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Translation tool suggestions
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By imcon - Friday, June 29, 2007
First of all I have to say that the idea of the online multiuser translating is amazing! Good concept and well done Dan! Unfortunately there are several disadvantages as well - anybody can damage already done translation...

I have two suggestions to help with the translation:

1. To make more easy to switch between original language of the program (English) and translated language(s). Sometimes I need to check already done translation and I need to switch to English to see the primary meaning. The switching is quite difficult right now. I guess that in some of the future versions the language pack will be switched different way. It can be done for example by adding option "toggle original language" (with certain keyboard accelerator) directly to the menu Tools/Languages.

2. At the address it is possible to see the progress of the translation for all languages and the last update. It can be good to see who was the last user uploading the translation.
By GenoProSupport - Friday, June 29, 2007
imcon (6/29/2007)
Unfortunately there are several disadvantages as well - anybody can damage already done translation...

We have implemented a system of backup and full rollback.  It is true anybody can do vandalism, however there are many more good people than bad ones.  Wikipedia is a good example to follow.

1. To make more easy to switch between original language of the program (English) and translated language(s).

In one week, GenoPro will have a menu named Language, just after the Tools menu.  This menu will list the built-in languages and switching language will be as easy as selecting a menu item.  GenoPro will also have a menu item, Other Language..., to pick another language not listed.

2. At the address it is possible to see the progress of the translation for all languages and the last update.

Again, next week GenoPro will display in a table, similar as the Table Layout, the status of each language, including completion percentage and perhaps history. Downloading (installing) a new language pack from the web will be as simple as a double-click.

At the moment, I am working on translating the little bits here and there.

By jcmorin - Friday, June 29, 2007
imcon (6/29/2007)

2. At the address it is possible to see the progress of the translation for all languages and the last update. It can be good to see who was the last user uploading the translation.

We keep a history of the translation of each language pack.  Here is the history of the čeština (Czech) language pack:

6/29/2007 16:01 1imcon
6/29/2007 16:001 imcon
6/29/2007 15:43161imcon
6/29/2007 15:391 imcon
6/29/2007 9:58 1142850
6/29/2007 9:55 1142850
6/29/2007 9:38 1142850
6/29/2007 9:37 1142850
6/29/2007 9:1576142850
6/29/2007 9:011 142850
6/29/2007 8:557 142850
6/29/2007 8:262 142850
6/29/2007 8:08102142850
6/28/2007 14:4590266961
6/28/2007 14:3358166961
6/28/2007 6:361 imcon
6/28/2007 6:361 imcon
6/28/2007 6:351 imcon
6/28/2007 6:351 imcon
6/28/2007 6:351 imcon
6/28/2007 6:351 imcon
6/28/2007 6:3521imcon
6/28/2007 6:343 imcon
6/28/2007 6:332 imcon
6/28/2007 6:331 imcon
6/28/2007 6:321 imcon
6/28/2007 6:3124 imcon
6/28/2007 6:251 imcon
6/28/2007 6:2387imcon
6/28/2007 6:09136imcon
6/28/2007 6:0227 imcon
6/28/2007 5:5912 imcon
6/28/2007 5:28159imcon
6/28/2007 5:15 6imcon
6/28/2007 5:07  imcon
6/28/2007 2:292 142850
6/28/2007 2:1472142850
6/28/2007 2:031 142850
6/28/2007 1:5711 142850
6/28/2007 1:4061142850
6/28/2007 1:222 142850
6/28/2007 1:19 1142850
6/28/2007 1:13111 142850
6/27/2007 9:101 Zdenek
6/27/2007 8:2312 Zdenek
6/27/2007 8:191 142850
6/27/2007 8:142 Zdenek
6/26/2007 18:3377 hlisnikovsky
6/26/2007 18:2734 hlisnikovsky
6/26/2007 17:41  197989
By imcon - Sunday, July 1, 2007
What to say? Just: perfect! Thanks. You both are genius programmers/designers!