By 826428 - Sunday, November 13, 2011
Dear Sir I bought your program "GENO PRO" and i like it. However, there is a problem that has given me work. Consists of the following the Delete is so close to the Properties that sometimes i blotteth out work already done. Can the problem be solved?
By appleshaw - Sunday, November 13, 2011
Two suggestions.
If you select a person and press Enter this is the same as selecting Properties; I find it easier to do this anyway. You get the same result with a double click after selection, so you do not have to open the menu (ie do not use right click)
I assume you have found the Undo icon on the menu bar to bring back the deletion; again I prefer to use the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+Z
By GenoProSupport - Monday, November 14, 2011
As Appleshaw wrote, the undo (Ctrl+Z) is always available. ALso, most of the time you may double-click to get the properties, or select the object(s) and press the Enter key to bring the properties of the selection.