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Converting to HTML - Photos file not found
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By dipol68 - Wednesday, January 3, 2007
During Concerting to HTML my photos was not found. What does it matter?

By genome - Thursday, January 4, 2007
What folder are your photos in? It would appear from the error messages that in your Gedcom file that they are refeenced as being in a folder Фoτo\Γен_дepeво\ but there is no drive letter prefix in the file path e.g. C:\ therefore GenoPro cannot locate them. I suggest you try a search and replace on your Gedom file searching for Фoτo\Γен_дepeво\ and replacing with say C:\Фoτo\Γен_дepeво\ Then ensure that your photos are placed in the correct folder i.e. in C:\Фoτo\Γен_дepeво\. (Apologies if I haven't got the characters quite correct)
By dipol68 - Friday, January 5, 2007
Thank you. It works!