By Stuart - Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I have noticed that when Inkscape converts a large Genogram SVG file into PDF it does not show the complete Genogram as in the original.
On investigation if you manually open the original SVG within Inkscape and then select "Document Properties" and then "Resize page to drawing or selection", the resulting saved PDF conversion now has the full Genogram.
My question is when running a Narrative Report can the default in Inkscape be set automatically to "Resize page to drawing or selection" on all SVG conversions for PDF outputs. This problem has become an issue as IE9 does not fully support SVG's and therefore my only option is to default to PDF's for Genograms.
Incidentally my site has over 411 Genograms and some of the individual family tree are large and it is a pain to keep checking each PDF Genogram for every new compilation.
By genome - Thursday, December 30, 2010
The skin already uses Inkscape -D parameter to export the whole drawing, not just the page. Maybe the problem is your PDF reader. Adobe Reader is limited I believe to 200 inches wide. (When open in Adobe check the size) Others have had this issue in the past. Switch to the Foxit PDF Reader to avoid this issue (and improve performace) or re-jig your genoMap to fir it into less than 200 inches.
By Stuart - Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thanks Ron for the clues to the answer. In fact the resolution was to use the Adobe Acrobat Pro Reader / Writer application without resizing the particular genogram and all worked OK. I tried Foxit first and that worked also. The Adobe stand alone Reader seems to have the problem you suggested. Thanks again for the quick reply.