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Problem with SVG zoom
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By Liliya_S - Thursday, December 20, 2007
when I try to zoom the tree in right part of it I have a problem to do this.

for example, if i am trying to click the zoom button in next window:

i got this one:

What could be the problem? may be it's because of pictures? not enough memory?

note: it's occured not in whole tree, but just in right part of it....Ermm

By Liliya_S - Friday, December 21, 2007
I notice that there are an error on the page with SVG:

is this the reason for my problem?  what it is mean?

can anyone help me, please?

By genome - Friday, December 21, 2007
I have noticed myself that occasionally the Adobe SVG viewer fails to render an SVG image correctly when zooming or panning, particularly complex images. Usually right-clicking on the image to bring up the context menu and deselecting Higher Quality and then reselecting it again will cause the image to refresh correctly.

I have not been able to reproduce the error you reported. I believe the object quoted, svgMaxButton, is from an older version of the Narrative Report. Could you try using latest version, 2.0..1.3 and refresh any custom skin with the version embedded in that release.

By genome - Friday, December 21, 2007
I stand corrected. The error is caused by a bug in the current release, it occurs when to try to use the fSvgExpandFrame configuration option. The attached revised skin file genomap.htm corrects this so that the option works as designed.

Your zoom problem is not connected to this. Maybe you should consider breaking your large Genomap into several smaller ones.