By RaymondM - Saturday, March 17, 2007
How come a report with 113 individuals (the report just above mine) is considered bigger than a report with 2554 individuals (my report as of today)? The first report has 3632 pages and the second has 3578 pages. Is this because of the number of photos and their sizes or maybe because of the page setup (larger page = more pages)? I think it is better to sort the biggest reports according to the number of individuals and not the number of pages in the report.
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, March 18, 2007
You are raising a good point. The "statistics" on the number of pages and photos is calculated based from the largest values of the report at one point. For instance, if you generate a large report and later, you generate a small report, the directory will display the largest values. This is by design (although a bit flawed), because our protocol uses incremental changes and does not know the true value. What we will have to do is fix GenoPro and to send the number of individuals in a report, so we can have a more precise count. Estimating the number of pages is almost impossible because some report templates may generate more pages than individuals, while some other individuals (without information) may not have any page at all.