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SVG and Windows Vista
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By LukaForum - Sunday, August 26, 2007

"Adobe SVG Viewer is not certified to install on Vista. In addition, users who install ASV

on an older version of Windows and then upgrade to Vista should be aware that some

features of ASV will not function correctly on Vista. Features of ASV that are currently

known to not work on Vista include (but are not limited to) the View Source command,

and support for audio."

"Adobe Customer Support will no longer provide support for Adobe SVG Viewer as of

January 1, 2009."

Which other SVG viewer can I use with Windows Vista?

Thank you.

Ciao, Luka

By appleshaw - Monday, August 27, 2007
Have you tried to create a report? The .svg graphics only appear in the report ie in a browser, so this may be a Vista problem