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Error on displaying family detais
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By beraha - Monday, May 21, 2007
on Ver:

When changing the tag "fHideFamilyDetails" on config.xml from "Y" to "N" I get this error massege when trying to generate a report:

Error at line 316 (Code/Lang.vbs) generating 'Beraha-Rivka-ind00676.htm': ‏‏מספר ארגומנטים שגוי או הקצאת מאפיין לא חוקית: 'StrPossessiveProperNoun'

‏‏שגיאת זמן ריצה של Microsoft VBScript 800A01C2

It worked fine on ver

By rboshuis - Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I have indeed exactly the same error, and when looking at lang.vbs it does seem there are two calls to StrPossessiveProperNoun which only have a single parameter in stead of the two that are declared.

In the function was only expecting 1 parameter, but in it expects 2.

I added ,Nothing to the call to StrPossessiveProperNoun on both lines 316 and 332 and now it works.

By rboshuis - Tuesday, May 22, 2007
For those who want to change this in order to get going:

Change code/lang.vbs line 316


strHyperlinkText = Dic.FormatPhrase("PhFamilyWith", StrPossessiveProperNoun(i.Session("NameShort")), Dic.Ordinal(nFamily), strSpouseName, "")


  strHyperlinkText = Dic.FormatPhrase("PhFamilyWith", StrPossessiveProperNoun(i.Session("NameShort"),Nothing), Dic.Ordinal(nFamily), strSpouseName, "")

and change the same way line 332 to:

  WriteHtmlPicturesLarge spouse, "", Dic.FormatString("FmtPictures", StrPossessiveProperNoun(Util.StrFirstCharUCase(strSpouseType), Nothing)), ""

By genome - Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Thanks for providing a solution to this Ronald. I do have a different solution to the first instance in my development version of the skin that I will make available in a few days.

You could use i.Session("NamePossessive") instead of StrPossessiveProperNoun(i.Session("NameShort"),Nothing)

I think I can improve the efficiency of my code in the 2nd usage by perhaps storing the possessive form of the spouse name alternatives in the Dictionary. A 'P' attribute is already used for Plural forms so I could use 'G' for genetive case as sometimes this appears to be used in place of the word possessive.

By rboshuis - Wednesday, May 23, 2007

You're welcome. In no way I intended to give the best possible solution. I just wanted to go ahead immediately and therefore came up with this fix. It's a fix that is purely syntactical of nature, not knowing the exact contents of the report.

