By cezary - Friday, July 27, 2007
This topic might have been covered already, but here goes......
I would like to send via Email my file plus pictures to all members of my family instead of packaging it all on a CD/DVD.
By GenoProSupport - Friday, July 27, 2007
cezary (7/27/2007) I would like to send via Email my file plus pictures to all members of my family instead of packaging it all on a CD/DVD.This will be in our collaboration module. Handling pictures and file attachments is far more complex, as GenoPro has to handle file name collisions and perform caching for offline access and also to offer decent performance.
By cerfoglia - Saturday, August 1, 2009
If people to whom I send my genopro family tree (not the report) are not Genopro users do they have to download last Genopro version to be able to view it?
By appleshaw - Saturday, August 1, 2009
They need the same version of GenoPro that was used to create it to be safe. However has been around for some time now so it depends how long they have had a copy. You can just add the GenoPro.exe file (only 6 Mb) to the data you send as you can view the data from that file without going through the install process. Put this file on the Desktop and run it