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Separate Folder for Individuals and Family-Famxxxx files
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By nadiminti - Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Is there a way I can specify that all the individual html files (indnnnnnnnn.htm) to be in a separate directory and family files in a separate directory so that it is easier to do the web-site maintenance?

thanks and regards
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, April 3, 2007
In the file Config.xml, you can change the directives from

<Report Template="family.htm" OutputFile="family-{Name:70}-{id}.htm" For="Families" LoopItemName="f" />


<Report Template="family.htm" OutputFile="family/fam-{Name:70}-{id}.htm" For="Families" LoopItemName="f" />

By nadiminti - Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I have tried that - and it did not work exactly. The files are getting routed to a folder 'family', but when they are accessed, all the nice formatting has gone for a toss. Also all the images are missing.

I think the images path also need to be changed.

Thanks in advance for the help
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, April 3, 2007
nadiminti (4/3/2007)
I think the images path also need to be changed.

Yes, you are right.  There are probably other URLs to change as well.