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Household information
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By maru-san - Thursday, January 13, 2011
When using latest Genopro Version along with the latest report generator(narrative report) I am receiving following message:
[0.14] The tag 'Household.Position' is no longer valid.  Try 'Household.Coordinates of the object in the genogram'

Please explain!

How can I include household information (i.e. with custom tags: census data,etc.) into the narrative report?(sample family?)

Please include also custom tags to include movie/flash data!(sample)
By Poolzone - Thursday, January 13, 2011
Problem reported here by Ron.
By genome - Friday, January 14, 2011
maru-san (13-Jan-2011)
How can I include household information (i.e. with custom tags: census data,etc.) into the narrative report?(sample family?)

Please include also custom tags to include movie/flash data!(sample)

At present the Narrative Report only shows the households on the SVG/PDF diagrams.

I hope that Dan will extend the Household object further with Sources, Pictures and Contacts tabs. 

Interestingly I notice that the tag definitions for the Household already include Sources and Pictures but not Contacts. However none of these items can be amended via the current user interface.

If these changes are made to GenoPro then I'll add narrative for Households to the report and custom tags will be processed as with other object i.e. either in tabular form or via custom phrases. I can also provide links from individuals to the households they are members of. 
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, January 18, 2011
There is a routine to ask what is the center point (position) of the object.

The problem is the household (like the shape object) does not have a center position, and therefore an error was displayed.

I fixed this error by adding two lines of code to ignore the center point (the same code as in the shape object).  The fix will be available in version  I am wrapping a few more things for the next update.