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How to capitalize surnames?
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By RaymondM - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
How can surnames be capitalized?

It was suggested on another topic from 2004 that this will be available.

By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
At the moment, there is no easy way.  You can copy the surname column from the table layout into a spreadsheet, convert the text to uppercase, and paste the data back in the table layout.  When macros will be enabled in GenoPro, you will be able to do it using two lines of code, but macros won't be available before 2008.
By appleshaw - Tuesday, March 27, 2007
One option is to copy to a spreadsheet and use the UPPER function. Not so easy as having it built in
By RaymondM - Friday, March 30, 2007
Attached is an Excel macro that changes all the document to upper case (capital letters).

If anyone else needs to capitalize, the required steps are:

1. Download the attached Excel Macro: Upper Case Macro.xls

2. You may need to change the security level for macros on Excel to Medium: Tools>Macro>Security... and Enable Macros when this file is opened.

3. Copy the required column that needs to be capitalized from the table layout into the Excel file.

4. On Excel select: Tools>Macro>Macros... and Run the Upper Case macro, this will change the document to upper case.

5. Paste the column back into the table layout.
