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Telugu version of Reports
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By nadiminti - Monday, March 5, 2007
Hi All,

I have edited the necessary files in the Report Generation skin to make the Report Generated in complete Telugu (atleast for the data I have so far shows the report in complete Telugu). Since I do not know whether I can post all the data on the forum, please let me know the next step.

The data entered is in Telugu - with help of two key people who helped me on the forum - Ron and Maru-San - thank you both of you!!!

The version I have worked on is the latest from Genopro.

Sriram Nadiminti
By jcmorin - Monday, March 5, 2007
You can zip your entire skin and post it in this forum.

GenoPro encourages people to create custom skins and experiment new ideas. You are more than welcome to share your hard work with us.

By nadiminti - Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Thanks for the encouragement.

Hi All,

I am happy to share the Report Generator skin of GenoPro in TELUGU language. This language is spoken by people from Visakhapatnam to Hyderabad in India.

I call this as version 1 and I would post any updates I do in future. Also, if any mistakes are done in the translation please let me know. Some of the non-relevant portions in Indian context are not translated and I would be happy to do so if anyone would like me to do.

With this skin, you could generate the entire report in Telugu!!

Happy Telugu reporting.
By Poolzone - Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I do not use your language or read it, yet would be interested in viewing a sample of your finished report.  Is it possible for you to show an example on Genopro Reports website for us all to view? I would be most interested.

And congratulations on your efforts.

By nadiminti - Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Sure. Currently, I am changing the web-service provider and would be happy to show you all the report.

My web-site ID would be

Once my upload is complete, I would post the info again.

Thanks for the appreciation I have received.

By nadiminti - Thursday, March 8, 2007
The web-site is ready. Please visit and let me have suggestions / comments.
By maru-san - Thursday, March 8, 2007
Well done!!
By Poolzone - Thursday, March 8, 2007
nadiminti (3/8/2007)
The web-site is ready. Please visit and let me have suggestions / comments.

Thanks nadiminti, looks great.  Who's the dancing irishman?

By nadiminti - Thursday, March 8, 2007
Thanks.. I have received him in a mail chain and somehow I found him to be very interesting. Hence I kept him on my web-site.

BTW, the top link on the left (out of three) would take you to the GenoPro report section. I forgot to keep directions in English..
By Poolzone - Thursday, March 8, 2007
Good work,   and yes I had to guess the link (trial and error is a marvelous thing).   You must include 'English' links as well.

Your language is very colourful in script. Even though I cannot read it, I find it fascinating that Genopro has been able to create the basis for such translation.  Kepp up your good work.

By maru-san - Thursday, March 8, 2007
When trying to open the SVG chart through the links from the left panel (toc_svg) or through the small tree next to name, it will open the pop-up window, but asking to download the genomap. I think you have to look into this.
By Poolzone - Thursday, March 8, 2007
Hi Maru-san,

I am not getting this behaviour with IE7.  The SVG map is not good, but I do not get a request for download. 

Do you get correct SVG detail, as I do not.   I think we will have to find a more appropriate Gif image for namiminti than the Irishman. India Flag Animated

By nadiminti - Thursday, March 8, 2007
Hi Maru-San and poolzone

Thank you..
Infact I had this problem with SVG and I have posted for help. The problem indicated by Maru-San seems to be a known one with Firefox and there were several posts earlier but I could not solve it.

The following other problem is still persistent. Hope I could get some help and resolution.

Post #16599 Posted 3/2/2007 7:14:13 AM

BTW, I would like to see the Indian flag, could you please send it again?

Sriram Nadiminti
By Poolzone - Thursday, March 8, 2007
Hope that works, and thanks for the feed back

you mean to direct us to

It is a matter of putting URL markers around the address rather than Quote markersSmile

By fbukolyi - Thursday, March 8, 2007
Concerning differences of IE and Firefox: IE is using by default svg, while Firefox uses svgz. You have to set your web server correctly to handle svgz or to tell the report generator to use svg even in case of Firefox.

Quote from Ron:
Your problem is that your Apache Web Server is not correctly configured for serving .svgz pages. It is serving them with Content-Type: text/plain and without any Content-Encoding: header. Visit for instrutions on how it should be configured.

Alternatively you can try generating your report with just uncompressed .svg images that will be slower to download. To do this change the skin template file Config.xml parameter fCompressSvg="Y" to fCompressSvg="N" and then generate the report again.

Your Web Server may still need configuring for .svg pages.

For the full story see this.
By gv - Friday, March 9, 2007
Hi Sriram,

I have seen the great work you have done on the Telegu versions of the Report skins! 

I have been experimenting on Gujrati (another Indian language) versions for some time  and have found the same problem you have been experimenting on SVG. There is an example at where you can see that the names, which appear correctly in the  Name Index and in the Individual Pages, are not correctly rendered in SVG.

I'm not sure what is going on here (perhaps Ron might have a clue) because inspecting the code behind SVG, shows the correct Names. Another puzzling fact: if you copy the text from SVG and paste it in Notepad for example, it shows up correctly. It looks like it has something to do with the intricacies of Indian fonts, where some characters overlap others...


By nadiminti - Friday, March 9, 2007
Hi poolzone

Hope that works, and thanks for the feed back

you mean to direct us to

It is a matter of putting URL markers around the address rather than Quote markers [Smile]

Thanks - I have put the flag on the site.
Yes - the problem of SVG is posted by me. As indicated by GV (the post above), I think it is some thing to do with the joining of the sub-characters of the fonts that is not being done.
Surprisingly, I remember making it work when I was using Office XP. After I have upgraded to Office 2007, the problem seems to have appeared. I am experimenting - may be.
By Poolzone - Friday, March 9, 2007
I will post a screen shot , so that if Ron journeys by, he may be able to see the problem.

By nadiminti - Friday, March 9, 2007
For Clarity I am Posting the same here again.

The SVG does not show the same characters entered (in my case it is Telugu - the characters are distorted when viewing the map in the Tree area.)

On the otherhand, the characters are OK while showing in the grid.
By genome - Saturday, March 10, 2007
I see at least one problem here. You are using font Vemana2000 that is not available on many users systems. This is why Poolzone's post shows boxes instead of Telugu characters. I copied one of your .svg files and changed the font to 'Arial Unicode MS', one of the few fonts that has all possible Unicode characters. I was then able to see Telugu characters. But not knowing what they should look like I cannot tell whether the problem is still there. Could you try changing your font in GenoPro to 'Arial Unicode MS' (assuming you have it installed) and see if it makes a difference.

It is possible to embed fonts within .svg files when using Adobe SVG Viewer but I'm not sure about the position with Firefox and what the legal position is regarding distributing fonts in this way.

I think that the rest of the report shows correctly in Telugu because the browser can select the encoding, and no font is indicated in the HTML

By gv - Saturday, March 10, 2007
Ron: Please see my post above in this topic...

In which is in English and Gujrati (another indian language), I use Arial Unicode Ms and have the same problem in SVG. Some names - not all, are different: check individual Rajeshree Amratlal રાજેશ્રી અમ્રતલાલ રઘુવંશિ which in SVG is rendered differently... It should be રાજેશ્રી

By genome - Saturday, March 10, 2007
I'm afraid I have no idea what is wrong here. I note that using IE the detail header for Rajeshree Amratlal is shown as
but using Firefox it is shown incorrectly as

and so it is not only SVG that is affected. It appears to be a font rendering issue with Adobe SVG and Firefox and not a fault of GenoPro Report Generator. My knowledge of international fonts is virtually nil and so I hope there is someone else out there who can be of assistance. Unsure
By V.L.o - Saturday, March 10, 2007
There might be something like difference among commonly used and correct fonts for double letters in some East european fonts. Ill set up table to make comparison..

Letter ;Commonly used latin font typing ; correct latin font ; cyrillic font

nj (n+j); NJ, Nj, nj ; NJ, Nj, nj  ;  Њ, Њ, њ

lj (l+j); LJ, Lj, lj ; LJ, Lj, lj  ; Љ, Љ, љ

dž (d+ž); DŽ, Dž, dž ; DZ, Dz, dz or DŽ, Dž, dž ; Џ, Џ, џ

Try C/P and you'll see the difference, then you might try to see how they behave! .. some tools and programs don't even recognize special (correct) fonts at all! And if you try to use conversion tools latin->cyrillic you'll get results only for l+j, n+j etc.

Maybe in some common use and/or incorrect conversion lies the reason for this font problems!... If this is the case other way of typing might help. Unfortunately not all writings are fully supported by most fonts (In my country we had 6 different writings through ages... and although all of them are in theory supported by Unicode it's impossible to find a font that is functional with all of them at the same time).

One can always try to use some other more or less universal font i.e. "Code 2000", "Code 2001" etc. (I know I had to when I tried to right greek texts with correct accents...)

By Poolzone - Saturday, March 10, 2007
Wikipedia at provides access to a font they suggest will overcome this issue with SVG. It appears to be a Font issue and not Genopro related as Ron suggests.
By nadiminti - Saturday, March 10, 2007
Hi Ron, poolzone

I have tried the suggestions and I think it is not a problem of SVG / Genopro. As I change the font (I have atleast 10 different Telugu Fonts), I found the problem level is varying. The Font Rendering / re-rendering is not done correctly.

The best explanation I found so far is here.

I would post any developments

By Poolzone - Saturday, March 10, 2007
Thanks for the feedback Nadiminti,

Language diferences are diverse, and differences occur even within languages. I thought of this limerick when I saw a dancing irishman on an Indian language website. Forum moderators are welcome to remove this limerick if preffered.

There was this young lass from Madras,
Who had a most remarkable as s,
It wasn't round and pink,
As some of you might think,
But was grey, had long ears, and ate grass.

Keep up the efforts Nadimini, the efoorts will benefit us all.

By gv - Sunday, March 11, 2007
Ron, you are absolutely right: this is not an issue of GenoPro (which has outstanding Unicode support) nor of 'your'(!) fabulous Report Generator. As I mentioned in my earlier posts, it looks like some rendering issues (which I first thought was limited to the SVG viewer, but now I see is more general) of the Indian / Eastern Language fonts. We have come a long way from Windows 98, where we had many installable fonts for a given language, sometimes with character sets incompatible with each other; to XP where we have Unicode support. Will try on Vista where the problem might have magically disappeared...

In Gujrati, to get for example the letter શ્રી, you add શ્ + ર to get શ્ર and then add ‍ી  to finnaly get શ્રી. This is why, in firefox and SVG, it shows up as શ્ ર‍ી. In Telegu, I guess the same is happening...

Edit: Tried it on Vista with Firefox - and as expected, the problem is no more!