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Add support for _F for Occupancy Type Phrases
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By powery - Monday, October 24, 2011

the Occupation Type Phrases are different for masculine and feminine in Czech language. Is it possible to add _F support for these tags?

By genome - Monday, October 24, 2011
Hi, yes it would be possible to add gender options to these phrases but it would make an already complicated piece of VBScript even more so.  For that reason I would prefer some other solution. 

I believe it should be possible to determine the gender of the subject from the existing parameter 1, i.e. the relative pronoun (his/her/its in English).  This can be tested within the phrase template using the comparison operator of the phrase generator  English [{1=her}female option][{!}default option (male)]
By powery - Monday, October 24, 2011
I have it.

<PhOT_ T="{ &#32;}{\U}{!0}[{?!4} žil[{?1=její}a]][{?4}[{?2|3} žil[{?1=její}a]][{?!2|3} žije]] {5h}[ po {3}][{?2} ]{!2}. "/>

The ? is important.

Many thanks Wink