiblilty of the report being viewed some time after its generation and so the lines would not extend to the current day. But then a (rare) sudden flash of inspiration. The data for the timeline is now not in XML but in JSON (Javascript Object Notation) the beauty of which is that it gets 'evaluated' when loaded by the javascript in the timeline page. And so the answer was simple. in the JSON data I just set the end date to a variable today. This variable is then declared and initialised to the current date in script.js just before the JSON data is evaluated and so all end dates with a value of today are set to the current date. I have amended the zip file and included the missing util.vbs
By genome - Thursday, March 22, 2007
poolzone (3/22/2007) When the first born individual on a genomap has a year only as d.o.b. then all is well, however if the month is known, then the zoom alters to include months and the timeline does not centre on d.o.b. I include two screen shots. The first is on initial opening, the second after 4 (four) clicks on the zoom setting.I know why the centering is wrong when the zoom level is in months as the script currently finds the earliest year not the earliest full date. This can be changed. However the real problem is perhaps the initial zoom setting. It is currently based on the average no. of events per year. If there is a very low number of events in a short timespan then a monthly or even shorter interval may be returned. I think I need to compute a rolling average and take the maximum value in order to determine the initial zoom. I'll work on it.
By genome - Thursday, March 22, 2007
IainTait (3/22/2007) I found a wide empty part in the middle making it necessary to zoom out to max in order to see the people at the bottom.I have just discovered that a blank line is left when an individual has a date with just a month and year with no day of the month. There is an example on the fourth line of my last Harry Potter screenshot. I'll put out a fix later today.
By blodulv - Friday, March 23, 2007
Not sure if someone has found this bug yet, but if I have a birthdate for someone that's just a month and a day (no year), they're shown on the map starting at 1BC... I suppose that this serves as a reminder to me to track down what year they were born in, but I imagine they should be stripped from the timeline without a year.
By IainTait - Saturday, March 24, 2007
Ron (3/23/2007)
IainTait (3/22/2007) I found a wide empty part in the middle making it necessary to zoom out to max in order to see the people at the bottom.I have just discovered that a blank line is left when an individual has a date with just a month and year with no day of the month. There is an example on the fourth line of my last Harry Potter screenshot. I'll put out a fix later today. Hi Ron, I just tried your latest file "timeline_2[1].0.0.3d" but still have this huge space in the middle of the page which pushes the lower names down and out of frame as one can't scroll vertically. This is at the second last zoom out as the last zoom condenses to a point that many names are milling including my parents. Please could you explain to me how to copy the image so that I can show it to you.
By genome - Saturday, March 24, 2007
That'll be 'cos I haven't posted the new code yet. The phrase 'later today' is on an expanding timeline I've got that code ready but I'm want to add a couple of other things. I've tried to put in a vertical scroll bar but haven't managed that yet. So instead I'll put in a toggle for turning the duration bars on and off to allow more events on crowded timelines. I don't need a screenshot but for future reference to post a screenshot I suggest you use IrfanView. Make sure the browser window with the desired shot is the active window and then press Alt & 'Print Screen' keys together to dump a bitmap image of the current window onto the clipboard. Run up IrfanView and paste from the clipboard using Ctrl & V. Select relevant part of the shot by dragging the cursor over the required area of the image in the Irfanview window and then crop to the selected part using Ctrl & Y. Save the image in IrfanView in .png format. Because initially you will have an image of a window within the IrfanView window be careful not to confuse the menu bar & icons in the image with the real ones of Irfanview. Include it in your post using the forum's Insert Image icon.
By genome - Saturday, March 24, 2007
Ok I am ready with the next iteration of the Timeline report add-in. is attached. This should get rid of any vertical gaps and should ignore dates with no year. Duration lines for living individuals are now extended to the current date. I think I will have to change this to extend only to the report date in case someone dies between the report generation date and the viewing date. The duration bars can also be toggled on & off which should help with crowded timelines. And just in case you have not discovered it yet, the timeline can be scrolled (horizontally) using Home, End, Page Up, Page Down and Arrow keys. Just click on timeline first to give it focus. Maybe I need to add a help icon to flag this up to new users. Update: attachment removed - see later postings in this thread
By Poolzone - Saturday, March 24, 2007
Great work Ron, thanks for this feature. No new problems uncovered. It is easy to lose focus by scrolling too far away or adjusting the zoom too far, and a centreing button may be of assistance. A help button or just a note to 'use the home,pgup,pgdn and end keys for navigation' would be of great assistance to new users. EDIT:Of course the Home key IS a centreing button
By IainTait - Saturday, March 24, 2007
Hi Ron, Thanks for the tips on making the images. I tried your latest timeline skin but got this error [18.75] Processing template 'timeline.htm'... [18.76] Processing template 'timeline.json'... Error at line 142 (timeline.json) : Type incompatible: 'DateValue' Erreur d'exécution Microsoft VBScript 800A000D
By genome - Saturday, March 24, 2007
Hi Iain, you do seem to pick up more than your fair share of problems! This one is down to me again. Its that thorny issue of 'Internationalisation' (or even 'internationalization' outside the UK). I remembered you are in France an set my Locale in the VBScript to 1036 (fr-fr) and lo and behold the same error occurs and I know why. I'll find a way around this but this may still be problematic for date calendars other than Gregorian, as I believe the MIT Timeline only has a Gregorian date parser.
By IainTait - Sunday, March 25, 2007
Thanks for your patience Ron !
By maru-san - Monday, March 26, 2007
Ron, I do not know whether it can be done, but hyperlinked persons on the same genomap appear twice (once should do).
By genome - Monday, March 26, 2007
I think the attached revision deals with multiple hyperlinks per person per genomap. It also temporarily sets the locale to en-gb when generating timeline events to side step the date localisation issue. This may cause problems if a localised version of the MIT Simile Timeline is used, but I think not. Let me know if you find differently. I've included a help 'event' on the timeline for new users and the text for this is dictionary based to assist skin translation. And I have added the link to the genomap timelines from individual and family pages. These options centre the time line on the earliest event for that person/family. Yet to do: 1. timelines for individual & family events. 2. Vertical scroll bar. Note for new readers: the attached zip file should be unzipped into a Customized English Narrative Report skin, replacing some files and adding others. Update: Attachment removed see later posting.
By IainTait - Monday, March 26, 2007
Hi Ron, I tried your new zip but got an error on the page and nothing showed up.
By genome - Monday, March 26, 2007
IainTait (3/26/2007)
I tried your new zip but got an error on the page and nothing showed up. and the error message was ......
By Poolzone - Monday, March 26, 2007
Ron, this feature is developing well. It really fills a big gap in the current reporting ability of Genopro. 1. I seem to have marriagees with blue time lines where they occur on a line that is also (previously) occupied by another life line. 2. The help feature is ok, but will be 'in the way' should anybody want to print the result. It may be better in the legend above the display. 3. The Icon for timeline does not appear on all Individual pages. This is ok if no D.O.B. but seems to occur more often. Perhaps it occurs when only One individual would be represented on a Timeline map (only one d.o.b. on map), and that will make sense until you add other individual and family events.
By Poolzone - Monday, March 26, 2007
Yes, Ron I can confirm that on 3. above, the timeline button does not occur on the individual page if the person has no d.o.b. OR is the only member of a family name that has a d.o.b.
By IainTait - Monday, March 26, 2007
Ron (3/26/2007)
IainTait (3/26/2007)
I tried your new zip but got an error on the page and nothing showed up. and the error message was ...... I just get "error on the page" (in French as my windows is French) with the frame showing but the buttons don't work and there is no image in the frame.
By blodulv - Monday, March 26, 2007
I did notice that death events only have the first name of the deceased, is this a convention I'm not familiar with or just a bug?
By genome - Monday, March 26, 2007
blodulv (3/26/2007) I did notice that death events only have the first name of the deceased, is this a convention I'm not familiar with or just a bug?It should be showing the full name in all cases. However the MIT Timeline will truncate long names. The information bubble should show the non-truncated name.
By genome - Monday, March 26, 2007
IainTait (3/26/2007) I just get "error on the page" (in French as my windows is French) with the frame showing but the buttons don't work and there is no image in the frame.If the error on page message is in the bottom left, double click it to bring up the error window and post the details from that window here. ta
By blodulv - Monday, March 26, 2007
Ron (3/27/2007)
blodulv (3/26/2007) I did notice that death events only have the first name of the deceased, is this a convention I'm not familiar with or just a bug?It should be showing the full name in all cases. However the MIT Timeline will truncate long names. The information bubble should show the non-truncated name.
Hmm, it's not; the name is "Judy Adams" and I only get "Judy" after the death icon and in the balloon popup. It's an individual with JUST a date of death, perhaps that makes the difference?
By genome - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
poolzone (3/26/2007) 1. I seem to have marriagees with blue time lines where they occur on a line that is also (previously) occupied by another life line.All 'duration bars' are light blue i.e. where event has strat & end date. The Timeline interface allows coloured bars only if 'isDuration' is set true, but then no icon is displayed. I chose to always have icons. 2. The help feature is ok, but will be 'in the way' should anybody want to print the result. It may be better in the legend above the display. I thought about an icon in the legend but I love the 'bubble' feature of the Timeline code and it would be quite complex for me to try and implement a similar feature outside the timeline. So as a compromise I will change it so that the help 'event' is removed the 1st time a 'legend' button is clicked.[/quote] 3. The Icon for timeline does not appear on all Individual pages. This is ok if no D.O.B. but seems to occur more often. Perhaps it occurs when only One individual would be represented on a Timeline map (only one d.o.b. on map), and that will make sense until you add other individual and family events. Yes you are correct and this was deliberate. I centre the timeline on the 1st event for this person and so no event - no timeline. Also a timeline with just one event seems pointless so again it is surpressed. When I write individual & family timelines I was thinking of a minimum of three events, or an event other than birth/death, marriage/divorce before generating a timeline.
By genome - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
blodulv (3/27/2007)
Ron (3/27/2007)
blodulv (3/26/2007) I did notice that death events only have the first name of the deceased, is this a convention I'm not familiar with or just a bug?It should be showing the full name in all cases. However the MIT Timeline will truncate long names. The information bubble should show the non-truncated name. Hmm, it's not; the name is "Judy Adams" and I only get "Judy" after the death icon and in the balloon popup. It's an individual with JUST a date of death, perhaps that makes the difference? Apologies I did not look at my code hard enough. I see where I have slipped up now. I'll correct it - thanks for reporting it.
By IainTait - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Ron (3/27/2007) [quote]IainTait (3/26/2007) If the error on page message is in the bottom left, double click it to bring up the error window and post the details from that window here. taThanks for the tip. Here is the message error which I had to type as it seems imposible to copy and paste it ;- Ligne : 1115 Car 2 Erreur : 'Timeline.DefaultEventSourceEvent' a la valeur Null ou n'est pas un objet. Code : 0 URL : file://C:\Family Trees 2007\Tait family\timeline test\timeline.htm When I open the frame full page I get this error :- Ligne : 1222 Car : 13 Erreur : 'tl' a la valeur Null ou n'est pan un objet. Code : 0 URL : file://C:\Family Trees 2007\Tait family\timeline test\timeline.htm I hope this helps.
By genome - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Ah Ha! These errors suggest that the timeline.htm page has not been able to get the MIT Simile Timeline javascript code from Could it be that your Internet connection was unavailable at the time? Just like GoogleMaps the GenoPro Report Generator code for Timeline is not self-contained and needs internet access in order to run.
By IainTait - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Ron (3/27/2007) Ah Ha! These errors suggest that the timeline.htm page has not been able to get the MIT Simile Timeline javascript code from Could it be that your Internet connection was unavailable at the time? Just like GoogleMaps the GenoPro Report Generator code for Timeline is not self-contained and needs internet access in order to run.I tried opening IE while the family tree report was open and it connected without any problem but the timeline still doesn't show in the frame. The Google Map shows up perfectly in this report.
By genome - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Well I am puzzled. Maybe your browser is blocking access to the site. Are you able to access the URL directly from your broswer? It should cause a file download prompt that you can Cancel. By the way I am assuming the text Timeline.DefaultEventSourceEvent in your last post is a typo for Timeline.DefaultEventSource.Event , if not your script.js file is corrupt. P.S. any one else experiencing a similar problem?
By Poolzone - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
1. I seem to have marriagees with blue time lines where they occur on a line that is also (previously) occupied by another life line. Note: This image shows the life line of Person A (third line down), who dies six months before the marriage of Peter and Sue as shown. The blue life line continues on after the marriage event. It should not.
By IainTait - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Ron (3/27/2007)
Well I am puzzled. Maybe your browser is blocking access to the site. Are you able to access the URL directly from your broswer? It should cause a file download prompt that you can Cancel. By the way I am assuming the text Timeline.DefaultEventSourceEvent in your last post is a typo for Timeline.DefaultEventSource.Event , if not your script.js file is corrupt. P.S. any one else experiencing a similar problem? I had no problem dowdloading this file and saved it to my "Skins filder" and I then opened my test report and to my surprise the timeline showed up ! I have no idea why this happened. The result is much improved and almost all the names are visible except for some at the very bottom of the page which could be seen if there was the possibility of a vertical scroll. I had to zoom in a couple of stops to see them. Bravo, this is getting even more amazing. (What's next ?):
By genome - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I have finally got the vertial scroll bars to work and improve the 'div' sizing to avoid extra scroll bars. I have also moved time date indicators to the top so that they are initially visible even if the scroll bar is present. I have also fixed the name issue when only date of death is present. So attached is hopefully the final version of the genomap timeline routines. Hopefully I can reuse much of the code as I move on to tackle individual & family timeliines. poolzone
Note: This image shows the life line of Person A (third line down), who dies six months before the marriage of Peter and Sue as shown. The blue life line continues on after the marriage event. It should not.
I can't tell from the image but if Peter & Sue have a date of marriage and are still together then they will have their own blue duration line extending to the date of the report. As I cannot see the scale I cannot tell if the gap is 6 months. Update: attachment updated to fix bug caused by localisation of report date Update II: replaced util.vbs with revised version See new thread for further news
By Poolzone - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Thanks Ron, Yes, I did not realise you had given a time line for 'events' that continue, but not for 'events' that are finished. Perhaps I thought you would have given them a different colour than the life lines It's going to be a busy place in there when all events are captured. Congratulations on your efforts.
By maru-san - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
poolzone (3/27/2007) Thanks Ron,
It's going to be a busy place in there when all events are captured.
Congratulations on your efforts. Agree with this statement after having seen this latest version. Ron thanks a lot for your endless efforts to satisfy the needs of the users.
So instead of having a timeline like this version with events (future releases) included for all members of one genomap, how about keeping another timeline (with events) available to one individual or the family of that individual.
By genome - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
maru-san (3/28/2007) So instead of having a timeline like this version with events (future releases) included for all members of one genomap, how about keeping another timeline (with events) available to one individual or the family of that individual.This is exactly what I had in mind when I first mentioned it (22/3). These timelines will be on the individual & family pages under a collapse/expand header similar to the Pedigree Chart. I will use a config parameter to specify how many dated events must be available before such a timeline is generated.
By IainTait - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Hi Ron, This version is fabulous with the vertical scroll bar. The only problem that I have noticed is that only the marriages of the later generations are shown but not their births (they are all living). The last birth shown is my late sister in law born 1928. (The privacy filter was left blank) PS. I have just discovered that when I toggle the timeline bars to "off" the missing names appear. Any ideas why this would be ? PPS. I just added the timeline files to my new main personalised skin and tried to generate a report but got this error [15.53] Processing template 'gmap_place.htm'... Error in Config.xml at line 143: Unable to open template file 'gmap_place.htm' I found the problem and by making a new skin and adding my personalised pages I started again and the report went OK but when I tried to open my timeline chart I got this error Thanks to help from other members I have at last managed to capture the screen shot !
By genome - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
IainTait (3/28/2007) The only problem that I have noticed is that only the marriages of the later generations are shown but not their births (they are all living).yes there was still a localisation bug as I was setting the report date before setting the locale. I have corrected this and updated the attachment to my previous post. PPS. I just added the timeline files to my new main personalised skin and tried to generate a report but got this error [15.53] Processing template 'gmap_place.htm'... Error in Config.xml at line 143: Unable to open template file 'gmap_place.htm' I found the problem and by making a new skin and adding my personalised pages I started again and the report went OK but when I tried to open my timeline chart I got this error Both these errors indicate that your customised skin is not based on the skin, e.g. your config.xml did not contain the 'gmap_place.htm' line, wheres the standard version does etc. When adding your changes you must merge your changes into the files and not just replace the whole file with your own, otherwise changes introduced in the standard skin will be lost. This process must be performed for each new version.
By IainTait - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ron (3/28/2007) Both these errors indicate that your customised skin is not based on the skin, e.g. your config.xml did not contain the 'gmap_place.htm' line, wheres the standard version does etc. When adding your changes you must merge your changes into the files and not just replace the whole file with your own, otherwise changes introduced in the standard skin will be lost. This process must be performed for each new version.Thanks Ron, I'm not sure how to "merge" the files. I have now made a new skin and added the timeline files plus my custom pages and when I wanted to add a couple of buttons to the heading.htm I noticed an anomaly as when I opened this I got the following error The line in question is below but stops at caracter 21 <base target="toc"/>
By fbukolyi - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
For merging you can use WinMerge. Just open your old config.xml and the new standard config.xml and you will see the differences. Then click on the differences and copy
This is also useful if you would like to keep your old GoogleMapsApiKey (instead of using the original version)
Have fun
By haep - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Hi Ron, I got the following error when I try to generate a report. [2.96] Processing template 'timeline.json'... Error at line 117 (timeline.json) : Type mismatch: 'StrJsonDescription' Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A000D I changed the regional settings to UK English in control panel, but it doesn't work, any sugesttion?? Thanks Hugo
By IainTait - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
fbukolyi (3/28/2007)
For merging you can use WinMerge. Just open your old config.xml and the new standard config.xml and you will see the differences. Then click on the differences and copy This is also useful if you would like to keep your old GoogleMapsApiKey (instead of using the original version) Have fun Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try this evening.:
By IainTait - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
haep (3/28/2007)
Hi Ron, I got the following error when I try to generate a report. [2.96] Processing template 'timeline.json'... Error at line 117 (timeline.json) : Type mismatch: 'StrJsonDescription' Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A000D I changed the regional settings to UK English in control panel, but it doesn't work, any sugesttion?? Thanks Hugo I also have had this error. I have now made a new "Customized English Narrative Report" from scratch and I added only the timeline files but when I opened the index.htm to check it I got two error messages. First I got this one and after clicking on "OK" I got the second one All this is without adding any personal formatting. I then noticed that when I click on the timeline button I get the third error below (2 images) but none of the other buttons work in the heading.htm.
By genome - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
haep (3/28/2007)
Error at line 117 (timeline.json) : Type mismatch: 'StrJsonDescription' Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A000D Sorry Hugo, I moved the function StrJsonDescription to Util.vbs but forgot to update it in the zip file. Download again and it should be OK. Iain, your problems do not appear to be related to Timeline. Without sight of the generated html files it is difficult to diagnose, but you have a syntax error on line 32 of the generated default.htm and an access errors on line 25 of heading.htm and line 25 of toc_timelines.htm. If it runs OK without your own customisations then you need to double-check your amendments.
By IainTait - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ron (3/28/2007)
[quote] haep (3/28/2007)
Iain, your problems do not appear to be related to Timeline. Without sight of the generated html files it is difficult to diagnose, but you have a syntax error on line 32 of the generated default.htm and an access errors on line 22 of heading.htm and line 25 of toc_timelines.htm. If it runs OK without your own customisations then you need to double-check your amendments. These errors were from the freshly made Customized English Narrative Report to which I had only added the files from your last timeline zip after extraction. No other changes were made.
By genome - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Iain, could it be that you opened index.html in the skin folder and not the generated index.html in your Report folder? I've just tried it and get the error you describe!
By IainTait - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ron (3/28/2007) Iain, could it be that you opened index.html in the skin folder and not the generated index.html in your Report folder? I've just tried it and get the error you describe!This is exactly what I did, but I never get this problem with a classic skin even when personalised as you can see in my tree on this site. I only get it when the timeline files are added.
By genome - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
IainTait (3/28/2007) I never get this problem with a classic skin even when personalised as you can see in my tree on this site. I only get it when the timeline files are added.I think you are missing my point. Your tree on this site is report generated from a skin template and not the skin template itself. I believe you have opened a file with IE from a report skin template by mistake. index.html in a report opens default.htm. If you open index.html in a skin template folder rather than a generated report folder it will open the skin file default.htm, which is not an HTML file at all, but a VBScript used to generate an HTML file. Hence the errors
By haep - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ron (3/28/2007)
Sorry Hugo, I moved the function StrJsonDescription to Util.vbs but forgot to update it in the zip file. Download again and it should be OK. Thanks Ron, Now it works perfect! The vertical scrollbar addition is great!! Thanks again, Hugo
By IainTait - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ron (3/28/2007)
[quote] IainTait (3/28/2007)
I think you are missing my point. Your tree on this site is report generated from a skin template and not the skin template itself. I believe you have opened a file with IE from a report skin template by mistake. index.html in a report opens default.htm. If you open index.html in a skin template folder rather than a generated report folder it will open the skin file default.htm, which is not an HTML file at all, but a VBScript used to generate an HTML file. Hence the errors Actually I have always been able to open the index.htm in the Skin folder to check the effect of my personalisations and even now I can still do this with all my skins that were adapted from the normal English Narative Report skin. It is only when I add the timeline files to the skin that this problem arises. In spite of this the report generates normally. PS I unticked the error box as the reports are generated normaly so I am not worrying about the minor errors any more. I have generated a report with all the latest of Ron's innovations with my personalised pages and the result is superb. :
By Poolzone - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ron, A life line exists for completed lives and continuing lives A life line does not exist for completed marriages only for continuing marriages. Should there be consistency in these rules, making reading the time lines easier.
By genome - Thursday, March 29, 2007
poolzone (3/28/2007) A life line does not exist for completed marriages only for continuing marriages.If there is a divorce date present then a duration line is displayed. So I guess you mean a marriage is 'completed' when the first spouse dies. If this is so I can put some code in for this. I am thinking of changing the initial state of the duration lines on/off toggle to be off so that the chart is not dominated by blue lines at the end and is also more compact in terms of height. Thoughts anyone? I have managed to code the individuals timelines so I hope to release the next revision sometime tomorrow once I have added family timelines. I have had to get a quite good understanding of the code in order to achieve this and I am much in awe of the guys at MIT, especially David Huynh, in producing this Timeline 'widget' with Javascript. The coding techniques employed have been a huge eyer-opener for me.
By 22101956 - Thursday, March 29, 2007
Ron (3/29/2007) I am thinking of changing the initial state of the duration lines on/off toggle to be off so that the chart is not dominated by blue lines at the end and is also more compact in terms of height. Thoughts anyone?
Very good idea.
Bravos for this addition to Genopro
By Poolzone - Thursday, March 29, 2007
I am thinking of changing the initial state of the duration lines on/off toggle to be off so that the chart is not dominated by blue lines at the end and is also more compact in terms of height. Thoughts anyone? I like the blue time lines to be present for all Life lines but find it confusing when other 'life events' use it also which if they are to have a line, then it should not be the same as the blue Life line i.e. slim black line or other coloured line. This would show more clearly the life events occurring within the time span of the blue Life line. If there is a divorce date present then a duration line is displayed. So I guess you mean a marriage is 'completed' when the first spouse dies. If this is so I can put some code in for this. I am not sure what the bug is, Ron, I think any Marriages that are current i.e. coninue until TODAY have a blue time line but the others do not because they do not have a finish date, even though they are complete through death of one partner. Therefore they stand as a single point entry only and show no blue line. In other words, Yes you are right and some code to correct this would provide consistency and accuracy.
By genome - Monday, April 2, 2007
I have switched details of the Timeline feature over to Adding Timelines to the Narrative Report together with a revised version
By Serge - Wednesday, April 25, 2007
for marriages display in TLV, I want to submit the following idea: (sorry for the bad quality of the mockup): in my opinion it would make marriages display lighter. I wanted to make the vertical line a dotted line for the end of the marriage, a dotted line too.