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Error with CutoffRepaired Emotional Relationship
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By jcguasp - Sunday, May 11, 2008
I just downloaded and installed again having noticed a change of file size and got this error:

The mentioned Ph doesn't exist in Dic.
For info, the icon associated with this Ph should also be included in the ER toolbar + I think some others (e.g. FocusedOn at least).
Thank you,

By jcguasp - Sunday, September 21, 2008
The problem is still not fixed with


By GenoProSupport - Monday, September 22, 2008
It is amazing how adding a little thing, such as an extra emotional relationship, can break existing code.  The Cutoff Repaired Emotional Relationship was added in and has caused many bugs.
By jcguasp - Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I just reported again an error obviously not fixed.

I thought Genopro was the Software Developer! If Genopro is scared of introducing bugs, who can fix the error then?

Once your Collab Module is up and running, I hope Genopro will start addressing the To-Do list, bringing plenty bugs potential ahead then!


By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ron is taking care of the report skins.  The bug is the report skin does not have the corresponding text for the CutoffRepaired relationship.
By fbukolyi - Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Dears, the communication in the forum became quite emotional and fingerpointing in the past few days I read. May I recommend to lay down the basis of the future of GenoPro in a different thread? (i.e. current status, sales point - like what does it mean, multi lingual, contribution split, responsibility split, wishlist with deadlines, etc. ).

Needless to say, but when I am reading such messages than "I thought, that GenoPro is a sw developer" or "it is Ron who has to take care of a bug, as it is not in GenoPro", I feel, that the common interest and contribution is somehow down....

As in the past two years it was Dan's orientation to more incorporate the 'customers' into the future of GenoPro, I dedicate the clean up session to Dan Smile. Surely I will help Smile)
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I hope my writing was not fingerpointing anyone.  Ron is doing a fantastic job with maintaining the reports, and it is my fault if I added the CutoffRepaired relationship.  This new emotional relationship was added for Monica McGoldrick - the "mother" of the genogram.  I never thought adding such a minor feature would cause bugs in the report generator.