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How do You get a Genogram into a Word Document?
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By 612240 - Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I really need to know how to get a genogram diagram into a word document. Please Help!

By Howard53 - Wednesday, July 29, 2009
You can just select what you want to copy, copy the selection, and paste into the Word document. Sometimes the pasted picture is not visible in Word, but this can usually be solved via a setting on the Tools>Options>View menu - this will depend on the version you are using.
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Press Ctrl+A (Select All), Ctrl+C (Copy), and then paste your genogram into your Word Document or PowerPoint Presentation.  GenoPro will paste your genogram as a metafile, which is a vector-based graphic, therefore retaining the full quality.
By 615111 - Friday, August 14, 2009
Thank you so much for that info!  I was having an awful time trying to do it with the right mouse button and couldn't get the "Copy" command to come up.  Your answer made it so easy!!BigGrin:


By zlatan24 - Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I know many programs. But some of them can't help me in difficult situation. Once I was writing a letter to my friend in MS Word. I finished and closed the tool. But today I wanted to open a file and copied the data. But I couldn't reason of all data was disappeared. Luckily for me I rapidly retrieved - repair microsoft word. This tool settled my trouble within a minute. I knew some interesting facts about it. For example the tool helped me freeSmile
By 369070 - Thursday, January 13, 2011
My genogram tree is very large and I have promens in copying it into a Word document:

1) if I copy it all in one page it appears to small

2) if I rotate the image 90° and I enlarge the image the lateral exceeding part disappear I do not know where!

3) If I divide the tree into 3 exactly equal parts and I copy each of them in a different page there are 2 problems: a) the first part shows the continuation of the connecting lines

b) the second part starts with the connecting lines

c) the 3rd part even if the dimensions of the image is exactly the same appears bigger

Is there sombody so kind to help me?

Thanks in advance

Paolo Farina

Milano ITALY   
By jcmorin - Thursday, January 13, 2011
Just curious, why would you want to include a large genogram in Word? Normally that would be a small genogram or a subset of it so it can be view and integrated to some text.

Large object required most of the scrolling and zooming like GenoPro offer. Word is restricted to the page size/boundary.
By Howard53 - Friday, January 14, 2011
Whichever version of Word you are using, the procedures should be similar. When you perform a normal paste the Genogram 'picture' will fit into the page to its full width. You will probably get a larger picture if you first set the Page Setup in Word to landscape format (this is preferable to trying to rotate the Genogram). Instead, if you perform a Paste Special (Insert menu?) you will get a very large 'picture' which overlaps the margins.

Now you have the Genogram 'picture' in Word you can resize it, either by selecting it and dragging the resizing handles, or by using the options in the Format Picture options (from the menubar?).
By 835443 - Tuesday, January 25, 2011
612240 (28-Jul-2009)
Hello,I really need to know how to get a genogram diagram into a word document. Please Help!
By 835443 - Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Please help.  I desperately need to know how to get my genopro document into a ms word document.  Thanks.
By maru-san - Tuesday, January 25, 2011
First of all please remember: an over sized diagram will you do no good on an A4/letter size word document.

But if your diagram is suitable to be placed into a word document, highlight all objects in that genomap(use the icon from the menu), copy this selection, open you word document and paste what you have just copied to the page in your document, You can resize this selection within the page. If you cannot read what you have pasted then most probably your diagram is too big for the Word document page.

But you can also create a pdf file from the genomap(print function) and attach it to your document. Please check beforehand the print settings(page layout) and adjust to your needs.
By 289916 - Thursday, February 3, 2011
I am desperate to paste a personal timeline diagram into a word document. I have tried to select the diagram and do paste (as well as paste special) on a landscape format.  What I get each time is that the date/year range at the top of the report as well as all the data prints downward instead of across.  Doing the same thing in Excel puts all the data in one column.
By genome - Thursday, February 3, 2011
Probably the best way is to do a 'Screen Grab' of the Report window using Alt & Prt Scr (Print Screen) keys together. So first arrange the report browser window as required (maximise and/or close index frame , resize window to suit) then use Alt & Prt Scr keys to copy the current window to the clipboard. Personally I would then paste the clipboard (using Ctrl & V) into say IrfanView ( and crop the image to leave just the timeline (drag mouse around timeline image in Irfanview and crop using Ctrl & Y keys. Then copy this resulting image (Ctrl & C) and paste into your Word document (Ctrl & V). I hate using Word to manipulate images but if you are happy with it you could cut out using Irfanview and paste the clipboard dirctly into Word and crop it there.
By 289916 - Thursday, February 3, 2011
Tks. Never heard of Irfanview before but downloaded it and it worked a treat
By 500760 - Monday, February 7, 2011
When I wish to create a large amount of family data into MS Word
  • I copy the family/families across to one or a multiple of new GenoMaps
  • From that I delete and shape as required until I have the family size and shapes I want
    • Remarks, Notes and Pictures can be added as required [e.g. "do you know who she married?"]
  • Then copy each completed group to a separate MS Word page
  • Delete those created GenoMap pages when finished
By lunshenfam53 - Tuesday, February 22, 2011
is it possible to paste into a power point in layers?
By rdn - Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Not sure what you are trying to do, but the answer is Yes.  Simply select the area from GenoPro that you want to copy, press control-C to copy.

Go into PowerPoint and press control-V.  You can do this multiple times, with each new paste into PowerPoint, another layer is added.
By appleshaw - Wednesday, February 23, 2011
If you want to copy what is on the screen to paste into anything then the Print Scrn button could be a better option. You can also use the Alt key with Print Scrn to limit the copy to the current window. If you want to trim the image, use Irfan View or similar package to get the exact part that you want
By soahs - Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I like the pedigrees that GenoPro makes.  But I want to copy & paste into M. Word as an editable file.  I know I can copy & paste to an image editing program like Xnview, Irfanview, Paint Shop Pro, etc.  But the result is an image which I cannot edit or add to or change text.  I tried to copy & paste into M. Word 2007 but it isn't as a pedigree but as text going down the page. 

Also, I want to sometimes display a pedigree in its own frame and not with the names at the left.  And print this way too with just the one frame of the ped.  Is this possible?  I use firefox and tell it to use only the one frame but it doesn't.
