By cocpastor - Friday, April 18, 2008
I am brand new to GenoPro and I have to complete a school project. Can you tell me how to display the marriage date on the genogram??
By GenoProSupport - Friday, April 18, 2008
Double click on the horizontal line (it is the family line) and enter the marriage date in the label field.
By Jakk - Sunday, January 17, 2010
I know this is an old thread, but the solution is less than optimal, as it forces you to enter data twice, and when dealing with a genogram of over 3000 individuals and half as many marriages, this is highly inefficient, particularly when marriage dates are missing from the original data source and someone (in this case me) is going back through all 1500 marriages and inserting dates manually. Something as simple as a "display union date" checkbox in the union properties dialog box would be great.
By appleshaw - Sunday, January 17, 2010
The other way to label marriages is to use Ron's XML toolkit. This is accessed as a Report Skin - after you have downloaded it of course. Run the 'report' in the normal way and it will load a menu. At the bottom is an option box which you then click and open a drop down menu to select the option to use. There is also a check box allowing you to overwrite existing labels. The report is then written as an .xml file which can be opened in the normal way
By WaseK - Sunday, April 10, 2016
Unfortunately no change for GenoPro 2016 which I was hoping to. GenoPro team, do you plan what Jakk proposed to (at least) GenoProX if not for 2016 version?
By WaseK - Thursday, April 21, 2016
They replied in thread "Displaying marriage date on family line", ID36461, will be included in GenoProX!
By Jakk - Friday, April 22, 2016
Update with link: Displaying marriage date on family line. I suppose I could have added to this thread instead of starting a new one originally, but it seemed to be an important Wish List topic.