By 537529 - Monday, September 20, 2010
I used my cousin as a surrogate mother, how do i show that?
By appleshaw - Monday, September 20, 2010
There are no hard and fast rules for this sort of thing but GenoPro can cope. I created a family and then added another female as Surrogate. Link the child here to get this sort of genogram. More important is that when you look at the properties of the child you see on the Family tab
By 2455412 - Tuesday, September 26, 2023
how did you manage to add a new mother? the best i could come up with was by adding a new female to the page, linking the child as child to the intended serrogate and maually deleting the male it generated for her. i also had to manually go and touch up the way the family line decided to lay as it still jutted out to where the secondary mate was suposed to be. another problem i ran into was trying to give the serrogate a marriage with new kids by the husbadnd. i couldnt figure that out...
By appleshaw - Thursday, December 21, 2023
Looking at my earlier image I realise that I did not read the details fully. I think this image is a better representation of the situation. You can not delete mention of the 'father' as the child might want to know about him - even if he only existed in a test tube. Genealogically this is a necessary detail. I have added the genogram if that helps