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Place Names
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By dtbee - Thursday, February 19, 2009
GenoPro 2007 prevents you from entering duplicate place names. However, it should be allowed providing that the concatenated Parent name was different. For instance:

London, St Cuthberts
Bristol, St Cuthberts
Durham, St Cuthberts
Durham, Weardale, St Cuthberts
Durham, Easington, St Cuthberts

Also it should be permissible if the place category is different:

City: Washington
State: Washington
By ccampos - Thursday, February 19, 2009
Good suggestion!Smile
By Alfi - Friday, February 27, 2009
dtbee (2/19/2009)
GenoPro 2007 prevents you from entering duplicate place names. However, it should be allowed providing that the concatenated Parent name was different. For instance:

London, St Cuthberts
Bristol, St Cuthberts
Durham, St Cuthberts
Durham, Weardale, St Cuthberts
Durham, Easington, St Cuthberts

Also it should be permissible if the place category is different:

City: Washington
State: Washington


London, UK
London, USA

By genome - Saturday, February 28, 2009

Once you have renamed your places as above you can use 'Pick Place' (Ctrl & K) to select from a table where to can see the parent place in order to find the right one.

Remember to turn on the Config Param to 'cocatenate hierarchic place names' when generating a Report.

By dtbee - Friday, March 6, 2009
Thanks for this tip!! This will make life much easier for me and I am sure many others.