By Azrael - Tuesday, August 14, 2012
At some time in the past I split out part of my tree into another file. File A has hundreds of genomaps and file B has about 40. One individual in file B links back to an individual in file A. I am looking for a way to either re-merge these back into one file or to be able to generate a single gedcom file that includes the data from both gno files.
I tried cutting and pasting the individual genomaps from file B back to A but that results in lost links between the individuals that were in file B. I tried exporting file B as a gedcom and importing in in file A but that resulted in the loss of the individual genomaps from file B and created a huge mess. Is there another option?
By Nand - Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Whan you say that "One individual in file B links back to an individual in file A" is that done with a hyperlink or did you make a copy of the individual?
By Azrael - Tuesday, August 14, 2012
It's done with a hyperlink back to the individual in the other file.
By Nand - Tuesday, August 14, 2012
You could try this, but first make a copy of your GenoGrams, you never know.
Part (1) applies to GenoMaps in the same GenoGram file.
1. Select the hyperlinked individual in map B by clicking on it and delete it.
2. Select the rest of the branch from where you deleted the hyperlink in map B, click the right mouse button, hover your mouse over the "Move to GenoMap" option in the menu that will appear and select GenoMap A.
3. When hovering over the branch containing the original individual in map A the link should be made automatically. You can then position the copied portion where you prefer.
Part (2) applies to GenoMaps in different GenoGram files.
1. Create a "work" GenoMap in GenoGram A.
2. Copy the whole family from the GenoMap B to GenoMap Work
3. Remove the external hyperlinks from the individual, both in "A" and "Work"
4. Create an internal hyperlink linking the individual from "A" to "Work"
5. Continue with step 1 in part 1 above.
If anyone knows a simpler way, let us know.
I'll take a note of this and see if I can implement such functionality it in my "Merge" project.
By AzraelBlack - Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Azrael (14-Aug-2012)
At some time in the past I split out part of my tree into another file. File A has hundreds of genomaps and file B has about 40. One individual in file B links back to an individual in file A. I am looking for a way to either re-merge these back into one file or to be able to generate a single gedcom file that includes the data from both gno files. I tried cutting and pasting the individual genomaps from file B back to A but that results in lost links between the individuals that were in file B. I tried exporting file B as a gedcom and importing in in file A but that resulted in the loss of the individual genomaps from file B and created a huge mess. Is there another option? Hello @azrael. I found your work on as I have been discovering my genealogy. I see you are interested in Merovingian and Caroingian linages. I also see we share the same name. I am curious, how did you come upon your name? What does it mean to you?