By fbukolyi - Saturday, January 5, 2008
I have found quite difficult to check the translation result on the screen.
1. the texts may be too long, thus do not fit on the screen. 2. there are shared texts 3. the same word may appear in several translated strings, hard to remember to use the correct  4. for shortcuts hard to identify, whether the shortcut is still free or used by another function
Is it possible to have a - probably - report, which allows to print out all translated texts with their English origins? With the same details, like in the translation dialogs (for example for menu translation the details should be: Menu text, keyboard shortcut, status bar (tehn the same three for the English), ID)
By GenoProSupport - Saturday, January 5, 2008
You can always copy & paste the table for translation into a word processor and print it if you wish. I thought the English text was always visible. As for the dialogs, the translation is done in real-time and the accelerators/shortcuts will be displayed in bold if there is a conflict. If the text is shared, then you can enter it there in the Shared Text column and you won't have to type it again.
By fbukolyi - Sunday, January 6, 2008
Hi, yes, copy-paste is working, thanks. It is a bit boring for the dialog boxes (30+), but due to the fact, that the translation should not be a forever ongoing task : I can live with the copy-paste: btw. better to to it with Excel
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, January 6, 2008
I am curious what GenoPro could to to improve this - and what language you interested in translating...
By fbukolyi - Sunday, January 6, 2008
I am working on the Hungarian translation - but the idea is language independent.
What I thought is a report, which has one parameter (the target language) and lists all items which can be translated with their English origin and the target language. Similar, if I make one Excel table by copy-pasting all dialogs, menus, etc. from the translation tables.
By haep - Monday, January 7, 2008
This kind of report could be very useful in order to make an integral revision of fully translated languages. (as spanish:hehe Regards, Hugo
By genome - Tuesday, January 8, 2008
I'm not that familiar with translation of GenoPro but on a cursory examination I think it should be relatively straightforward to write a GenoPro report skin, or a freestanding VBScript/Jscript), that reads one or more XX.xml GenoPro Language files using MSXML DOM interfaces and produces say a .csv file for each section (Menus, Dialogs, Tags, Messages, Enumerations) with a column for each language present. The .csv files could then each be loaded into an Excel (or OOo) sheet. However at present there doesn't appear to be a base English Language.xml file to provide a reference point, I presume this is because it is built in to GenoPro itself. Question to Dan - is it possible provide an EN.xml Language file? Then it should then be possible to read the tags and values from the English file and then read the equivalent tag from each of the other language files and output details to a .csv file. Theoretically one could use MS Excel or OOo automation to create a spreadsheet directly, but .csv is easier to start with.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, January 10, 2008
The English language file is available at
By genome - Monday, January 14, 2008
Well it was relatively straightforward ( a couple of hundred lines of code :ermm with a few stumbling blocks along the way! The resulting skin is attached. It will compare two or more Langauge files listing the strings side by side. The skin will produce a .csv file for each section of the Language.xml files, i.e. Dialogs.csv, Enumerations.csv, Tags.csv, MenuItems.csv & Messages.csv. The .csv files are 'tab' separated and encoded as Unicode (UTF-8). The OpenOffice spreadsheet, sCalc will open them provided you set 'Character set' to Unicode (UTF-8) and specify tab as the delimiter, but MS Excel 2000 doesn't like utf-8! I don't know about later versions of Excel. However you can save the OpenOffice one in MS Excel format. The destination folder for the report must also hold the language files to be used as input with names of the form XX.xml, e.g. EN.xml, RU.xml etc. The EN.xml file must be present, (see Daniel's post below for download). You can include as many other language files as you like. Also attached are sample spreadsheets built from the output .csv files, using Spanish, French and Russian language files as input. Languages.ods is OpenOffice, Languages.xls is the OOo one saved as Excel. Update: 2008/01/15 Minor change to add version numbers to header line in files. Also a few more comments in the scripts.
By Jordi-Albert - Monday, January 14, 2008
Fantastic Ron. Congratulations!! can we use this tool to check all the translations? there is the possibility to import from this files? (edited) I have no open office. How can I have the ES and CA (catalan) text? How I must use this tool?
By genome - Monday, January 14, 2008
Jordi-Albert Batalla (1/14/2008) can we use this tool to check all the translations?Firstly, has it really been three years, it seems like yesterday! But yes it can be used to check any of the GenoPro Language files (but not other files) there is the possibility to import from this files? Theoretically it is possible to reverse the process, i.e. export from the spreadsheet back to .csv, then have a script to convert the .csv back to .xml. However it would not be possible to reproduce the GenoPro's rules and processing that ensures that the structure and content of the .xml file is valid. I.e. I could not guarantee the results! have no open office. How can I have the ES and CA (catalan) text? OpenOffice is a free, but large, download from or alternatively it can be ordered on CD for a few dollars. If you have a version of Excel later than 2000, it may also open the .csv files. Failing that, you can open the .csv files with say Notepad, but it is not that easy to read the text as it is not in columns.How I must use this tool? Unzip the skin template into a folder below your GenoPro skins folder. (you and view and change the location of your skins folder in the Options tab of GenoPro's Generate Report dialog). Then place all the Language files you would like to compare in another folder of your choice. In your case the files will be EN.xml, ES.xml and CA.xml. Finally choose the GenoPro's Generate Report option from the Tools menu, set the destination folder to be that containing these language files and then click Generate button. All the .csv files will then be written to the destination folder. You can then open each .csv file with OpenOffice sCalc to view the translations, English, Spanish & Catalan side by side in columns. You can compare any number of Language files at the same time.
By fbukolyi - Monday, January 14, 2008
Marvelous! And working!
Concerning Excel: from Excel 2003 it should work (]])
A workaround for me (Excel 2002 :cool : open the file(s) with a unicode capable word processor (I prefer pspad. Copy all, pasted to Excel. Seems working, at least in a Hungarian Excel 2002 with the Hungarian translation.
Usage (to Jordi-Albert):
1. extract the report (full structure) to your report folder as usual (normally C:\Program Files\GenoPro\Skins, assuming, that your are using Windows). 2. select or create a new folder for your comparison 3. download and copy the English xml from here 4. copy your ES.xml or CA.xml to the same directory 5. run the report: do not forget to specify the destination folder the same as you have selected or created under point 2. 6. post-process the files from the destination folder (Dialogs.csv, Enumerations.csv, etc.)
Remark: sometimes if you simple open the csv Excel will automatically make the conversion (not necessarily with the result you wish). In this case your can rename the .csv files to .txt and import as text file with several available settings, like column format, delimiter, codepage, etc.)
By Jordi-Albert - Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Thanks Feri.... but it doesn't work. I do all the process and I receive the following error : Script: c:\Program Files\GenoPro\Skins\Comparison\Main.js Line:1 Char: 1 Error: Syntax Error Code: 800A03EA Source: Microsoft JScript compilation error Note: done on two diferent computers
By genome - Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Perhaps do did not read my post that preceded Feri's. You must run it as a GenoPro Report not as a free standing jScript!
By Jordi-Albert - Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Thanks again Ron... it works! sorry... I didn't read your notes.... Note: the xml files must be on the output order
By 1217873 - Tuesday, March 5, 2013
fbukolyi (07-Jan-2008) I am working on the Hungarian translation - but the idea is language independent.
What I thought is a report, which has one parameter (the target language) and lists all items which can be translated with their English origin and the target language. Similar, if I make one Excel table by copy-pasting all dialogs, menus, etc. from the translation tables.