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Telugu Font Selection
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By nadiminti - Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I would like to know how do I get Genopro recognize the code page for the Telugu fonts I have. The code page numbers are 57005 (Already installed and available) where as Genopro does not recognize the same and deaults to code page number - 1252 - Ansi - Latin1.

Is there a way that we can make Genopro recognize this code page? If it can be done, the problems I am facing in SVG view etc could be eliminated.

Thanks in advance for the help
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, April 11, 2007
nadiminti (4/11/2007)
I would like to know how do I get Genopro recognize the code page for the Telugu fonts

GenoPro has a lookup table to map languages to code pages.  I added the codepage 57005 for the Telugu language.  The improvement will be in the next update.