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GenoPro report error with GreenLeaf theme
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By Stuart - Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Today I updated to GenoPro version: and have a problem with the Default English Narrative Report whereby it now give two errors on compile. as shown below.

If you have the GreenLeaf theme as default. The problem I believe is that Ron's excellent work on Themes now places the images in a default sub-directory under Themes, under Code, and the GenoPro update today for the Default Narrative does not. It remains to put them in the Default Images directory. If you do not use the GreenLeaf theme as the default all is well.

Lastly Ron's code is working great for his latest Custom Narrative release as of this morning. The standard GenoPro structure needs to reflect the Themes improvement.
By genome - Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Hi Stuart,
I also checked out and have reported the same issue to Dan and we are working together on a solution. 

If you create a custom skin from it using 'New Skin' it runs fine.

I also want to keep the bleeding edge of themes out of the main GenoPro build until we are all happy it is stable. Hence GenoPro only has 2011.01.29 and not the latest cut.

I will continue to post new versions on the forum so that users like yourself who are happy to try out new skins can assist in testing and development but I don't want to inflict a potential unstable version on the masses.

(p.s. 'Lizzie' is for the tourists, 'Best' is best Smile )
By Stuart - Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Thanks Ron, I do agree with your sentiments about "Main Stream", and look forward to helping you test as new skins come out.

(P.S. By the way, yes at 8.1 Crazy versus 4.0 "Best" is for the sensible people Whistling)