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C attributes for tags Individual, Family, ...
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By powery - Friday, October 21, 2011

is it possible to add and work with C attributes to define the cardinal form? Only T attribute works for 1 individual and P for more individuals. This is not sufficient (in index counts) for Czech language.

By GenoProSupport - Friday, October 21, 2011
Can you please give an example where you would like to use the cardinal attribute?  Where you would like this value to be displayed?
By genome - Friday, October 21, 2011
Dan's notes in Dictionary.xml suggest it should work but I don't remember ever testing it. So why not edit the 'Individual' tag to include some Cx attributes and find out. Wink 
By powery - Friday, October 21, 2011
I would like to change cardinal here (and maybe not only here):

1 osoba
2 osoby
3 osoby
4 osoby
n osob

1 rodina
2 rodiny
3 rodiny
4 rodiny
n rodin

1 místo
2 místa
3 místa
4 místa
5 míst

and so on