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Report Password does not work
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By Mark Caldwell - Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I followed the example to set a password to access my report but it doesn't show up when I or others access the site.  Under my control panel it shows as "password protected" but anybody can get to the report without a password.  Any suggestions how to correct this?  - Thanks, Mark
By appleshaw - Thursday, June 24, 2010
After you access a password protected file you do not need to use the password again that day. Next day you need the password. Possibly if you reboot PC you may also need password.
Other people should not be able to access the file without the password.
The only problem may be if you protect an existing file which may still be in cache, either on a PC or the internet. If this is a problem you can delete the old files and recreate with a new name. Check this forum for help in removing from Google cache if needed
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, June 24, 2010
At the moment, your publication named "Caldwel/Libera" is not password-protected.

When you enter a password to access a publication, GenoPro remembers the password for several hours.  However, when you visit the same publication the next day, or try to access the publication from another computer, then you will have to enter the password.

By hjdl - Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I also have the same problem. I have 4 sites. All are password protected but the 1st. doesn't work. One month ago all the sites was password protected and know i cannot protect one that was self unprotect.

By jcmorin - Thursday, August 19, 2010
hjdl, thank you for reporting the issue.  This is a serious and I have fixed it.