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Bi-Lingual (Telugu - English) Report Skin
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By nadiminti - Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I am very happy to post this and please find attached the Bi-Lingual (Telugu - English) Report skin.

Kindly note the following:

a. But for the help and support extended by Ron and Maru-San, this would not have been possible

b. I am not a programmer - some one might be able to do it with much less code, rather than copying some files and keeping same name with different prefix, suffix etc. So please excuse me if the code became bigger

c. Most of the time, I have put some comments where I have edited the files, but some places I could not due to the excitement that I have completed the huge!! (for me) task.

d. The translation into Telugu - It is not 100% complete, however, I can be sure that it works for 90% of Telugu families. If any one has a requirement, I would be more than happy to help modify the code.

e. If any one has downloaded and used the skin, I would appreciate an email

f. I have used 'EditPlus 2' and 'Windows Grep' tools which were quite useful.

g. My website address is wherein I have put our family tree in Bi-Lingual format

Finally I appreciate any guidelines / suggestions for improving the same.

thanks and regards