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Missing photos in the report
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By jurela - Wednesday, October 8, 2008
In *.gno file I have 67 photos, but when generated report, I see ONLY 49 PHOTOS(*.JPG), why?
I have changed size of photo, memory size, but all time I have received ONLY 49 photos. And in* .gno file in PC I have all 67 photos, but in* .gno file after report I have 49 photos.
For example, in  
for Evsej Teve-Lejba Zimmerman in site no picture, but in my PC photo I have.
Help please!!!
Best regards Juri
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, October 8, 2008
By default GenoPro does not publish information of living individuals.  You have to click on the Privacy tab, and uncheck the option "Remove all living individuals".
By jurela - Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A lot of thanks
By genome - Thursday, October 9, 2008
I just happened to notice that your geocoded places are appearing in the wrong place on Google Maps, e.g. Chicago is placed somewhere in China.

 In the properties for this place you have latitude 41*53'08,12", longitude 87*37'58,32".  You need to indicate whether the latitude is North or South of the equator and whether the longitude is East or West of the Greenwich Meridian. By default latitude is assumed to be North and Longitude East. Also at present the routine does not recognize comma , as the decimal separator so the point symbol, or full stop . must be used instead.

So you should have latitude 41*53'08.12"N, longitude 87*37'58.32"W for Chicago. You can of course use the degree sign ° (Alt+0176 on the number pad) instead of * and use positve and negative values instead of N E S & W.