By Wladimir - Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Hello! How can we buy Academic Site License?
If the Citi department of education buys Academic Site License - will it be possible to use this single license in every school in the city?
By jcmorin - Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Our site license is valid for an entire "site", however having multiple schools would either require multiple site licenses or preferably an arrangement. I suggest you contact the sale department for a quote: sales (at) genopro (.) com
By Wladimir - Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Thank you for your reply! As I see on your site:Benefits of Purchasing a Site LicenseA site license has a single registration key. This key is valid for all the computers of your organization, including all the notebooks of employees and contractors/helpers at home. In other words, everyone having a working relationship with your organization can use GenoPro with this registration key, including the use of GenoPro for personal projects such as genealogy. With a site license, you may choose to get a special build of GenoPro with your logo on it. Does it mean, that Department of the Education of the whole city, and all educational institutions managed by it, can use single Academic Site License? Which is available at $ 395, is it so?
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 19, 2010
The academic site license at $395 is valid for one school and for people having a working relationship with that school such as the school staff ( professors, assistant professors, secretaries) and students.
Two days ago, I sent you a quote by email and a link to purchase a site license for multiple schools.
By 506940 - Friday, August 20, 2010
If my school was to buy an academic license can I use the genopro program in the class with 30 students ( working with 30 different computers) at the same time.
Can we pay the license in euro?
Kind regards
Bruno Verplaetse
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, August 22, 2010
If my school was to buy an academic license can I use the genopro program in the class with 30 students ( working with 30 different computers) at the same time. Your academic site license is a one-time payment and no user (student) limit. Also, students are welcome to install GenoPro at home for school and personal projects such as genealogy.
Can we pay the license in euro? The price of an academic site license is $395 USD which is about €311.00 EUR (according to today's exchange rate). When you purchase GenoPro at, you may select which currency you wish to make your purchase and GenoPro.I sent you a link to purchase your academic site license for €300 Euros.