By Robert Barbrow - Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I have two trees that are getting out of sync (one on my laptop and one on my desktop)
I take my laptop to events and have people add info but when i get home and do research i add it on my desktop so i always end up having to spend a lot of time manualy syncing up the two
is there anyway to merge where your prompted to accept changes between individuals with the same ID and add individuals that are in one but no the other
By appleshaw - Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Short answer is not at the moment. In theory it is possible to do merges using the xml files but I do not think it has been tried, tested and reported.
Can only suggest that you make sure that when you take the laptop out always have a copy of the latest file on it. I have many versions of my basic data with a month suffix to show progress. You could also use the GenoPro site to store the latest version of your file, which is only of value if the laptop can log on. USB sticks are also a good way of making sure you have the latest version with you
By Robert Barbrow - Wednesday, August 12, 2009
are there plans to?
By appleshaw - Wednesday, August 12, 2009
his was discussed 4 years ago at
So hopefully.....
By Robert Barbrow - Wednesday, August 12, 2009
4 years is a long time
I guess i won't expect to see it anytime soon.
Is there any blog or area that gives info on genopro development?
By Howard53 - Thursday, August 13, 2009
Robert Barbrow (8/12/2009) Is there any blog or area that gives info on genopro development?
This forum is it although input frfom the authors of GenoPro has been a bit sparse recently
By Robert Barbrow - Thursday, August 13, 2009
I've noticed
By Nand - Saturday, August 15, 2009
Holidays I guess ... Robert, when you say people are "adding info", is that just details like dates, places and comments or also complete new parts of your tree? Nand
By Robert Barbrow - Saturday, August 15, 2009
A little of both
For example I worked a little on my mothers side on my laptop and i added dates deaths updated names( spelling and middle names)
but i also added newborns stuff like that
By Robert Barbrow - Wednesday, August 26, 2009
any word?
By Elmar - Friday, October 16, 2009
Doesn't look like it - and I would dearly love to be able to have some form of this feature. My thought is an expansion of the hyperlink concept. At the moment, if I get a tree from someone as a GEDCOM, and it branches off of a tree I already have, with (ideally) one point of overlap. I would like to be able to select that overlap person on the 2 genomaps, and "declare" it to be a hyperlink. that should kick up a panel if there is a problem with data merging e.g. conflicting dates, etc. that could then be dealt with. Any data not conflicting would simply merge, e.g. field empty in one record but not in the other. What I have to do at the moment is actually delete a person in one map, and recreate them with a hyperlink from the second. And I lose any relationships that this person had on the second map by doing this.
By Nand - Sunday, October 18, 2009
Merging files is not at all that easy. E.g., empty fields do not mean that the value is missing, it might have been deleted because it was wrong. Simply merging files would re-introduce the wrong value over and over again. You really need to timestamp each field in order to find out what the latest "correct" value is and this feature is probably not foreseen in GenoPro. Export two version of your GenoPro files to XML and use MS Word to merge and compare them. You will soon find out how difficult it is to define the correct logic of operation. I can only second appleshaw's comment. Make sure you carry the latest version of the GenoGram with you. Otherwise you are only looking for problems.
By Robert Barbrow - Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I found a temp solution
i've been using with the dropbox client. we just need to make sure not to edit at the same time.
By Robert Barbrow - Wednesday, April 13, 2011
By rdn - Sunday, April 17, 2011
Perhaps you will be able to do something of this nature by taking advantage of the upcoming collaboration module. Dan?
By V.L.o - Sunday, May 8, 2011
As I recall, long time ago there was a talk about XML tool for comparison and merge of files... I think it was of MS...
Lookup somewhere in third-party tools...
By Nand - Thursday, December 29, 2011
You might have a look at