By nadiminti - Sunday, April 1, 2007
Is there a way one can search for an individual after the report is generated by entering (input) a string say 'Sri*' for all the names starting with "Sri"?
I see that there is a very basic search / find function in default.htm but any way it is hidden behind because home.htm overwrites that frame.
If the search function can be extended to a few of the tags, it would be wonderful for users after the report is published on the Internet. thanks and regards
By jcmorin - Sunday, April 1, 2007
The Narrative Report generates only html pages; there is no underlying database to handle text search. I guess Google search (under only could help you if the report has been indexed... The other alternative is to locate the .gno file in the report (typically denoted by the icon . Once you have downloaded FamilyTree.gno, you can open this file using GenoPro and do a search using the Find Dialog (
By nadiminti - Monday, April 2, 2007
Hi I was only wondering - there are many TOC files and all the data is available in a sorted order which is more or less equal to an indexed database.
Here we are talking about a limited search - just whether the name or surname (lastname) does exist in the tree (html list).
thanks and regards
By fbukolyi - Monday, April 2, 2007
For this purpose you can use the browser built-in search feature (just do not forget to expand all sections).
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, April 3, 2007
We are currently integrating an improved "search engine" to our support forum. We are also considering integrating this search technology to