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Pronoun setting used for PhCollectionMFU
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By kniskan - Friday, July 13, 2012
I would need to edit the pronoun for this phrase, but can't figure where the parser gets it.

<!-- Collection summary by male, females and unknown gender, followed by the names in HTML format.
    Example: "a brother and two sisters, named Benoit, Anne and Estelle"
    0=males, 1=females, 2=unknown gender, 3=names in html format, 4=all females?, 5=more than 1 in total?
Test={0}=a brother, {1}=two sisters, {2}=, {3}=<a href='Benoit.htm'>Benoit</a>, <a href='Anne.htm'>Anne</a> and <a href='Estelle.htm'>Estelle</a>, {4}=Y|, {5}=Y| -->

<PhCollectionMFU T="{0}[[{?0} and ]{1}][[{?0|1}, and also ]{2}][[{?0^1},] named {3h}]" />

This part seems to be used both for individuals (e.g. He has two sisters...) and for relationships (e.g. They have two sons...). Would someone happen to know which line in Dictionary.xml selects the pronoun to be printed out in report (e.g. He or They)?

By genome - Sunday, July 15, 2012
Pronouns are taken from the following Dictionary.xml entries

<PnP_M T="he" P="they" V="±" /> 
<PnP_F T="she" P="they" V="±"/>
<PnP_P T="he/she" P="they" V="2011.09.25+"/>
<PnP_ T="he/she" P="they"/>
<PnP_N T="it" P="they" V="±"/>

The T attribute of PnP_M/PnP_F entries for single male/female (i.e. he/she) and the P attribute of PnP_ entry for couples (i.e. they)
By kniskan - Sunday, July 15, 2012

Thank you for your answer.

I have noticed those and already translated them, but it's not enough. I would need to somehow achieve some more grammatical cases ( 

I have already specified the following:

<PnP_M T="hän" /> 
<PnP_F T="hän" />
<PnP_ T="hän" P="he"/>
<PnP_N T="se" />

<PnR_M T="hänen" /> 
<PnR_F T="hänen" /> 
<PnR_ T="hänen" P="heidän"/> 
<PnR_N T="sen" />

<PnO_M T="hänelle" /> 
<PnO_F T="hänelle" /> 
<PnO_ T="hänelle" P="heille"/>
<PnO_N T="sille" />

Also, changed

<!-- 0= Personal Pronoun, 2=have/had, 3=html list of Males, Females & Unknowns-->
<PhMalesFemalesUnknowns T="{  }{\U}{!0} {!1} {2h}." />


<PhMalesFemalesUnknowns T="{  }{\U}{!0}[{?0=hän}ellä] {!1} {2h}." />

So I would need to achieve something similar for the pronoun used for PhCollectionMFU.


They have two daughters...
Heillä on kaksi tytärtä...

Now it just says

He on kaksi tytärtä...

in the report.

Any luck I could get this adessive case working? Here is a link to different grammatical cases of for Finnish word "he" (=they):

By genome - Sunday, July 15, 2012
Try changing 
<PhSpousesAndChildren T="{ &#32;}{\U}{!0}[{?4} ]{!4}[ {!1} {2h}][{?2^3}, and ]{3h}." />
<PhSpousesAndChildren T="{ &#32;}{\U}{!0}[{?0=hän}ellä][{?0=he}illä][{?4} ]{!4}[ {!1} {2h}][{?2^3}, and ]{3h}." />
By kniskan - Sunday, July 15, 2012

That seems to do the trick. Thanks again!
By AndrewClarke - Wednesday, October 24, 2012
genome (15-Jul-2012)
Try changing 
<PhSpousesAndChildren T="{ &#32;}{\U}{!0}[{?4} ]{!4}[ {!1} {2h}][{?2^3}, and ]{3h}." />
<PhSpousesAndChildren T="{ &#32;}{\U}{!0}[{?0=hän}ellä][{?0=he}illä][{?4} ]{!4}[ {!1} {2h}][{?2^3}, and ]{3h}." />

Give me short description for this. I didn't get this.