By eu7 - Monday, December 11, 2006
I decided to have only the month and year of birth (of live people) displayed when I generate a report. I clicked "Remove all Living Indviduals" and "Keep Names" and "Keep year and month of births". What happened in the report was that the picture became enormous and all the text was gone. What did I do wrong? eu7
By eu7 - Monday, December 11, 2006
I just checked again. The text does show up, correctly, with only the month and year, but why did the picture suddenly become X100 ?
By GenoProSupport - Monday, December 11, 2006
I have no idea... If you have a step-by-step scenario, I will try to reproduce the problem on my machine and find out why it happens.
By eu7 - Monday, December 11, 2006
Thanks - I'll get back to you on that. Meanwhile my computer is giving me other (unconnected) problems... eu7