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Seeing Tree in browser problem
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By marksmith - Monday, February 5, 2007

I have 3 browsers. SBC Yahoo browser: When I paste in my address > then click the Tree icon > click on "Genomap1" > I get "Data Not Available." (No unblocking bar at top)

IE 7: exact same

Firefox: it shows "Family Tree Diagram: Genomap1."

How do I get these others to work in order for me to tell my family what to do in order for them to see the Family Tree? Is it an Active X thing?

Mark Smith
By appleshaw - Monday, February 5, 2007
Sounds like you need to load the Adobe svg plug-in. This should appear as a link - unless Adobe have completely given it up.

Another reason for using Firefox! (although the Adobe plug-in doe work better with large trees)