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By plv0323 - Thursday, February 3, 2011
I purchased GenoPro software in 2004 for an a desk top Dell.  I hadn't used the software in years, and have no idea where the original disk was that GenoPro sent me. (Without the disk, I don't have the registration)  I met the folks who presented the software at a legal conference, and purchased it there, and was mailed the disk.  Have moved three times since 2004.  Now I no longer use that Dell, but it exists in my house.  I am in another state with two lap tops: an older Toshiba and a brand new Apple MacPro.  My Toshiba has two geno grams which I e-mailed to myself about 2 years ago for previous capital trials.  I opened them up January 2011 to construct a new genogram for a capital murder trial, forgetting they weren't originally created on the Toshiba.  I spent a full day working on what I think is a fantastic 3 generation family history using the old e-mailed software on my Toshiba.  Last week, I took the item to Kinko's Printing company to have them create a large format (4 ' x 6') for court.

Kinko's stated they couldn't print it from a thumb drive.  They said they had to have my software which of course wasn't possible.  After much debate, they agreed to hook my Toshiba up to their printers and printed it directly from my laptop to their printer.  $100.00 later, it is printed and there are 3 errors.  I need to make corrections, and have it printed again.  I also need to add the legend to the document, which isn't available on my laptop.  I assume when I e-mailed it to me years ago, it didn't include the full software from the desktop Dell.

I am perfectly willing to buy new software but as soon as I finish this trial, I will be migrating all my files on my Toshiba (which is 6 years old) to my new MacBook Pro.  When I went on the GenoPro web site, there seemed to be some serious issues with using a Mac with this software.  First and foremost, I need to fix my document for court within the next 2 days and then figure out how to get it printed again at a Kinko's type facility in the state I am currently located in.  

Second, I need to get the software on a new computer, if in fact I can use it in the future on my mac. 

Can anyone help me with these issues?  I called the GenPro phone number and all one can do is leave a message.

Thanks in advance, PLV
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, February 3, 2011
You do not need to purchase GenoPro again.  You are welcome to install and use GenoPro on all the computers you personally use.  As for running GenoPro on a Macintosh, you need special software like VMFusion or Parallels (

To print at Kinkos, you can export your genogram into a Metafile (Menu -> Export -> Metafile).  A metafile is a graphic (similar as a Bitmap, JPEG, or PNG) with a transparent background.  A metafile may be scaled without any loss of quality.
By plv0323 - Sunday, February 6, 2011
I am definitely out of my league by the posts I am reading.  With the advice given to purchase VMware, I did just that.  I have paid the $89.00 and just when I think I can now download the genopro software to my mac I am prompted by VMware to identify what downloads I want.  There are over 40 options to choose from.  Law I get.  But what down loads I need for my mac to work with GenoPro I have no clue.  I ended up joining a forum with vmware and they might as well have responded in greek what to do.  Can anyone with genopro suggest what I do next?  THank you.
By 860750 - Saturday, February 26, 2011
Hello there .. I have really been struggling with the use of the software.  I don't believe the directions are easy to follow so please can you tell me ...I have the nuclear family completed... now how do I add their parents .. thank you
By bogistad - Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sorry to hear you are having difficulties but I was wondering whether you have read the Introduction here.

You will find that they are quite easy to follow especially for such basic operations as Family relationships and linking parents/children.

By 860750 - Saturday, February 26, 2011
Can I get a refund... cause this just isn't working. I tried to enter a very close friends name and could not - how soon can i get the refund ?
By appleshaw - Saturday, February 26, 2011
Give it another trial. Most software has a learning curve, which is why companies like GenoPro offer a trial before you buy policy.
You can either use mouse input or keyboard. Right click of the mouse on the screen opens a menu which allows you to add a new person. Choose male/female and then go to properties; if you are a mouse user a right click on a selected person brings up a different menu and the last line is properties. Open this menu and the cursor is ready to enter name.
If you are a keyboard user then W adds a male & E a female. Press Enter to open the properties menu.

If you want to define a friendship between individuals, then select one of them; right click and fourth line is New Emotional Relationship. Click on the line type which best fits and then join the line to the second person
By jcmorin - Sunday, February 27, 2011
860750 (26-Feb-2011)
I have the nuclear family completed... now how do I add their parents .. thank you

Select an individual, press the letter P on your keyboard or the "Add Parent button" and you will have parent to the selected individual.
By 860750 - Sunday, March 6, 2011
May have replied twice if I did pardon my ignorance. I have completed my genogram (after countless attempts to learn the software techniques and limits). some one with the name of "Nils" offered to examine or review my work... since this is my first genogram(ever) would appreciate assistance. the genogram was to be completed in the McGoldrick, Gerson and Shellenberger (1999) framework some of the symbols in the genopro software are not consistent with this format... how do I alter.  thank you in advance any help.. breathing easier...
By maru-san - Sunday, March 6, 2011

You can change the appearance as shown above if you click the 2nd line in the sub-menu under View.
By 871990 - Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I tried to create a genogram.  I left off the name of one sibling and I tried to add it back.  The who genogram screwed up on Map 2.  How do I get the genogram icons organized and centered.   How do I add another sibling? How do I copy and paste the infomation into a power point.

Please help.  this project is due tomorrow.

Linda Brown
By appleshaw - Thursday, March 17, 2011
See your problem as Auto arrange does not sort it. Suggest that you move James Pernell Robinson to GenoMap3. ( Select; right click and select 'Move to GenoMap' ). Having moved the father, make sure he is selected and then press key 'V' and this will bring the rest of the family across.
To add a new person, create on screen and then link, either as child or parent (presumably child). If the sibling is for James senior you will need to create their parents first (Press key 'P')
Hope that sorts it
By 365438 - Friday, April 15, 2011
Not sure where to start ... just wanted to know whether I should keep using the 2007 Genopro as I switch to Windows 7 from XP or if I will eventually have problems.  Originally purchased it for my Windows XP Dell and have used it on my laptop with Windows 7 ... then took a long break from using it due to limited time. Now I will be entering all the data from my Family Tree originally done on a Mac with McGenogram.  On a large format printer it prints out to about 12 feet on 3 ft wide paper. I have my own printer but am not sure if I can continue using it with newer versions of Windows and ... if not ... would expect to have it professionally printed. Had been looking for a McGenogram type program for years until I found this one on-line. Just wanted to know if I should convert to the most recent version and if it will print out in such a large form.
By appleshaw - Saturday, April 16, 2011
Best to use the latest version (free upgrade) GenoPro2011. Printers on Windows, of course, need drivers for that OS. If you can not use an existing printer then there are many examples on this forum of creating a pdf file and using a bureau to plot/print it.
Alternatively split the display onto different GenoMaps
Third option (that I use) is to use GenoPro's ability to create a mosaic on standard printer paper
By 928864 - Tuesday, June 28, 2011
I followed all the instructions to get a registration key for 180 days, but after completion my registration key was only valid for 15 days.  What did I do wrong?
By 63806 - Thursday, July 14, 2011
I no longer have the option of "engaged" on family unions drop down menu.  In fact, I only have about five choices instead of the twenty-something shown in help.  How do I get them back?
By Howard53 - Friday, July 15, 2011
See the reply here.
By 934492 - Monday, July 18, 2011
I am trying Genpro 2011 and like it so far, however, I don't see a Footer or Header page so I can title my family tree? Am I missing something there?


By appleshaw - Monday, July 18, 2011
If you are looking at prints from the display, this is on the Page Layout menu. It uses default style of header/footer which you can see in print preview.
The Report Writer generates a heading for the page
By favoritedog - Sunday, April 7, 2013
By now, I can tell you I am super frustrated and worn out!  I did a basic genogram, which should print on 8 1/2 x 14 (landscape) paper.  I sent it via e-mail attachment (think I saved it as PDF) and the attorney's office cannot get it to print as above.  It keeps printing on 3 sheets of paper.  I have changed everything so many times - following all directions I could find - and it's all in vain.  Hours have been spent on this - shame on GenoPro!  We need this for a trial on Monday (4/8/13).  By the looks of all the blogs and their frustrations, I'm not holding my breath - and am very sorry to have purchased this.  There should be an actual - REAL - book to come with this that we can refer to.  We should not have to keep going into the help and printing each subject we need - AGAIN - SHAME ON GENOPRO!
By appleshaw - Sunday, April 7, 2013
How many programs do you know that have manuals? You have to use the built in help menu - F1.

As you need this tomorrow there are several options. If you can see what you want on screen then the Print Scrn key is last resort. You would need a graphics program to paste this into and then save as jpg.

From GenoPro the important part is Page Layout which will put the output as either landscape or portrait and you can also select how many pages you want in the output. Print Preview will let you see if the result will be clear at that resolution. If there is not enough detail you either split over pages or use a larger paper size, which means installing another printer driver.

Final option would be to use File Export and select Metafile. This will produce a graphics image which would open in a graphics program eg Windows Picture Viewer
By Barry Graham - Sunday, April 7, 2013
If you want to reproduce a smaller section of a large genogram just select the part you require.
This can be done by dragging a box around the section or by selecting an individual then use the Select Direct Ancestors tool.
Copy the selection from the Edit menu and paste directly into a Word document.
The pasted diagram can be enlarged/ reduced/cropped in Word without loss of quality.