By 752454 - Friday, December 24, 2010
I have a new computer and i need register my key GenoPro, but the message is more o less "the key is used ...".
Help me, thank you,
By 717253 - Saturday, December 25, 2010
I have been using Genpro for a number of years. However, I have now changed computers and find that I can no longer use the programme. Attempts to contact you and obtain a key have proved usuccessful only asking me to purchase the programme. Consequently, I shall not be paying for something for which I have already paid and shall no longer use the programme; I shall, rather, purchase a similar progrmme elsewhere.
Bruce M. Herd.
By appleshaw - Sunday, December 26, 2010
Bruce If you are a paid customer there is no need to pay again. You need to log-in to this forum with your email and password, when you will appear as a Customer, not a forum member. Then you can go to and find the Registration key to activate the program. It will work on all versions released so far up to 2.5. Hope you paid to GenoPro as some people paid elsewhere to obtain a Cd, which does not give access to all facilities such as online back-up and web hosting of reports. Happy New Year
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, December 30, 2010
Download GenoPro 2011. The Registration dialog has an option to recover your registration key.