By bogistad - Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Has anyone tried to translate the Genealogy Report into Hungarian? My Hungarian is not perfect but I imagine this wouldn't be as easy as some other languages. My Hungarian relatived would love it!
By fbukolyi - Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I have checked this, but due to the frequent changes I will wait to the final 2.0 to check the reports again.
Basically the translation should not be more difficult than to other languages - at least in Hungarian we have no gender issue
By bogistad - Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Thanks, Feri. I would appreciate if you could let me know. I would have a go myself but I left Hungary when I was 10 so my Hungarian is not that great. Bob.
By idrisi333 - Monday, November 27, 2006
Én is támogatom az ötletet, de valóban meg kell várni a 2.0 megjelenését!
By bogistad - Wednesday, January 3, 2007
fbukolyi (11/22/2006)
I have checked this, but due to the frequent changes I will wait to the final 2.0 to check the reports again. Basically the translation should not be more difficult than to other languages - at least in Hungarian we have no gender issue  Feri, have you had a chance to progress this any further. I am leaving for Hungary in 10 days so it would be great if you have anything. If not, my relatives will just have to put up with me translating from English  I would be most grateful for anything you may have. Bob.
By fbukolyi - Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Unfortunately in the next few weeks I will have no any opportunity to start working on the translation
By bogistad - Wednesday, January 3, 2007
That's OK. Please let me know when you have a chance to look at it. Bob.
By Grisha - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Hello guys,
I am native Hungarian and willing to help you in this translation. How can I help you?
By bogistad - Friday, June 1, 2007
Feri, I have just spent four very enjoyable months in Hungary where my family tree was a huge hit with my relatives. They loved the report but, of course, they would have understood it better in Hungarian. I mentioned to them that there was an expert (you) working on it and I promised them that I would ask you about it. As I have been away, I was wondering whether you have had a chance to further progress a Hungarian translation. Bob.
By bkoko - Thursday, June 14, 2007
Halihóó, most már aztán forditsuk le a GenPro-t magyarra, de iziben... Please somebody, translate this Dictionary.xml to HUNGARY... I can help as well. Just don't wanna do this alone... Regards, Kornél
By DK - Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Remek észrevétel!
Rendben! A hétvégén neki is fekszem ha kapok egy kis segítséget! 
OK let do it in the weekend! If I get little help
By bogistad - Wednesday, June 27, 2007
You might like to contact fbukolyi first. I believe he is already working on a translation.
By idrisi33 - Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Fbukolyinak irtam emailt... De valaki már csinálja a program magyarítást és amint látom elég jól halad vele (15,8%) (
By idrisi33 - Thursday, September 13, 2007
Van esetleg valami haladás/fejlemény a report (dictionra.xml) magyarításával kapcsolatban?
By GiGa - Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I translated a lot in the program. I think there is a lots of bugs in it, and a few menu point translation description is needed. Wellcome if you would like to help to finish the translation!
Csomót lefordítottam a programból. Biztos tele van hibákkal meg minden, de hiányzik még csomó menüpont kifejtés. Jó lenne ha valaki tudna egy kicsit segíteni. Alapjában véve nem bonyolult, mert a menüpont meg ilyenek le vannak fordítva, csak egy kicsit jobban ki kellene fejteni őket. Pl.: Mappa -> A kimutatás célmappája, Fájl -> Az importálni kívánt fájl neve, stb.
Be kellene fejezni, de már kezdek besokallni.
Van kedve valakinek segíteni?
üdv, GiGa
By fbukolyi - Friday, November 16, 2007
Ron: when changing SetLocale in individual.htm to hu, the personal timeline is empty (line 43). When keep the original en-gb setting it is ok, but the date format is not Hungarian .
Any hint?
By genome - Sunday, November 18, 2007
The MIT Simile Timeline code does have support for localization, but only the month name abbreviations and Hungarian is not currently supported. You could try adding "hu" to the table in the skin file timeline\timeline-api.js and then create the folder timeline\scripts\l10n and then create the files labellers.js and timeline.js in it. See other language folders for content (tip: use WordPad to edit). timeline.js is not used by the GenoPro report. The timeline code is a bit fussy over the date format for events, which is why I fixed the locale to en-gb. I will also look at deriving the month names from Dictionary.xml as is already done with the Calendar.
By davidvaradyszabo - Thursday, January 3, 2008
Szép jó napot mindenkinek! Nem értem, hogyan tudnák magyar nyelvű riportokat készíteni GenoPro-val. A magyarítás remek dolog, de az angol kezelőfelület eddig sem okozott problémát. A riportokat viszon nagyon szívesen látnám magyarul...
Köszönöm a segítséget!
Good morning everybody! I just can not catch the point how to create reports in hungarian by using the GEDCOM Report generator. Translating the overlay itself is more then nice but dealing with applications in english was not a problem for me. But I would really appreciate seeing the reports in my mother tounge...
Help me out please!
By davidvaradyszabo - Thursday, January 3, 2008
Most már világos a dolog, hogy elolvastam a tutorialt. A kérdésem, hogy ki az illetékes a magyar dictionery.xml-ért? Hogy áll a "magyarítása", és miben tudnék esetleg segíteni benne?
Everything is much more clear now after finding the relevant tutorial
My questionis, who is working currently on the hungarian dictionery.xml, how is the progress going and how could I possibly help?
By fbukolyi - Thursday, January 3, 2008
igazi felelőse nincsen a fordításnak. Ellentétben a program fordításával (ahol mindenki belefordíthat és a fordítás egy központi helyre megy fel) nincsen jelenleg valós kollaborációs lehetőség.
Kicsit időhiányos vagyok, eddig a dictionary.xml kb 20-30 százalékát gyűrtem le. Két alapvető kihívással találkoztam:
1. a helyragok (-ban, -ben, stb.) mert különösen külföldi nevek esetén erre szabályt alkotni kicsit bonyolultnak tűnik. Így kerülő megoldásként az jött elő, hogy Született Egerben helyett Születési helye Eger lett. Hasonló a születési/halálozási időre. 2. Hosszú mondatok. Ezeket célszerűbbnek láttam részmondatokra tagolni, de ez kicsit bonyi Most már jobb, hogy a Phrase Editor kész - csak azóta meg időm nincs.
Amit esetleg tudunk: a jelenlegi draftot felosztjuk a jelentkezők között sorszám alapján (pl. a tiéd a 100-300 sor közötti rész, aztán a fordított részeket jól összepakolom.
By davidvaradyszabo - Friday, January 4, 2008
Milyen informatikai tudás szükségeltetik a kollaborációhoz?
Meg lehetne nézni a file-t a jelenlegi formájában? (vagy ez pofátlan kérés)
By fbukolyi - Friday, January 4, 2008
Jelenleg csak olyan kollaboráció lehetséges, hogy sorszám alapján külön fordítunk részeket, aztán összefésülöm. Számítástechnikai ismeret: unicode szövegszerkesztő , pl. pspad
Meg ez, hogy a formázással tisztában legyél.
A jelenleg általam részben leküzdött dictionary.xml nem titkos, csak másik gépemen van. Az angol verziót elő tudod állítani, ha gyártasz egy új riportot, ott meg tudod nézni a struktúrát. Meg segít a phrase editor (Tools menü)
Ja: és csak a narrative report fordításáról beszélünk
By davidvaradyszabo - Sunday, January 6, 2008
El tudnád nekem küldeni a jelenlegi állást? Akkor össze tudnám hasonlítani az angol nyelvű dictionary.xml-lel. Akkor látnám igazán, képes vagyok-e besegíteni. küldjed kérlek, ha nem akarod ide belinkelni. Köszönettel,
By idrisi333 - Sunday, January 6, 2008
Én is szívesen segítek, ha tudok. A jelenlegi állapotra én is kíváncsi lennék. Kérlek küldd el nekeme is: idrisi -kukac- citromail -pont- hu
By davidvaradyszabo - Sunday, February 17, 2008
Nagyon meghaltunk - pedig nekem egyre aktuálisabb lenne a magyar report ... télleg segítek, csak szóljatok.
By fbukolyi - Friday, June 27, 2008
Ron, when I have some time I am working on the Hungarian narrative report. One of the difficulties I am facing is the order of the words in the report. An example:
In English: They have two sons and a daughter. word-by-word translation: Nekik van két fiuk és egy lányuk.
However, a more proper translation should look like: Két fiuk és egy lányuk van. No Nekik (they) and the van (have) is at the end of the sentence.
After some investigation I feel, that it is not posssible to change this in the dictionary.xml, but some routines should be changed in the lang.vbs, like in WriteNarrativeMFU (remove PnP(i) and move the ToHave at the end of the Report.WritePhrase around like 749.
Am I right with this thinking?
Any idea, how to solve?
By genome - Friday, June 27, 2008
Hi Feri, Have you tried simply replacing the Dictionary phrase<!-- 0= Personal Pronoun, 2=have/had, 3=html list of Males, Females & Unknowns--> <PhMalesFemalesUnknowns T="{ }{\U}{!0} {!1} {2h}." />
| with
<!-- 0= Personal Pronoun, 2=have/had, 3=html list of Males, Females & Unknowns--> <PhMalesFemalesUnknowns T="{ }{\U}{2h} {!1}." />
This would seem to achieve your requirement. By the way I just noticed the comment is wrong. it should be <!-- 0= Personal Pronoun, 1=have/had, 2=html list of Males, Females & Unknowns-->
By fbukolyi - Friday, June 27, 2008
Hi, tried now, but no change Using the standard copy of the built-in English Narrative report version (so no applied changes yet from the PDF version of the report)
By jcguasp - Saturday, June 28, 2008
fbukolyi is right. There's no change. Actually it is <PhSpousesAndChildren> which needs to be modified. Having said that, is <PhMalesFemalesUnknowns> totally redundant? JC
By maru-san - Saturday, June 28, 2008
Had the same in Japanese and modified as follows:
PhOtherSpousesAndChildren T="{ }{\U}{!0}also{2h}[{?2|3}[{?2^3}, and]{3h}{!1}]."
also and and are to be translated into your language.
By jcguasp - Saturday, June 28, 2008
I investigated a bit more. In fact both <PhSpousesAndChildren> and <PhMalesFemalesUnknowns> are being used. + eventually the one mentioned by maru-san. <PhMalesFemalesUnknowns> is used for the narrative of an Ind siblings. and <PhSpousesAndChildren> is used for the Narrative of the family. JC
By fbukolyi - Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Thx folks. The challenge is still here, when ind siblings are listed. In PhMalesFemalesUnknowns the had must be within the listing, i.e.
Két testvére volt, X és Y.
I can manage the following
Volt két testvére, X és Y ({!1) is before {2h}), or Két testvére, X és Y volt. ({!1) is after {2h})
but not the wished one
By jcguasp - Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I went to a translation site for your phrase: Két testvére volt, X és Y and got this: Two your sister it had been X and Y, with Hungarian (CP 1250). The translation result doesn't seem quite correct but, seing the order of the EN words, it looks that what you need is in fact to split the template/Ph <PhCollectionMFU> in order to insert your verb 'volt', in-between say 'sister' and the sister names (X and Y). The <PhCollectionMFU> is actually param {2}/{3} of the main 2 Ph mentioned in post 21990 above.1) Confirm if my assumption is correct? and 2) Ron will be pleased to answer your query. For info, the translation site I used is: JC
By 149691 - Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sziasztok. Elég régi az utolsó bejegyzés: létezik már magyar nyelven "report" (a legjobb lenne, ha sablon lenne, amit skin-ként lehet használni) Köszi Gábor Hi, Is there a "Narrative Report Skin" available in Hungarian (downloadable). Thx Gab
By bogistad - Monday, January 18, 2010
Szia Feri! I just wanted to ask, is there a usable Hungarian Narrative Report skin available? I am going to Hungary in March and would love to take something for my relatives even if it is not perfect. Thank you for your assistance. Bob.
By bogistad - Monday, February 27, 2012
It's been two years since my last query on this and, as I am once again going to Hungary, I was wondering at what state is the Hungarian Narrative Report in. Is there a working version?
I would really appreciate if someone could update me on this.
By fbukolyi - Tuesday, February 28, 2012
No any progress from my side so far. I will try to dig into the latest version I have and pass it - one guy asked me for the latest version, he will check whether there are reusable parts
By bogistad - Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Thank you for that, Feri.
By 2318036 - Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Valaki tudna adni egy magyar narrative reportot vagy dictionary.xml-t?
Could someone send me a Hungarian narrative report or dictionary.xml? |