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Spurious Error message from Report Generator when households present
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By genome - Saturday, November 6, 2010
I get the the following error message in the Report Log when a Household is present (created under
[0.00] Processing template 'init.htm'...

getting XML
 [0.12] The tag 'Household.Position' is no longer valid.  Try 'Household.Coordinates of the object in the genogram'
got XML

from this snippet of script
Report.LogComment "getting XML"
 strXml =ReportGenerator.document.GetTextXml
Report.LogComment "got XML"

i.e. the error message is being generated by GetTextXml
GenoPro's tag definitions for a Household still refer to Position as a valid tag.
By Poolzone - Saturday, January 1, 2011
This error continues in 2011 
By genome - Friday, January 14, 2011
Bump Ermm

It has been over two months since this bug was reported.
By jcmorin - Friday, January 14, 2011
I've talk to Dan about it, it's been "forgot". It's a little issue (to the best of my knowledge) that didn't got his time/attention.