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program translation finished
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By Jordi-Albert - Tuesday, January 22, 2008
All the menus and dialogs of the program are now translated in catalan.

I'm sure that are a lot of mistakes... but I'm working on it.

--- català ---

Tots els menús i dialegs del programa ja han estat traduïts al català.

En el cas de trobar qualsevol error, ja sigui gramatical o de concepte, a més a més de corregir-ho directament, s'agrairia que ens ho feu saber.

Ningú es perfecte i, en el meu cas, soc concient de que faig molts errors en català.


Jordi-Albert Batalla

By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Thank you.  I renamed some of the <br> to <BR>.  GenoPro interprets the <BR> as a line break to display a multi-line message into a single-line edit field.
By Jordi-Albert - Tuesday, January 22, 2008
GenoProSupport (1/22/2008)
I renamed some of the <br> to <BR>. 

must be in capital letters? it's not the same?

(or I made some mistake and I wrote <cr> ?)