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Access denied publishing a report to
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By eu7 - Sunday, November 26, 2006
After buying GenoPro (gladly) I can't seem to generate reports.  I keep getting the following error message:

Unable to initialize publishing session for directory 'pieniek/'
Access to the path is denied. (HyperData Error -9999: ErrUnknown)

I thought the problem was the password, but even when I tried them both (genopro://eu7****** and no luck.

Rather frustrating, as I I've been having fun until now...

By jcmorin - Sunday, November 26, 2006
This morning, we have made several upgrades to our server.  It appear you have "discovered" a permission issue regarding a security upgrade. I've just made a change on the server that should fix this problem.

Can you try again and confirm that you are able to publish your family tree without any problems?

By eu7 - Sunday, November 26, 2006
Wow! Great!  I can breath again!  Thank You!
