By flippers - Saturday, February 24, 2007
My genogram is very large. (4.500). I want to split my tree into several GenoMaps, but i dont know the best way. What is the best way o rule? Thanks
By V.L.o - Saturday, February 24, 2007
If I got it right and we're thinking alike, I'd do as follows: 1.Locate key individuals on connections of major tree "branches", 2. delete person's either parent or child link 3. "select entire tree" from that individual and "move" to another Map 4. "create hyperlink" on that individual and place it on location from where it was removed 5. reconnect as child or parent Enough?
By Poolzone - Saturday, February 24, 2007
I find it best to go to the bottom of a tree branch and select a family group. I split my groups up into about 20 members of less, and I select them by clicking the mouse button and drawing a frame around the group. If I miss somebody or want to add extra links just hold the 'shift' key and select them the same way. Then 'right click' on any selected member and choose 'move to genomap', on the next menu choose 'new genomap' . A new map will show with the selection on that page, a simple click locates them and the hyperlink is automatically created. Warning...always use the hyperlink immediately to revisit the preceding page and ensure that you didn't miss any members or links, if so, then use 'edit' and 'undo' and start again. If you then 'right click' on the page tab you can change the name to something that will remind you which family is o that tab. This method of handling large trees has the added advantage of making printing of the tree much better, and auto arrange is controllable.
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, February 25, 2007
The hardest part is to find what section/branch of the tree you want to split. You have to play around with the toolbar buttons to select mates, ancestors and descendents. See our video which shows how to use the toolbar buttons to select a branch of the tree. You are also welcome to see for the actual splitting.